Poisoned Chalice—Part 2: Do you know what is coming out of your tap?

Part 1 is here.


Correction update (30/08/2024)
Berkey WaterFilters UK-EU have confirmed that the pf-2 fluoride filters has no Aluminium leach at all as mentioned in this interview.
Here is the official response from Berkey manufacturer:

''New Millennium Concepts, Ltd. (NMCL) is aware of several social media posts that have been circulating about the Berkey PF-2TM Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements that show the product, and NMCL, in a negative light.
While NMCL would like to challenge many points made by these articles, it is company policy for employees not to comment on any third-party testing that NMCL did not authorize, coordinate, or supervise. Instead, NMCL will reiterate the facts which the company has already released in the past that address key issues.
It appears that the main concern made in these posts is that aluminum is being is added to the water by the Berkey PF-2TM Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements media. This information likely stems from a misunderstanding of the scientific differences between pure aluminum, and activated alumina/aluminum oxide (primary PF-2TM media - that is not associated with negative health effects), and tests that may not distinguish the difference between the two.
This issue has come up from time to time over the years, and will most likely continue to be brought up by individuals with limited knowledge about the media being used in Berkey PF- 2TM Fluoride and Arsenic Reduction Elements; or by individuals that have an opposing agenda, which may also include the promotion of a competing product.
Here are a few informative articles from the company’s Knowledge Base explaining the differences between aluminum and activated alumina.
• https://berkeywaterkb.com/i-understand-that-the-media-used-within-the-fluoride-reduction-elements-is-activated-alumina-is-that-the-same-thing-as-aluminum/
• https://berkeywaterkb.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/WHAT-IS-ALUMINUM-OXIDE.pdf

PF-2 filters contain high-grade activated alumina (Al2O3), which currently is the most efficient media available for extracting fluoride from water.
They are completely harmless the active material in the PF-2 filters is alumina which is AlO3, aluminum trioxide, this is a recognised method to remove fluoride and alumina is an inert compound and therefore has no toxic effects.
An inert compound does not react chemically with living tissue.
Alumina is not aluminium.

See here an article as well that explain this in details

This is explained in details here from BigBerkey Waterfilters in USA on their site with references from Wikipedia + Stanford University in USA at the bottom of the article

Please see full and verified laboratory test results here


How safe is our drinking water? Do you even know what is in it? What would you say if you were told you were being medicated with a very dangerous chemical, without consent, through your drinking water? No doubt the majority of us would be up in arms, but in 2024 this is exactly what the UK Government is planning on doing. Already in the UK, six million people drink fluoridated water, but the addition of fluoride at source is about to be expanded throughout the whole of England.

Debi Evans catches up with Joy Warren, National Coordinator of Fluoride Free Alliance UK. Since our first Poisoned Chalice interview, she has remained active against water fluoridation—as she has been since soon after gaining a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Science in 2002. Her catalyst for action was attending a Friends of the Earth meeting in early 2003 at which a medical doctor gave an account of her long struggle against hypothyroidism after moving to fluoridated Coventry. After researching the issue of fluoride’s negative effect on the endocrine system and much else, Joy became convinced that the practice of adding a medicine to drinking water was a thoroughly unethical medical practice. Part of her journey has involved excluding fluoride from her environment—which was no mean feat, living as she does in a fluoridated city. 

Joy joined the National Pure Water Association in 2005 and soon became an Executive Director. In 2010, she left the NPWA to start West Midlands Against Fluoridation and ran a very successful website and fluoride analysis service. During this time, she gained a Certificate in Health and Nutrition. In 2018, encouraged by friends, she set up the Fluoride Free Alliance UK (FFAUK), which became the national organisation campaigning on the issue, the NPWA having been wound up a few years earlier.

There have been several attempts to add fluoride to English drinking water since 2003 and Joy Warren has been actively involved in ensuring that each attempt failed. Joy has been busy organising a public consultation on the matter. In this interview, she discusses what the public can do in order to object to the fluoridation of water. Fluoride is invisible, and the Government would like it remain that way. It is up to every one of us to inform others of the dangers of fluoride. 

We learn in ths follow-up interview of her worries for every British citizen and her particular concerns surrounding the health of an unborn baby and the long term effects of fluoride in utero.

This interview covers what fluoride is and how dangerous it is. What is a neurotoxin? Can you stop your area from being fluoridated? Joy Warren reveals the extent of the Government’s plan to medicate us with fluoride through our drinking water, without our consent. Why has the Government taken this potentially disastrous decision, and how will it affect you and future generations? 

How can we protect ourselves and our families from drinking fluoridated water? Joy advises on measures each and every one of us can take. 


Fluoride is also present in many medicines and foods; are you aware of how much fluoride your body is ingesting? Do you know the dangers to children and babies? Dental vans will be visiting primary schools to paint children’s teeth with fluoride varnish. Do you consent? 

What else is in your water? Do you know? And even if you don’t live in a fluoridated area, can you be sure your water is coming from your area? 


Contact Details:

Joy Warren, National Coordinator, Fluoride Free Alliance UK

Email: wmaf@live.co.uk

Website: www.ukfffa.org.uk