Update on tragic death of Sheku Bayoh at hands of Police Scotland, Sheku Bayoh petition for serious improvements in Police Scotland, No surprises as MET police VIP paedophile investigation starts to wobble, Corbyn appoints Rotherham Sarah Champion as Shadow Minister preventing child abuse, Will Sarah Champion MP stand up for Hollie Greig and Melanie Shaw, Don't like Scottish Named Persons Scheme then you'll need to master the maze of complaint, Austerity for all but not named persons as they blow £61m, John Mason drives his yellow car towards State ownership of children, Elish Angiolini MET police rape guru gets nasty at mention Hollie Grieg at Scottish Law Centre, International thugs torturers and warmongers swarm to London as Francis Maude MP promotes DSEI weapons fair, Reminder - Vote Tory get Israel, Plymouth Tory Oliver Colvile silent on human drone killing evidence but campaigns to protect hedgehogs, Conservative MPs intelligence plummets with drone attacks in rural Devon, Defence advisor Oliver Colvile MP confuses WW2 anti-submarine hedgehog and well hedgehogs, Nippy Nicola Sturgeon gets prickly as UK lives on borrowed time, Lies and more lies over employment and gloom over UK productivity, Westminster public school for MPs is off on hols.