UK Column News - 30th April 2021

Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson with today's UK Column News.

00:33 - 403 Days of MedicalMartial Law

01:35 - More and More Vaccines and Boosters Solve Everything By Changing Mortality Definitions


Government Announcement: -

Telegraph Article: -

Plymouth Data: -

Covid Data: -

ONS Data: -

Mail Article: -

Spi-M-O Paper: -

i Article: -

Matt Hanckock Statement: -

10:32 - BBC Led Global Propaganda Cartel 


BBC 2019 Article: -

23:17 - UK Column Tweet To Vaccine ADR Data -

24:14 - Vaccine Passport Call For Evidence And Future COVID 21


Press Release: -

Inquiry Committee: - 

Welt Article: -

26:49 - Life Sciences Super Heroes


Big Pharma Summit: -

Matt Hancock Statement: -

Matt Hancock Tweet: -

UN Meeting: -

32:02 - Face Masks - Ask No Questions


Mail Article: -

Brian Gerrish YT channel: -

34:26 - Supportive Email From UK Column Member

35:24 - Some In the Mainstream Media Start To Question Censorship


Spectator Article: -

37:58 - G7 Censorship Declarations and "Trusted" Cross Border Data Flows


Joint Declaration: -

Dowden's Compelling Vision: -

G7 Data Flow Statement: -

G7 Internet Safety Principles: -

44:39 - Can You See The Light?


TM Article: -

49:21 - Sir Simon Stephens Rewarded Fro Destroying the NHS


Sir Simon Stevens Lords Reward: -

Sir Robbie Gibb BBC Appointment: -

KEKST Announcement: -

52:10 - Destruction of the Fabric of UK Society 


Mail Article: -

56:44 - F35LTNG Meandering Flight Path

58:30 - Farcical Mainstream Media On Show 


Mail Article: -

01:01:00 - Holyrood Event this Weekend - May Day Gathering