UK Column News - 7th October 2024

Brian Gerrish, Ben Rubin and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News.


Network Of Censorious Ladies: Australian Government Guru's WEF Call to "Recalibrate" Human Rights and Free Speech

00:26 ResearchGate: Unlocking and accelerating transformations to the SDGs: a review of existing knowledge

eSafety Commissioner (Australia): About the Commissioner: Julie Inman Grant

The World Economic Forum: Julie Inman Grant—Agenda Contributor

Paridae Vision (YouTube): WEF 2022 (Davos) Australian eSafety Commissioner: "To recalibrate human rights and free speech"

Clinton Foundation: Clinton Global Initiative University

New York Post: Hillary Clinton warns that allowing free speech on social media means ‘we lose control’

The Telegraph: Bill Clinton dined with young girls on Epstein's island, victim claimed 

Artnet News: Here’s the Story Behind That Bizarre Painting of Bill Clinton in a Blue Dress Seen at Jeffrey Epstein’s Home

All Tech Is Human (YouTube): Panel Discussion: Ensuring a Safe Online Experience for Youth

Safe Online: We bring key actors together to create a digital world that's safe and empowering for all children and young people, everywhere

The Daily Beast: Facebook a Hotbed of ‘Child Sexual Abuse Material’ With 20.3 Million Reports, Far More Than Pornhub

Prevent GBV: Accelerator for GBV Prevention


Rise of the 'Soviet' Political Officer: Royal Navy Submarine Service Misconduct Report A Pretext For Reframing

15:17 GOV.UK: Report of the Royal Navy non-statutory investigation into allegations of misconduct and inappropriate behaviour within the Submarine Service

Royal Navy: Misconduct in the Submarine Service

UK Column interview: Governments make everything worse—with Wanjiru Njoya


Covid: The Tyranny That Continues to Tyrannise—And Other Fresh Horrors From Mitteleuropa

24:26 Newsweek: Woman Found Guilty of Fatally Infecting Neighbor With Covid–19

Netzwerk Krista (German): When doubts are not allowed. The verdict of the Gera Regional Court against Anna K. for perverting the course of justice (German judge jailed for a year for allowing a care home resident the last rites during Covid)

Die Fackel 2.0 (Substack): Judge Anna K. was Sentenced for Permitting Last Rites during the 2020 Lockdown (Part 1) and (Part 2)

CJ Hopkins (Substack): Guilty

Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle (Substack): On the Unjust and Ridiculous Conviction of C.J. Hopkins

Tagesspiegel (German): Help, my child is slipping to the right! Eight tips for democratic parents with undemocratic children (Archived)

Eugyppius: A Plague Chronicle (Substack): "Help! My child is becoming right wing!": Leading Berlin newspaper provides "tips for democratic parents" who are forced to deal with "undemocratic children" 

Neue Zürcher Zeitung (German): “As Switzerland, we would like to take part in certain NATO training elements”, says State Secretary Markus Mäder

Sputnik: Switzerland Dumps Neutrality as Senate Rejects Ban on Joining NATO Drills (Archived)

EADaily: Estonia is ready to launch a preemptive strike against Russia to protect NATO — Karus


Support Independent Journalism: Become a UK Column Member Today

31:16 Support Independent Journalism from the UK Column with only £5 a month

Access UKC News Extra—UK Column Community

UK Column article: Attacks on Academic Freedom, The Times of London, and MI6

UK Column interview: Insight: Avoiding Social Care by Extending Our ‘Healthspan’—David Siegel

UK Column Shop: Agenda 21—Your Life In Their Hands by Martin Edwards

UK Column event: UK Column On Location - Saturday, 19th October 2024 (Bristol)

Brian Gerrish (YouTube): Walking The Dog: Episode 6—Poppy's Paw Prints And A Summer Stroll With Charles Malet

UK Column interview: Governments make everything worse—with Wanjiru Njoya

Event: Capitalism vs Climate Change Debate—Friday 4th October 6.30 pm, The Bateman Lecture Theatre, The Business School, Exeter

Stand For Peace: Upcoming Rallies For Peace

Alternative View: Event Tickets


The "Health Creation" System—Sponsored by Pfizer?

33:47 IPPR: Our greatest asset: The final report of the IPPR Commission on Health and Prosperity

GOV.UK: Independent investigation of the NHS in England


More European Examples of Silencing Dissent—But Good News: Norway Rejects Cashless Society

39:41 European Conservative: “Inclusive Space”: Brussels Bookstore Cancels Conservative Event for ‘Political’ Reasons

MCC Brussels (YouTube): The book that Brussels doesn't want you to read

Algemeen Dagblad (Dutch): Well-known 'protest farmer' from Geesteren arrested for participation in terrorist organization

Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU): The refusal of a Member State to recognise the change of first name and gender lawfully acquired in another Member State is contrary to the rights of EU citizens (PDF)

Euronews: Romania's refusal to recognise a transgender man's identity violates his rights, says EU's top court 

The Freedom Corner with PeterSweden (Substack): IT HAPPENED: Norway just REJECTED cashless agenda

Skatteministeriet (Danish): The government and the parties in the Green Tripartite enter into the historic Agreement on a Green Denmark (detailing a cow tax)

European Conservative: Albania Planning Vatican City-Style Muslim Microstate


Sitting In A Tin Can: Orchestrated Breakdown of Morale and Discipline in HM Armed Forces

45:41 The Guardian (2014): Navy warship commander leaves ship over affair claims

Daily Mail (2016): Army fitness tests to be re-written to make sure female soldiers can qualify for front line duty

Royal Navy (YouTube): Pride in London

Royal Navy (2020): Royal Navy marks 20 years since LGBT ban lifted

Daily Mail (2016): First for the Army as soldier weds his groom on base: Air Vice Marshal does the honours as gay couple tie the knot in Cyprus

The Telegraph: The devil and the deep blue sea (Archived)

UK Column asked: Were these the key politicians and military officers that accepted Satanism into the British Armed Forces circa 2004?


"You Don't Matter": Labour MP Dawn Butler’s Black Supremacist Poem and Dr. King’s Warning

58:05 The Spectator: Dawn Butler's bonkers black history poem

SMU: Transcript of Dr. Martin Luther King's speech at SMU on March 17, 1966

This is why I say that a doctrine of black supremacy is as dangerous as a doctrine of white supremacy. God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men […]

Wikipedia: Coat of arms of Jamaica


From UK Column Extra

UK Column Live (SoundCloud): Despatches from the Front: The Dark Heart of the Deep State—The Hofschröer (Grandma B) Case (2018)

UK Column search: Keyword: Hofschröer