Set up in 2013 by an "ex" British military intelligence office, and financed primarily by the British government, the White Helmets have masqueraded as "first responders" exclusively in terrorist held areas of Syria.
As we have demonstrated through two years of reporting, in partnership with 21st Century Wire, it is impossible to separate the White Helmets from various al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups in Syria.
To date, Boris Johnson has provided terrorist groups in Syria with over £40 million of British taxpayers money, in the form of non-humanitarian aid.
Hold on - non-humanitarian aid? Why would the White Helmets, supposedly a humanitarian organisation, be given non-humanitarian aid?
It can only be because they are not a humanitarian organisation.
The government announces the funding, plus a number of "UK trained 25 man teams" to "deliver training for new civil defenders".
The funding for the White Helmets was announced as part of a larger funding package which included:
- over £67m of "support" to the "Syrian opposition"
- over £3m to "support the elimination of Assad’s chemical weapons"
- over £29m to "reduce the impacts of the conflict on the region"