UK Column News - 24th June 2024

Brian Gerrish, Mark Anderson, and Alex Thomson with today's UK Column News.


Caucasus: Attacks On Russia’s Southern Frontier

00:47 301 Military (Telegram): Following a shootout on the Russian-Abkhaz border near the Psou River, initial reports suggest one fatality and one person injured

301 Military (Telegram): Unknown individuals opened fire near the checkpoint "Psou" in Abkhazia on the border with Russia. There are also reports of gunfire in the area of Novy Afon, Abkhazia.


NATO Weapons In Ukraine

08:00 BBC: Ukraine Drops To Sixth Place and Occasional Articles

Kyiv Post: Ukraine’s Use of Western Weapons on Russian Soil Becomes a Gamechanger Within Hours of US Approval

Kyiv Post: Ukrainian Drone Swarms Swamp Russian Air Defenses—Oil Refineries and Airfield Hit

The New York Times (2023): Russian Troops Cede Ground and Strike Back, Frustrating Ukraine’s Counteroffensive

RBC-Ukraine: Ukrainian military uses 'elastic band' strategy to buy time before arms arrive

Military Summary (YouTube): FAB–3000 Strikes Are Intensifying | NATO Mission in Ukraine 2024.06.21

Remix News: ‘Treason’—Slovak defense minister says his predecessor betrayed nation by transferring jets to Ukraine, files criminal complaint


US Presidential Debate Will See Muted Microphones And No Studio Audience 

18:39 The New Yorker: What Can We Expect from the Biden-Trump Debate?

ABC News: Why RFK Jr. didn't qualify for the first presidential debate

Team Kennedy: Kennedy Exclusion From CNN Debate Stage Is ‘Undemocratic, UnAmerican, and Cowardly’

AP News: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. files complaint over rules for CNN’s presidential debate next month

If the American people could hear what all three candidates had to say about the critical issues facing our country, the choice between these three men would be clear: Kennedy would become the 47th President of the United States—Lincoln Chafee, former Governor of Rhode Island


Date For Your Diary: UK Column Live—Saturday, 19th October 2024 (Bristol)

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UK Column interview: Blocked by the MHRA, reported to the Health Security Agency—A day in the life of vaccine-injured Adam Rowland

Forthcoming UK Column interview: The Seeds of Change—Mark Byford, the Bowler-Hatted Farmer—Tuesday 25th June at 1 pm

Event: Sounds Beautiful Festival 2024—27–30 June

Event: Rally for Peace and Freedom, Glasgow Green, Nelson Monument, 1 pm, Saturday, 29th June

Date For Your Diary: Saturday, 19th October 2024 (Bristol)

Virtual Event: UK Column Live—16 June 2024. Another chance to watch the UK Column's recent virtual event


Farage Remarks: Media Pretend To Interpret Understanding A Position As Endorsing It

34:46 Daily Mail: Now Putin's propagandists leap on Nigel Farage's claims the West 'provoked' the Russian invasion of Ukraine—as Kremlin attack dogs praise his 'complimentary' remarks

The Guardian: Farage doubles down on claim west provoked Ukraine invasion

Daily Mail: Boris Johnson: Unless Keir Starmer revokes his endorsement of a Corbyn premiership, he is simply not fit to be Prime Minister

Military Clip (Instagram): Former British prime minister Boris Johnson pictured with three soldiers from the Azov battalion and the flag of Azov during a delegation inside the British Parliament


Meta-laws: How Judges Rule Against The Letter Of The Law

41:41 The Times: A Surrey oil well tied up in lawfare—next it will be Labour’s hopes for growth (archived)

Dutch “Supreme Court” (2019): Dutch State to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% by the end of 2020

Reuters: Swiss parliament snubs European court climate ruling

United Nations: States Must Step Up Commitments to Combat Hatred, Promote Diversity, Says Secretary-General, Marking Day for Countering Hate Speech


Even Wikipedia Now Sees Through The ADL

47:02 i24news: Wikipedia declares ADL 'unreliable' on Israel-Palestine conflict, antisemitism

CNN: Trump floats ‘migrant league of fighters’ in latest dehumanizing rhetoric against migrants 

CNN: Trump's anti-immigrant comments draw rebuke

It is a very sad thing for our country. It’s poisoning the blood of our country. It’s so bad, and people are coming in with disease. People are coming in with every possible thing that you can have.—Donald Trump

Military Times: Southern border mission has no military value, Guard chief warns 


Two Young Essex Policewomen Issue Man A Harassment Warning From The BBC

52:39 TV Licence Resistance (YouTube): BBC TV Licensing harass the public but look what happens if we knock on their door!


67-Year-Old German Doctor Jailed Over Covid Exemptions

57:26 Apollo News (German): Due to false Covid certificates, doctor to go to prison for almost three years

LifeSite News: German doctor sentenced to over 2 years in jail for issuing mask and Covid shot exemptions

Apollo News (German): For “hate comments” against rapists: Young woman jailed—perpetrator remains at large

De Morgen (Dutch): 1,400 [Belgian] doctors in open letter: ‘Extinction of our health service is imminent’

Stack Diary: EU Council has withdrawn the vote on Chat Control

HLN News (Dutch): [Belgian] Justice Minister Van Tigchelt after statements about halting migration: “We should never tar everyone with the same brush”

Biometric Update: Belgium launches national digital identity wallet

HLN News (Dutch): Please note, you sometimes only get [Belgian] fines via your eBox: “Log in once and you’re stuck with it”

Signal: New Branding, Same Scanning: “Upload Moderation” Undermines End-to-End Encryption (PDF)

UTSOPI: Belgian labor law for sex workers: what and how?