The Indoctrinated Brain: Michael Nehls MD PhD—Part 2: Solutions

Michael Nehls MD PhD (website | Substack) is a physician and molecular geneticist specialising in immunology. As a basic researcher at German and international research institutions, he deciphered the genetic causes of dozens of hereditary diseases. For his pioneering findings on the development of Alzheimer’s disease, he was awarded the Hanse Prize for Psychiatry by Rostock University Hospital. 

In Part One, Dr Nehls discussed his book The Indoctrinated Brain: How to Successfully Fend Off the Global Attack on your Mental Freedom with Brian Gerrish. The discussion covered Nehls’ discoveries with Alzheimer’s disease, the rejection of his scientific research by the scientific community, and his journey into writing his latest book.

Now, in Part Two, Dr Nehls focuses on preventive actions and solutions to keep us and our minds, healthy and strong. This, in turn, allows us to fight back more effectively against the state-imposed master plan to weaken and destroy our minds so as to enable ever more draconian control of the individual, family and society.

Mentioned at the end of this interview is Dr Nehls' recent brief talk in Switzerland, What does the brain need to think peace?.