UK Column News - 16th July 2015

London Mayor Boris Johnson calls for water canon torture, National Police Helicopter Service spy on innocent public for fun, Tories swallow human rights, Ben Fellows child abuse victim in Court, Old Bailey media staff tell inquiring jounalist to, Theresa May fobs off public with £500k 63rd rate Goddard child abuse inquiry, LibLabCon create wars and terrorism, Tired RAF Tornado's bombs drop off,  Levent exposes Defence Intelligence Agency document showing US created IS and ISIL to attack Syria, Obama speech confirms US backing ISIL terrorism, Chris Spivey blows whistle on MI5 Lee Rigby and is denied proper trial, Essex police chief Kavanagh in bed with Security, Former Tory Brooks Newmark's links with Free Syrian Army linked Al Nusra come clear as US UK openly back IS and ISIL, EU shares on up as Greece goes down, US O'Malley rams home Glass Steagall, Addis Ababa Financing for Development