UK Column News - 11th November 2019

Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with today's news update from the UK Column.

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START – White helmets founder James Le Mesurier found dead
Is a media narrative already building…who is journalist Mark Urban…?
08:00 – Bolivia: is a coup d’état underway…?
The UK Column regime change guide
Extinction Rebellion organises Bolivian embassy protests in August 2019
Similar campaigns have been undertaken with Libya and Syria…
Other disruptive tactics used – right out of the CIA’s playbook
Bolivian protestors cut off mayor’s hair and drag her through the streets
Bolivian police also being bought off and joining protests
President Morales offers new elections but is told to step down by military general
US-backed coup attempts in Latin America between 1948-2019
Big similarities to the recent overthrow of Ukraine by neo-nazis
26:50 – Poland: independence day
Nigel Farage finally speaks on EU Defence Union…?
NATO members still not paying their fair share of membership
31:21 – Oxford Research Group: more policy documents released
Fusion Doctrine in five steps: move into Sahel region of Africa with EU…?
UK Column article: Beyond Integrity Initiative – the scale of UKGOV counter disinfo
Sahel region of Africa: €8 billion to be spent on ‘development assistance’
Teflon Tony’s foundation also working hard in the Sahel region…