UK Column News - 26th July 2024

Mike Robinson, Mark Anderson, Debi Evans and Cheryl Grainger with today's UK Column News.


Why The Drive For War? Dumping The Dollar?

00:23 Royal United Services Institute: RUSI Land Warfare Conference 2024

GOV.UK: Chief of the Defence Staff speech at RUSI Land Warfare Conference 2024

MBDA: MBDA and UK MOD renew complex weapons partnership

GOV.UK: UK-France Joint Leaders' Declaration

The Guardian (February 2024): UK could contribute to nuclear shield if Trump wins, suggests German minister

Arms Control Association: France Offers Nuclear Deterrent to All Europe

Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (ASviS): A Union that strives for more—My agenda for Europe By candidate for President of the European Commission

Ursula von der Leyen (PDF)

UK Column series: EU Military Unification

U.S. Department of Defense: DoD Announces Publication of 2024 Arctic Strategy

uSMART SG: 2024 U.S. Treasury Bond Holders Ranking


Israeli PM Netanyahu Addresses US Congress: “We Win, They Lose”

11:08 The World from PRX: Israeli PM Netanyahu addresses US Congress for a fourth time

FOX 5 Washington DC (YouTube):  FULL SPEECH: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu makes address to Congress

Vox: Has Netanyahu finally lost America?

CORRECTION: Mark Anderson mistakenly noted that U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) did not attend Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on 24 July. He did attend. But while Politico observed that Schumer did not shake Bibi's hand, a Vox media report cited by Anderson stated, "Maryland Sen. Ben Cardin’s presence behind Netanyahu on the rostrum attested to how much of a partisan figure Netanyahu has become. Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate President Pro Tempore Patty Murray, and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, one of whom would normally have been in that seat, all declined the role."


Debi Evans And Cheryl Grainger On The Increasingly Secretive MHRA

18:53 MHRA (YouTube): All videos

GOV.UK: MHRA Board meetings in 2024

GOV.UK: Chief People Officer: Liz Booth

MHRA (YouTube): MHRA Board Meeting held in public—May 2023

UK Column series: UK Situation Room Pfizer/Moderna Document Analysis

UK Column interview: Taking on the MHRA: HARM Enablers?

UK Column article: When is enough enough? Do No Harm

Childrens Health Defense: ‘We Made a Big Mistake’—COVID Vaccine Spike Protein Travels From Injection Site, Can Cause Organ Damage

U.S. Food and Drug Administration: What is Gene Therapy?

PharmaFiles by Aussie17 (Substack): Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells

iScience: The mRNA-LNP platform’s lipid nanoparticle component used in preclinical vaccine studies is highly inflammatory (PDF)

Right Side Broadcasting Network (YouTube): MTG holds special hearing on Covid–19 vaccine injuries

Safe Blood: Covid–19 Vaccine Residual Analysis


UK Column Live In Bristol—Saturday, 19th October 2024

29:22 Support Independent Journalism from the UK Column with only £5 a month

Access UKC News Extra—UK Column Community

UK Column Shop: Agenda 21—Your Life In Their Hands by Martin Edwards

UK Column interview: How to SAVE Truth and Justice: Detransitioners—with Edward Bartlett

UK Column interview: Poisoned Chalice—Part 2: Do you know what is coming out of your tap?

UK Column article: Bilderberg: Beyond the Meetings, Part 2—Secretive gatherings a collusive conduit for AI-Big Media ‘marriage’

Date For Your Diary: UK Column Really Live: Saturday, 19th October 2024 (Bristol)


Assisted Dying: A Choice Or A Push?

31:55 Dignity in Dying: Lord Falconers Assisted Dying Bill (2014)

UK Parliament: Assisted Dying for the Terminally Ill Bill (PDF)

UK Parliament: Assisted Dying Bill: Lords committee stage day two

Humanists UK: New Assisted Dying Bill in the House of Lords

Allowing people to choose the manner and moment of their own death should be seen as the hallmark of a compassionate society and recognised as a basic human right.

The Times: We can't afford a taboo on assisted dying (Archived)


Introducing: The National Institute for Health Data Science (HDR UK)

37:01 HDR UK: Who We Are

We are an independent, registered charity supported by 10 funders, working across 31 locations within the UK, with our Central Team based in London.

We work together as ‘One Institute’ with common values of Transparency, Optimism, Respect, Courage and Humility (TORCH).

GOV.UK: Health technology expert panel meets for the first time

GOV.UK: Professor Sir Mark Walport

NJG Holdings: About Nicole Junkermann

Johnny Vedmore: Nicole Junkermann 3.0: Model or Mossad—A Johnny Vedmore Read Through

HDR UK: Junaid Bajwa

Junaid is the Chief Medical Scientist at Microsoft Research and a practising physician in the UK’s National Health Service.

GOV.UK: MHRA Board Declarations of Interest—May 2024 (PDF)

Health Data Research UK (HDRUK): Special Advisor, Ara Darzi

Imperial College London: The Future of Britain | Event with Tony Blair

IPPR: Better health and care for all: A 10-point plan for the 2020s

Imperial College London (2023): UK Government backs Fleming Centre to fight threat of drug resistant infections

GOV.UK: Independent investigation ordered into state of NHS

Professor Lord Darzi appointed to establish the state of the nation's health service.


New Online Safety Update/Warning: “There Is Nowhere To Hide”

43:52 Ofcom: Nowhere to hide for tech firms on online safety: Ofcom publishes draft industry guidance on transparency reporting and information gathering

Ofcom: Consultation: Online Safety Information Guidance


Who Is Donald Trump’s Vice-Presidential Pick, JD Vance?

47:28 Union Leader (2023): George F. Will: Surging GOP isolationism is a dreadful development in a dangerous time 

CBS News: The billionaire who fueled JD Vance's rapid rise to the Trump VP spot—analysis

National Catholic Register: J.D. Vance Is a Catholic 'Post-Liberal': Here's What That Means

Business Insider: The 13 most powerful members of 'Skull and Bones'

UK Column article: Bilderberg: Beyond the Meetings, Part 2—Secretive gatherings a collusive conduit for AI-Big Media ‘marriage’

UK Column article: NHS Long Term Plan and Mental Health Implementation Plan: Phoenix or dinosaur?