Next livestream: UK Column News - Friday 13:00 The UK Column News is streamed live at 1pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and is available on demand soon afterwards...
UK Column News - 12th March 2025 'Unmasking Autism' — with Sinead Murphy Sinéad Murphy is a parent of two boys: one with autism and one without it. She spoke with Diane Rasmussen McAdie about her parenting experiences and about her original research into autism. UK Column On Location — Cheltenham — 5 April 2025 £150.00 £125.00 Buy now UK Column News Extra - 12th March 2025 Become a UK Column member to get access to our additional News Extra coverage, a more relaxed, sometimes in-depth, often funny and wry look at events. The Ghost of Maurice Strong Haunts Canada with Mark Carney Technocracy Matthew Ehret Syria Podcast - Episode 6 Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley about the latest tragic developments in Syria. They Are Brutal: Whistleblower Leah Summers Exposes Gloucester Social Services Working as a Family Group Coordinator, Leah Summers discovered professional misconduct and what she regarded as brutality within the Gloucester Social Services Team. She blew the whistle and was hounded out of her job. What They Didn’t Want to Hear: the Continued Sexualisation of Our Children - Part 1 Hugh McCarthy What is being taught to your child? Information? Or inclusion and indoctrination? Social Workers, Police and UK Family Law Courts: State Protectors Turned Child Abusers A young child is taken by the UK State and is horribly abused in their ‘care’. Brave grandmother Juliette warns of the child stealing and abuse network operating through the Child Protection System, courts, and police. Monty Toms Asks: Do You Believe In Conscription? With the scent of conscription hanging heavy in the air, Montgomery Toms canvassed opinion from those who would shoulder the burden: Farmers’ Protests: the Wrong Target? Charles Malet Are the many threats to farming being sidelined by a managed campaign to keep the focus on inheritance tax alone? Insight: Is China Still a Communist Country? With Carl Zha Mike Robinson speaks to Carl Zha for more discussion of China. They begin by considering whether or not China is still a communist country. Education Subjugation - Part 2 Martin Edwards The international agenda and a revised school curriculum: Is the Welsh education system in crisis? Taking Action to Remove Dangerous Indoctrination from English Schools—with Cathy Mudge of Protect & Teach Diane Rasmussen McAdie spoke with Cathy Mudge, a founding member of Protect & Teach, about the disturbing content being taught and age-inappropriate events being held in English schools. Child Stealing by the State: Iolanda’s Newborn Baby Snatched by UK's ‘Child Protection’ Racket Iolanda Menino’s dream of a peaceful home birth turned into a nightmare when clinical malpractice almost cost her life, and false child protection claims led to the wrongful removal of her newborn. Her story exposes the harrowing reality of the UK’s child protection system. UK Column News Extra - 26th February 2025 UK Column members felt that this UK Column News Extra should be made available to non-members as well. We agree.If you would like to access all UK Column News Extra episodes, please join the community. Guernsey: The Tiny Island That Beat the Big Bankers for 20 Years of Monetary Freedom Mark Anderson The island of Guernsey isn’t talked about much these days, but there was a time when its brave governors made history by throwing off the shackles of orthodox banking. The result was that their society flourished via the creation of the island’s own ... Child Stealing by the State: A Mother Criminalised for Speaking Out – Part 2 In Part 2, the mother digs deeper into the workings of the Family Court system and the well-paid professionals that feed off the suffering of every child snatched. The Great Replacement (Part Two): Conspiracy Theory or Immigration Policy? Simon Elmer This is the second in a two-part series from Simon Elmer explaining the UN and EU's replacement immigration policy. In part two, Elmer looks at the policy of replacement immigration, who wrote it, who lobbied for it, and what ends it is serving. Forest of the Fallen: Remembering Those Damaged by COVID Vaccines – With Rosie Marshall Since the early days of the COVID 'vaccination' programme, Rosie Marshall has been working tirelessly to raise public awareness about those injured and killed by the experimental jabs in her home town of Sydney, Australia, and to hold local government and the health system to account. Finding the Moral Spine: Resistance to Faceless Modernity—with Sir Julian Rose Sir Julian Rose, a man forever connected with the soil, gives Charles Malet his updated view of the world and his antidote to transhumanism. Systemic Abuse: The Truth About Asian Grooming Gangs—With Raja Miah MBE Asian grooming gangs have been raping young women and girls across the North of England for decades, with the full knowledge and protection of senior Labour politicians. Raja Miah bravely stood up six years ago to call out this horrific practice. Ben Rubin interviewed him for UK Column to find out more. Covid Vaccines and New Mechanisms of Serious Pathology Dr Mike Williams The evidence supporting links between mRNA vaccines and cancer seems to be growing. Homs 2012 and the Genesis of Syria Chemical Weapons Narrative Dr Piers Robinson Right from the start of the Syrian chemical weapons narrative we can observe documented attempts to deceive. A Defence of Necessity: Breaching the Official Secrets Act—with Katharine Gun Katharine Gun tells Charles Malet about the extraordinary and timeless events surrounding her arrest under the Official Secrets Act whilst a highly dubious case was made for war with Iraq. Sections FCDO Spending website Yellow Card website Comment An Introduction to Trust Neil Harrison Some friends and family members may have expressed opinions on the hot issues of the day in defiance of all rationality. This article explores an important underlying factor of this phenomenon, which has risen to the fore recently; namely trust and its close association with abductive reasoning. Individualism: The Basis of Public Health or Its Nemesis? REPPARE The attempt to codify the concept that individualism is a threat to health into international law, through the draft Pandemic Agreement, should alarm us all. Those advocating this change should reflect on why we have designated the individual as primary. Covid Vaccination and Cancer Dr Mike Williams The concern that Covid-19 'vaccines' may contribute to or cause a significant, even fatal disease like cancer is now very high. The Loss of Freedom of Speech Neil Harrison In the UK, parliament pretends to protect freedom of speech, but it would seem that with every passing year that that freedom is qualified and qualified again. Niemöller on the bench Charles Malet They will come for you eventually. The Paradigm Wars—Part 3: A Wrench in the Fabric of Reality: a new paradigm? Dr Petra Bueskens With the divorce of worldviews, there are now two ‘realities’ in the West. The dissidents are on a new, but actually very old, path reconnecting the two spheres of human existence that were separated during the Renaissance and Enlightenment. Understanding Power Dynamics and Moving Beyond Divisions: Covid–19 through to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine Dr Piers Robinson and Vanessa Beeley In order to face that great power and to dismantle the projects with which it intends to destroy the world as we know it, we must form a cohesive and united Resistance front ... UK Column News UK Column News UK Column News - 10th March 2025 UK Column News - 7th March 2025 UK Column News - 5th March 2025 UK Column News - 3rd March 2025 UK Column News - 28th February 2025 Editor's Choice “We save lives”: Kyiv School of Economics and its humanitarian appeal for rockets and drones Charles Malet A "charitable" campaign for lethal equipment suggests that the notion of humanitarian aid really can be reframed, in order that the crucial elements of impartiality and neutrality are stripped away. The Global Parliament of Mayors and the Abolition of the Electorate Martin Edwards The overall objective of the internationalists is the undermining of the independent, self governing, Westphalian Nation State and its system of governance, replaced by a new order more favourable to them. Military Union: British Government Policy Since 1948 Mike Robinson As pressure builds for the issue of EU Military Union to enter the Brexit debate, government becomes ever more vociferous that Britain will not be part of any such project. Strangely, though, history seems to suggest that Military Union was British ... North Korea: Beyond The Cold War Theatrics, Is There An Actual Threat? Patrick Henningsen The recent show of force by the United States marks one of the lowest points in modern diplomacy, but beyond the geopolitical theatrics it turns out that very little is actually known about the North Korean threat. Buying a Single Version of the Truth Iain Davis The UK Government has spent £1.6 billion buying the Covid–19 truth. UK Column has long been following the BBC-led mainstream media cartel, the Trusted News Initiative. The Not So Great Carbon Reset Iain Davis The Covid-19 "pandemic" has presented a global 'public-private partnership' with the perfect opportunity to reset the global economy. Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion In 2001, the north-west of England was ravaged by livestock slaughters imposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, which had just changed its name to DEFRA. This unique UK Column documentary, with testimony by intimidated locals, reveals the role of Professor Neil Ferguson's modelling and of hidden policy agendas in that huge blow to the farmers of Cumbria. Chocolate And Understanding Britain's Growing Death Cult Brian Gerrish Death has become a prevalent subject in the UK. That might perhaps seem appropriate, as with life comes death, and that is the stark situation for all of us. Rise and Demise of Power: The Betrayal of Ukraine Irène Lhoste Europe cannot possibly pretend to be unaware that it is prolonging the conflagration. It has been doing nothing but constantly eroding the nation and notion of Ukraine. ‘For as long as it takes’: NATO’s War on Russia Simon Elmer War is first and foremost a means of impoverishment and theft. The longer the war is waged, the richer become those who invest in it and in return gain access to the taxes, resources and assets of both sides. Defending the Indefensible David Scott What are the current limits on free speech? Where should they lie? Why should we defend the rights of another to say the unsayable? It is simply for these reasons; that the freedom to speak is the freedom to learn and that, without it, there is ... Stories We're Watching Geostrategy 2025 [machine translation from German] Dr Jobst Landgrebe In latest effort to keep AfD out of government and save German democracy, ex-Stasi officer is appointed to a cabinet minister post in Thüringen Eugyppius The Establishment Media Is Unaware of Its Growing Irrelevance Connor O'Keeffe in Mises Wire Dementia or Covid deaths? BiologyPhenom (David Tait) The Evil of Banality: Keir Starmer and the death of Peter Lynch Millennial Woes They Killed Your Business, Murdered Your Parents and Destroyed Your Health. But It's OK: The Guy Responsible Has Written an Hilarious Memoir James Delingpole The End of Western Pluralist Democracy Craig Murray Criminalizing Dissent is Coming Rod Dreher
'Unmasking Autism' — with Sinead Murphy Sinéad Murphy is a parent of two boys: one with autism and one without it. She spoke with Diane Rasmussen McAdie about her parenting experiences and about her original research into autism.
UK Column News Extra - 12th March 2025 Become a UK Column member to get access to our additional News Extra coverage, a more relaxed, sometimes in-depth, often funny and wry look at events.
Syria Podcast - Episode 6 Mike Robinson speaks to Vanessa Beeley about the latest tragic developments in Syria.
They Are Brutal: Whistleblower Leah Summers Exposes Gloucester Social Services Working as a Family Group Coordinator, Leah Summers discovered professional misconduct and what she regarded as brutality within the Gloucester Social Services Team. She blew the whistle and was hounded out of her job.
What They Didn’t Want to Hear: the Continued Sexualisation of Our Children - Part 1 Hugh McCarthy What is being taught to your child? Information? Or inclusion and indoctrination?
Social Workers, Police and UK Family Law Courts: State Protectors Turned Child Abusers A young child is taken by the UK State and is horribly abused in their ‘care’. Brave grandmother Juliette warns of the child stealing and abuse network operating through the Child Protection System, courts, and police.
Monty Toms Asks: Do You Believe In Conscription? With the scent of conscription hanging heavy in the air, Montgomery Toms canvassed opinion from those who would shoulder the burden:
Farmers’ Protests: the Wrong Target? Charles Malet Are the many threats to farming being sidelined by a managed campaign to keep the focus on inheritance tax alone?
Insight: Is China Still a Communist Country? With Carl Zha Mike Robinson speaks to Carl Zha for more discussion of China. They begin by considering whether or not China is still a communist country.
Education Subjugation - Part 2 Martin Edwards The international agenda and a revised school curriculum: Is the Welsh education system in crisis?
Taking Action to Remove Dangerous Indoctrination from English Schools—with Cathy Mudge of Protect & Teach Diane Rasmussen McAdie spoke with Cathy Mudge, a founding member of Protect & Teach, about the disturbing content being taught and age-inappropriate events being held in English schools.
Child Stealing by the State: Iolanda’s Newborn Baby Snatched by UK's ‘Child Protection’ Racket Iolanda Menino’s dream of a peaceful home birth turned into a nightmare when clinical malpractice almost cost her life, and false child protection claims led to the wrongful removal of her newborn. Her story exposes the harrowing reality of the UK’s child protection system.
UK Column News Extra - 26th February 2025 UK Column members felt that this UK Column News Extra should be made available to non-members as well. We agree.If you would like to access all UK Column News Extra episodes, please join the community.
Guernsey: The Tiny Island That Beat the Big Bankers for 20 Years of Monetary Freedom Mark Anderson The island of Guernsey isn’t talked about much these days, but there was a time when its brave governors made history by throwing off the shackles of orthodox banking. The result was that their society flourished via the creation of the island’s own ...
Child Stealing by the State: A Mother Criminalised for Speaking Out – Part 2 In Part 2, the mother digs deeper into the workings of the Family Court system and the well-paid professionals that feed off the suffering of every child snatched.
The Great Replacement (Part Two): Conspiracy Theory or Immigration Policy? Simon Elmer This is the second in a two-part series from Simon Elmer explaining the UN and EU's replacement immigration policy. In part two, Elmer looks at the policy of replacement immigration, who wrote it, who lobbied for it, and what ends it is serving.
Forest of the Fallen: Remembering Those Damaged by COVID Vaccines – With Rosie Marshall Since the early days of the COVID 'vaccination' programme, Rosie Marshall has been working tirelessly to raise public awareness about those injured and killed by the experimental jabs in her home town of Sydney, Australia, and to hold local government and the health system to account.
Finding the Moral Spine: Resistance to Faceless Modernity—with Sir Julian Rose Sir Julian Rose, a man forever connected with the soil, gives Charles Malet his updated view of the world and his antidote to transhumanism.
Systemic Abuse: The Truth About Asian Grooming Gangs—With Raja Miah MBE Asian grooming gangs have been raping young women and girls across the North of England for decades, with the full knowledge and protection of senior Labour politicians. Raja Miah bravely stood up six years ago to call out this horrific practice. Ben Rubin interviewed him for UK Column to find out more.
Covid Vaccines and New Mechanisms of Serious Pathology Dr Mike Williams The evidence supporting links between mRNA vaccines and cancer seems to be growing.
Homs 2012 and the Genesis of Syria Chemical Weapons Narrative Dr Piers Robinson Right from the start of the Syrian chemical weapons narrative we can observe documented attempts to deceive.
A Defence of Necessity: Breaching the Official Secrets Act—with Katharine Gun Katharine Gun tells Charles Malet about the extraordinary and timeless events surrounding her arrest under the Official Secrets Act whilst a highly dubious case was made for war with Iraq.
An Introduction to Trust Neil Harrison Some friends and family members may have expressed opinions on the hot issues of the day in defiance of all rationality. This article explores an important underlying factor of this phenomenon, which has risen to the fore recently; namely trust and its close association with abductive reasoning.
Individualism: The Basis of Public Health or Its Nemesis? REPPARE The attempt to codify the concept that individualism is a threat to health into international law, through the draft Pandemic Agreement, should alarm us all. Those advocating this change should reflect on why we have designated the individual as primary.
Covid Vaccination and Cancer Dr Mike Williams The concern that Covid-19 'vaccines' may contribute to or cause a significant, even fatal disease like cancer is now very high.
The Loss of Freedom of Speech Neil Harrison In the UK, parliament pretends to protect freedom of speech, but it would seem that with every passing year that that freedom is qualified and qualified again.
The Paradigm Wars—Part 3: A Wrench in the Fabric of Reality: a new paradigm? Dr Petra Bueskens With the divorce of worldviews, there are now two ‘realities’ in the West. The dissidents are on a new, but actually very old, path reconnecting the two spheres of human existence that were separated during the Renaissance and Enlightenment.
Understanding Power Dynamics and Moving Beyond Divisions: Covid–19 through to Ukraine and Israel/Palestine Dr Piers Robinson and Vanessa Beeley In order to face that great power and to dismantle the projects with which it intends to destroy the world as we know it, we must form a cohesive and united Resistance front ...
“We save lives”: Kyiv School of Economics and its humanitarian appeal for rockets and drones Charles Malet A "charitable" campaign for lethal equipment suggests that the notion of humanitarian aid really can be reframed, in order that the crucial elements of impartiality and neutrality are stripped away.
The Global Parliament of Mayors and the Abolition of the Electorate Martin Edwards The overall objective of the internationalists is the undermining of the independent, self governing, Westphalian Nation State and its system of governance, replaced by a new order more favourable to them.
Military Union: British Government Policy Since 1948 Mike Robinson As pressure builds for the issue of EU Military Union to enter the Brexit debate, government becomes ever more vociferous that Britain will not be part of any such project. Strangely, though, history seems to suggest that Military Union was British ...
North Korea: Beyond The Cold War Theatrics, Is There An Actual Threat? Patrick Henningsen The recent show of force by the United States marks one of the lowest points in modern diplomacy, but beyond the geopolitical theatrics it turns out that very little is actually known about the North Korean threat.
Buying a Single Version of the Truth Iain Davis The UK Government has spent £1.6 billion buying the Covid–19 truth. UK Column has long been following the BBC-led mainstream media cartel, the Trusted News Initiative.
The Not So Great Carbon Reset Iain Davis The Covid-19 "pandemic" has presented a global 'public-private partnership' with the perfect opportunity to reset the global economy.
Insight: Slaughtered on Suspicion In 2001, the north-west of England was ravaged by livestock slaughters imposed by the Ministry of Agriculture, which had just changed its name to DEFRA. This unique UK Column documentary, with testimony by intimidated locals, reveals the role of Professor Neil Ferguson's modelling and of hidden policy agendas in that huge blow to the farmers of Cumbria.
Chocolate And Understanding Britain's Growing Death Cult Brian Gerrish Death has become a prevalent subject in the UK. That might perhaps seem appropriate, as with life comes death, and that is the stark situation for all of us.
Rise and Demise of Power: The Betrayal of Ukraine Irène Lhoste Europe cannot possibly pretend to be unaware that it is prolonging the conflagration. It has been doing nothing but constantly eroding the nation and notion of Ukraine.
‘For as long as it takes’: NATO’s War on Russia Simon Elmer War is first and foremost a means of impoverishment and theft. The longer the war is waged, the richer become those who invest in it and in return gain access to the taxes, resources and assets of both sides.
Defending the Indefensible David Scott What are the current limits on free speech? Where should they lie? Why should we defend the rights of another to say the unsayable? It is simply for these reasons; that the freedom to speak is the freedom to learn and that, without it, there is ...
In latest effort to keep AfD out of government and save German democracy, ex-Stasi officer is appointed to a cabinet minister post in Thüringen Eugyppius
They Killed Your Business, Murdered Your Parents and Destroyed Your Health. But It's OK: The Guy Responsible Has Written an Hilarious Memoir James Delingpole