Professor Gloria Moss PhD FCIPD has written and researched extensively on the topics of history, leadership, and cognitive sex differences. She is the author of around eighty peer-reviewed journal articles and eight books on these topics. Her latest book, written with Katherine Armitage, is Light Bulb Moments and the Power of Critical Thinking (2023). This, along with a book on the suppression of information in universities, The Dark Side of Academia: How Truth is Suppressed, can be obtained from infotruthuniversity@protonmail.com or from Amazon.
She has worked as a Professor of Management and Marketing in the British and French universities and Grandes Écoles systems, and also as a Training and Development Manager in large companies, including Eurotunnel (predecessor to Eurostar). She runs two conferences a year, Questioning Science (next on 16–20 August 2023) and Questioning History (next on 15–17 December 2023). These are part of the outreach activities of Truth University, which offers research degrees and publishes books. All inquiries about the conferences and books can be addressed to: infotruthuniversity@protonmail.com