Brian Gerrish and MIke Robinson are joined by Mark Anderson and David Ellis for today's news update from the UK Column.
Artwork by Ned.
START – UKC article: The Global Parliament of Mayors and Abolition of the Electorate
Global Parliament of Mayors Annual Summit – 21-23 October, Bristol
Central bank regulations have failed the Nation States not the Westphalian model…
Nation States have failed to regulate the central banking cartel
Mayors to prepare for global pandemic and to control ‘migration’…
Who elected these global mayors that wish to take control…?
08:18 – President Trump: America will choose independence over global domination
Treason May: World will be built upon foundations of…globalisation
Trump: US in the middle of manufacturing renaissance – unemployment 4m lower
Trump protects the US, May sells out the UK…
Liam Fox: I have been really busy…but no trade deals…?
Debt-based money system fails where debt-free money system will succeed
US policy shift is essential for monetary reform
26:17 – Media on Trial Part IV: 28 October, Liverpool
Ian Crane: Humanity vs Insanity & Fracking Nightmare – live tomorrow evening
27:20 – Brexit: EU military unification question comes up at Bruges Group meeting
British military not integrating with EU…it is being unified
UKC article: Imminent risk of EU control of British defence procurement, industry & training
Sunday Express: How Whitehall thought British public too stupid to vote on EU
Government deceived the public then and they deceive the public now…
Government appears delusional unless one understands the conspiracy across parties
Brexit MPs consider themselves beyond criticism…
British government has no accountability…mass public deception in evidence