Common Sense? Request Denied – With Dr Robert Evered, Retired Occupational Physician

Has common sense gone out the window? Will it ever return? In a world of chaos, information overload, and absurdness, many people appear to have lost their critical thinking ability. With so many experts speaking out and providing reams of evidence for us to read, sometimes it is difficult to know who or what to listen to. Our members and audience are very well-informed, and we value them enormously. As a UK Column member, your £5 monthly subscription gives you access to our community forums, exclusive access to UK Column News Extra broadcasts, and a discount in our shop.

Four years ago, retired Consultant Occupational Physician Dr Robert Evered and his wife discovered UK Column accidentally, and they have been part of the family ever since. Robert, aka ‘Denier’ to our members, is a valued and active participant on our community forums. The team have been struck with his many contributions of good old-fashioned common sense. Having held many interesting and varied posts, Robert brings a wealth of knowledge and straight talking to our audience.  

But who is he, and why should we listen to him? What has he been doing behind the scenes? What does he deny? Are those in control out to kill us?  Are we witnessing democide? What lies were told during Covid? What does the future hold for healthcare, us, and our families?

Perhaps we will be returning to the past and remembering the days when common sense was a way of life and becoming a doctor or a nurse was a vocation. It worked in days gone by. Why fix it if it was never broken? Or did common sense fly out the window along with flu?

We give grateful thanks to Robert and all our members for their continued support, expert advice, news and encouragement. We can’t do it without you, and we always want to hear from you. Do you have some common sense you’d like to share?