Common Sense Politics with Craig Houston

Diane Rasmussen McAdie joined Craig Houston, a Scottish Unionist podcaster who covers Scottish and UK-wide politics and current events, in a conversation about the current Scottish political situation and the relationship between Holyrood and Westminster.  

Their wide-ranging discussion included the abject failure of the Scottish Covid–19 Inquiry, the potholes covering Scottish roads, the destruction of the once-vibrant Glasgow city centre, the worldwide lockstep of policies such as 15-minute neighbourhoods, the American presidential elections, and UK migration policy.

Craig is planning to stand for election to the Scottish Parliament in 2026, but he is undecided as to whether he will run with a party or as an independent. He calls for others to get involved in Scottish politics to replace seats in Scottish Parliament.


Video: YouTube
Audio: Apple Podcasts
X: @ch_talks_to