UK Column News - 18th March 2022

Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's UK Column News.

00:19 - Online Safety Bill


DCMS Statement: -

Fact sheet: -

Draft Bill: -

Ofcom Statement: -

Twitter Safety: -

UK column Censored: -

23:44 - Freedom Rallies: -

24:15 - Ukraine Virtue Signalling


Priti Patel Tweet: -

Sanction Task Force Statement: -

27:09 - Zelensky's Invokes MLK As He Asks For Weapons

39:47 - The New Jihad In Ukraine


Article: -

Euromaidan Press: -

UCMC Donors: -

Reddit FL Page:

Mail Article: -

RJ Article: -

Intercept Article: -

58:01 - Arnold Schwarzenegger Gets His Nazis Mixed Up

01:00:54 - Real Nazis


Zakharova Article: -

Project Aerodynamic: -

NYP Article 001: -

BBC Article: -

NYP Article 002: -

La Stampa Article: - 

01:15:56 - NATO Defence Ministers Meeting


NATO defence ministers: -

01:17:46 - BoE Raise Interest Rates


BOE Statement: -

Jerome Powell Statement: -

Federal Reserve tweet: -

01:21:25 - Pelosi Blames Putin For Rising Gas Prices

01:22:50 - Zaghary-Ratcliffe Released


Monique Villa Statement: -

Johnson Statement: -

Media Landscapes: - Iran BBC media Action used to work in media and communication - - XXXXXXXXXXX

01:26:59 - Politician Parnked? Surely Not.


Priti Patel Tweet: -