by Cheryl Grainger
Never before has so much harm been done to so many, by so few, based on so little questionable, potentially flawed data.
Bob Seely MP
Obtaining the Data
Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) is an organisation in the US, made up of public health professionals, medical professionals, scientists, and journalists. PHMPT exists for the sole purpose of disseminating to the public the data and information in the biological product files for each of the Covid–19 vaccines. In furtherance of its mission, and to ensure that the FDA, the US regulator of medicines, acts in furtherance of its commitment to transparency, PHMPT sought to obtain the data and information relied upon by the FDA to license the Pfizer Covid vaccine via a Freedom of Information Act (FoIA) request.
On 9 September 2021, the FDA denied PHMPT’s request for expedited processing, on the basis that PHMPT did “not demonstrate a compelling need that involves an imminent threat to the life or physical safety of an individual” or “that there exists an urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity.”
The FoIA request was eventually granted by court order through the PHMPT's attorney, Aaron Siri. The judge in the matter required the FDA to release all 451,000 pages of information over eight months, despite the FDA planning to retain the data for 75 years.
The judge in the FDA Pfizer Court Order trial cited the following quotations:
Knowledge will forever govern ignorance.
James Madison
A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of the people.
John F. Kennedy
Excessive administrative secrecy [...] feeds conspiracy theories and reduces the public's confidence in the government.
John McCain
Analysing the Data
Dr Naomi Wolf, CEO of DailyClout.io, a website devoted to civic transparency, explains how the data was analysed:
We realised the raw documents were impossible to cover in normal journalistic ways, due to their massive scope and the documents are written for scientists and medical researchers.
We sent a call for expert volunteers ... we received 2000, then 2500, and finally 3500* responses from volunteers, many of whom are experts in their fields. Biostatisticians, lab clinicians, pathologists, anaesthesiologists, sports medicine physicians, cardiologists, research scientists, RNs, and many other related disciplines are represented among these decent, highly-skilled people who offered to read through these difficult, technical documents - pro bono, as a service to humanity (and out of respect as well, in many cases, for their own lifelong commitment to real science, real medicine, and truth in general). Many of them were not only published, peer-reviewed academic authors in their fields, but some were peer reviewers themselves. There was no way, with a group this distinguished in science and medicine doing the labour, that the interpretation of these documents could be dismissed as 'fringe', subjective, or as the work of 'conspiracy theorists'.
Of course, managing a project in which 3,500* highly trained specialists from all over the world work together virtually on unpacking and reporting on such a massive trove of material, would have been impossible for mere mortals. At first, indeed, we did not know how to organise the thousands of specialists who offered their help. Enter Amy Kelly, who is also a heroine of this story. She is a talented project manager, and now Daily Clout's COO; and she has a distinguished background in complex organisational projects in various fields.
Ms. Kelly managed, seemingly effortlessly, to organise the volunteers into six working teams, with subcommittees of expert readers. Under her extraordinary leadership, the thousands of specialists around the globe started to communicate with one another, share their findings, and draft their reports. I trained the volunteers in writing for a general audience, and the DailyClout editors in editing what was often dense medical language, but with extremely important findings, into accessible reports that anyone with any level of education could follow and understand.
For all of us, but mostly for the volunteers and Ms. Kelly, (this) represented a Herculean effort to turn this material, that one of the most powerful companies in the world trusted would never be made public, into ... readable reports sharing the most urgent headlines of all -- the reports that are now in your hands.
* 3,500 volunteered and 3,250 worked and continue to work on the project.
What Pfizer knew:
- The mRNA vaccines did not work.
- The ingredients, including lipid nanoparticles, in the mRNA injections bio-distributed throughout the body in a couple of days, accumulating in the liver, adrenals, spleen and ovaries.
- Pfizer and the FDA knew that the injections damaged the hearts of minors—and yet waited months to inform the public.
- Pfizer sought to hire over a thousand new staffers simply to manage the flood of "adverse events" reports that they were receiving and that the company anticipated receiving. 61 people in the trials died of strokes, and half of the stroke adverse events were within a couple of days after injection.
- Five people in the trials died of liver damage—with, again, many of the liver damage adverse events sustained shortly after the injection.
- Neurological events, cardiac events, strokes, brain haemorrhages, blood clots, lung clots and leg clots were occurring at massive scale.
- Headaches, joint pain, and muscle pain were rampant as adverse events, though these are not disclosed as routine side effect warnings by our agencies.
Dr Wolf continues:
[...[ most seriously of all, you will see a 360-degree attack on human reproductive capability: with harms to sperm count, testes, sperm motility; harms to ovaries, menstrual cycles, placentas; you will see that over 80 per cent of the pregnancies in one section of the Pfizer documents ended in spontaneous abortion or miscarriage. You will see that 72 per cent of the adverse events in one section of the documents were in women, and that 16 percent of those were "reproductive disorders,'' in Pfizer's own words. You will see a dozen or more names for the ruination of the menstrual cycles of women and teenage girls. You will see that Pfizer defined "exposure" to the mRNA vaccine as including skin contact, inhalation, and sexual contact, especially at the point of conception.
History has not yet concluded its assessment of what Pfizer—and the FDA, who were in custody of all these documents—has done. We are at the very start of that assessment. But it is clear the following documents, written by impeccably skilled experts, and linked to primary sources, show that a crime has likely been committed against humanity that is unprecedented in its scale. Evidence of fraud would, if found, negate any indemnity for Pfizer.
Our thanks must go out to all the volunteers, the Daily Clout and especially Naomi Wolf and Amy Kelly, Steve Bannon's War Room for actively discussing the analysis reports.
This is the schedule for the FDA document release:
- Pfizer must produce 451,000 pages at a rate of 55,000 pages a month (as opposed to the 75 years that the FDA wanted to take). This will be complete by December 2023.
- Moderna data (plus Pfizer vaccine data for twelve- to fifteen-year-olds) is much larger, at 4.8 million pages, and will be released from the FDA at 180,000 pages a month—which will take about 26 months to mid-2025 (as opposed to the 23½ years that the FDA wanted to take).
This data has been released by the FDA, but its British counterpart, the MHRA, and all regulators globally would have had the same Common Technical Documents (CTD) sent to them in application for licensing Covid–19 vaccines. The MHRA would have had access to the same data that is analysed and described in these reports.
The MHRA was the first regulator to approve the Pfizer Covid–19 vaccine, on 1 December 2020, and thus allowed the UK to be the first country to vaccinate for Covid. The MHRA was analysing the Pfizer data at the same time as the data for the AstraZeneca Covid–19 vaccine, which it authorised on 30 December 2022. The Moderna offering, CTD, arrived during this time, when the MHRA had a 25% decline in its workforce.
The level of risk
Age | Infection Fatality Rate (IFR), UK Source: Health Security Agency |
0–19 | 0.0027% |
20–29 | 0.014% |
30–39 | 0.031% |
40–49 | 0.082% |
50–59 | 0.275% |
60–69 | 0.59% |
70+ (non-institutional) | 2.4% |
70+ (all) | 5.5% |
These risks should be weighed against (if there are any) the benefits.
In the UK, it appears that 86% of the funding of the MHRA is provided by the pharmaceutical industry, by the very companies whose products the MHRA regulates with the ostensible aim of protecting the public from harm. Indeed, the capture of academia by Big Pharma threatens to undermine evidence-based medicine.
The MHRA is now intending, by its Chief Executive Officer's own proud admission, to operate as an "enabler" instead of a "regulator", and as such intends to bring medicines to market within 100 days. Dame June Raine stated:
Here in the UK, the MHRA worked really hard to overcome some of the obstacles within the structure of clinical trials taking place in different jurisdictions, and that was one of the reasons we were able to licence vaccines here in the UK faster than anywhere else: because of the flexibility yet robustness shown by the MHRA.
These reports questions the validity of the MHRA's "robustness" of action.
Subject Index of the Pfizer and Moderna Reports (click to expand)
Report 01: Where Are Pfizer’s 20,000 Missing Patients?
1. There appears to be a large number “not recovered at the time of report” and “unknown” case outcomes. These numbers are significant, adding up to 20,761 of 42,086 “relevant cases".
- A great deal of data is missing from Pfizer’s analysis of adverse events that were reported after the Pfizer mRNA vaccine was approved by the US FDA.
- Of the 42,086 cases that Pfizer analysed, 32,686 (78%) have known outcomes.
- The outcomes of almost one-quarter (22%) are not known.
- 71% of the 42,086 patients are female; 22% of the patients are male.
2. What is the actual mortality rate for the injection?
- Sadly, 1,223 (3.7%) of the 32,686 patients with known outcomes died.
- Patients who received the mRNA vaccine weren’t adequately tracked.
- Even without the missing patients, Pfizer’s analysis of adverse events raised important warning flags.
- In the period from 24 hours to 21 days after receiving Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine, the absolute number of major adverse cardiac events that Pfizer reviewed was 394.
Are nearly 400 major adverse cardiac events enough to pause or stop the widespread use of Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 02: Pfizer – 136 Deaths and 1,625 Serious Cases of ‘Ineffectiveness’ Revealed
1. Pfizer was aware from Dec 1, 2020, that the vaccine had limited efficacy.
2. For the next 3 months, from Dec 1, 2020- Feb 28, 2021, Pfizer’s cumulative analysis of post authorization adverse events reports indicates that Pfizer received multiple reports of both vaccine failure and vaccine ineffectiveness and limited durability.
3. There is abundance of evidence that the Pfizer vaccine has a serious durability problem, resulting in waning protection and vaccine failure. In a risk/benefit analysis, the risk of known serious adverse events, including death, from the vaccine, outweighs the possible benefit of a vaccine that we know will fail.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 03: Phase 1/2 study of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b1 in adults: Key processes missing.
BNT162b1 not BNT162b2 was used in this Phase I/II clinical trial.
- What are the differences between the two?
- Was there a Phase I/II trial for BNT162b2?
- Why was the substitution made?
The researchers erroneously believed that the mRNA in BNT162b1 would be transient, briefly producing spike protein then being metabolized and gone with no translation into host DNA. There is now concern that BNT162b2 mRNA code may be incorporated into the host genome based on studies published in August 2020.
Where are the reports noted as pending in the paper?
- What role did N1-methyl-Pseudouridine have in the unexpectedly long bioavailability of mRNA products?
- Does this enhanced stability have anything to do with dropping the lymphocyte counts noted in the pre-clinical studies?
This product failed to prevent illness, hospitalization and death from COVID-19.
- Is BNT162b1/BNT162b2 toxic to lymphocytes?
- Was a risk benefit analysis performed?
- If so, where can the document be found?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 04: A Review of the safety and efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 vaccine by Fernando P Polack1, MD et al.
**This report is only available in the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysis Report Book which can be ordered here.
Report 05: Pfizer mRNA Construct – Why Spike Protein Causes Disease
Pfizer states that “BNT162b2 is a nucleoside modified mRNA (modRNA) expressing full-length S [spike] with two proline mutations (P2) to lock the transmembrane protein in an antigenically optimal prefusion conformation” No further research before selecting this design (or construct) and proceeding with vaccine development.
Three primary concerns:
- The basic Pfizer construct utilizing two proline substitutions to stabilise the spike protein molecule is flawed, and the protein molecule as well as the mRNA itself, remain unstable.
- The spike protein has been shown to cause disease; therefore, a vaccine based on the spike protein will promote pathogenesis, not prevent it.
- The S1 subunit of the spike protein has been shown to shed into the circulatory system, thereby furthering disease.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 06: "Safe and effective? We beg to differ. Red flags in the Pfizer internal documents"
The results of this documents are used to justify the claim the vaccines are safe and effective. It is evident beyond any doubt Pfizer lied and misled; and upon this foundational lie, Moderna, and public health authorities, built the lie so big that it is believed alongside continual repetition that the mRNA vaccines are ‘safe and effective.’ Pfizer vaccine is not safe nor effective shown by construction of the vaccine and the second is the construction of the study to evaluate the vaccine.
The Pfizer vaccine is not safe is shown by:
- The demand of vaccine manufacturers against legal liability of their vaccines.
- The need for Pfizer to hire 2400 full-time employees to evaluate adverse effects.
- Pfizer did not prove the safety of the nano-lipid delivery system for the brain.
- Stating the vaccine stays at the injection site (not evaluated), is a lie of commission.
- The vaccine is not safe for someone who has an allergy to PEG and/or emulsifier.
- Failure to set up routine quality assurance standards in facilities administering the vaccine to ensure stability; this aspect is not monitored; the vaccines are not safe.
- Fundamental rule of toxicology is “the dose makes the toxin"; failure to evaluate inherent toxicity of spike protein, precludes the statement that the vaccines are safe.
- During the Pfizer safety evaluation, no pregnancy evaluation is done. It was impossible to declare the vaccine safe for pregnant women.
The Pfizer vaccine is not effective is shown by:
- Pfizer did not investigate the level of spike protein but only the neutralising antibody response to the spike protein. The antibody response was equated to the effectiveness of the vaccine but never proven but taken as established fact.
- During the Pfizer Efficacy Trials, it unequivocally demonstrated that the vaccine did not prevent infection.
- The vaccine never demonstrated to be effective or efficacious. The vaccine did not prevent disease.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 07: COVID-19 Vaccines and Pregnancy: Risky Business
There have not been any human clinical trials conducted by a COVID-19 vaccine pharmaceutical company to determine if vaccines are safe during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
All EUA’s exclude pregnant women and no COVID-19 vaccine has been approved for use during pregnancy.
So how could they possibly be promoting an experimental and untested vaccine for pregnant women? Their clinical recommendations are based on a faulty study over 42-days on 44 pregnant rats conducted in France, concluded there were “no effects on female fertility and pre-natal and postnatal offspring development in rats with BNT162b2, mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.
Astonishingly, however, many professional medical organisations have strongly advocated for their use during pregnancy despite the lack of any safety data.
DMED data shows the rise in congenital malformations increased dramatically from a baseline rate of 10,906 cases per year, to 18,951 for only part of the year in 2021.
Read the full report at the Daily Clout website.
Report 08: "What did Pfizer know, and when did they know it? Vast neurological harms concealed."
**This report is only available in the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysis Report Book which can be ordered here.
Report 09: Why was the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine recommended for use in and administered to children when it was not tested in that age group?"
**This report is only available in the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysis Report Book which can be ordered here.
Report 10: Even Big Pharma CEOs Recognized That Not Everyone Could be Vaccinated – So Why the Mandates?
CEO of AstraZeneca, Pascal Soriot, told his company in a Zoom call in Dec 2020 that not everyone could be vaccinated; Soriot identified the immune-compromised and people with multiple sclerosis as examples if those who should not be vaccinated with mRNA vaccines.
AZ saw the commercial opportunity to develop and manufacture monoclonal antibodies against the S (SPIKE) protein.
Patients with a compromised immune system could have their immunity provided by externally administered antibodies. Antibodies from patients who had recovered from COVID, known as Convalescent Plasma, was first approved by FDA in August 2020.
So why mandate a vaccination for 100% of the population if vaccination is NOT effective for immunocompromised patients?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 11: Pfizer Vaccine – FDA Fails to Mention Risk of Heart Damage in Teens
FDA must have known that myocarditis in teens was a risk when they issued the emergency use authorization that did not mention it.
The finding of heart damage in teenagers would have been available to the FDA at the time of the May 2021 EUA application.
The Emergency Use Authorization itself in May 2021 does NOT mention any risk of myocarditis in adolescents, even though the 16+ age group was being filed for in this EUA.
[This link shows that in May 2021 the White House knew about myocarditis and VITT.]
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 12: Secret Documents: How Pfizer Covered Up a Flood of Adverse Events
Pfizer knew by February of 2021, that there were had been ‘a large number of adverse events’ in the 3months prior.
Pfizer anticipated volume of adverse events was so abundant that they would hire 2400 additional staffers to deal with the paperwork and data processing they expected, and they advised the FDA.
Pfizer did not only apparently commit fraud, but they also compounded the fraud by hiring 2,400 full-time employees to deal with the flood of adverse events that they expected – and yet they told no one about this publicly.
“The licensed vaccine [Comirnaty] has the same formulation as the EAU-authorised vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.”
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 13: MISSING – 50 Pregnant Women From Pfizer Clinical Trials
This investigator paid close attention to documents regarding vaccine effects on pregnancy.
Pfizer Clinical Protocol Document: women who are pregnant or breastfeeding were to be excluded from the vaccine trials and if they became pregnant during the study, they were withdrawn from receiving further vaccinations.
50 women who were a part of the Clinical Trials reported pregnancies. 34 women “continue to be followed for pregnancy outcomes.”
Abstractor search tool has found no updated information on these women and their pregnancy outcomes.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 14: Were We Lied to by the FDA?
If we received the Pfizer “vaccine” after August 23, 2021, we, along with our children, would receive the FDA-approved COMIRNATY? Unfortunately, the answer is a clear “yes,” and the FDA itself tells us so.
The FDA makes clear that there is no scientific difference between the EUA-authorised “vaccine” and the approved COMIRNATY “vaccine.” Rather, any difference is a matter of law, not science. This is what lawyers call a legal fiction.
The licensed vaccine [COMIRNATY] has the same formulation as the EUA-authorized vaccine and the products can be used interchangeably to provide the vaccination series without presenting any safety or effectiveness concerns. The products are legally distinct with certain differences that do not impact safety or effectiveness.
The FDA EUA-authorised product and the FDA-approved COMINARTY are scientifically identical and can be used, medically-speaking, interchangeably; but they are “legally distinct".
Unconscionably, these so-called laws have been applied by the FDA to authorise use of COMIRNATY for children aged 12-15, when COMIRNATY has not been licensed/approved for that age group.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 15: Adverse Events Rise in Babies Breastfed by Vaccinated Mothers
In pregnancy and breast-feeding, any substance is guilty until proven innocent.
Wrapping the mRNA core in these lipid layers allows it to merge with cells. The lipid nanoparticle penetrates the blood brain barrier, the placental barrier, fatty breast tissue and breast milk. The lipid nanoparticle, even without the mRNA component, is highly inflammatory. The mRNA vaccine induces a potent immunological response in the breast and in the breast milk. See link for references.
The breast immune response produces potent chemicals called chemokines and cytokines that have profound immunological effect. One that is of particular concern is very high levels of interferon gamma that are produced. These are transferred to the infant in the breast milk. High dose interferon gamma is a liver toxin.
Chemokines and cytokines are the same chemicals that are released in an anaphylactic reaction to PEG. The risk to the infant from COVID-19 is virtually zero, but the potential risk of adverse reactions from the vaccine are real and measurable.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 16: Daily Clout Report: MicroRNA, the Hidden RNA in the Pfizer Vaccine
Evidence indicates that miRNA expression and dysregulation are associated with the development of pathological processes and chronic diseases, including viral infections and the diseases caused by viral infections (Marchi et al., 2021; Zhang et al., 2021; Giardi et al., 2008).
When a vaccinee receives a Pfizer BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine, they not only receive the vaccine’s mRNA, but they also receive an unknown number of miRNAs, hidden within the sequence of the vaccine mRNA.
There is a delicate balance within the host miRNA regulatory system and it has been shown that these exogenous miRNAs, as well as exogenous mRNA encoding them, alter this delicate balance with potential deleterious consequences (O’Brien et al., 2018). This undeniably important biomolecule was not mentioned by Pfizer.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 17: Why COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Must Be Informed
The American Medical Association recognises that “informed consent to medical treatment is fundamental in both ethics and law.” We have the right to exercise autonomy to make our own medical care decisions, including the important right to decline medical treatment. Inexplicably, this vital process has been cast aside with Covid-19 vaccines.
Pfizer’s mRNA Covid-19 vaccine is experimental, a new biological agent, that does not provide immunity. The devastating facts that further compel informed consent are the unknown risks and the volume of known serious adverse events reported in VAERS, medical journals, and the monthly release of court ordered Pfizer documents.
The list of vital information:
(1) the mRNA Covid-19 vaccine is experimental.
(2) it is not licensed by the FDA but rather is authorised for emergency use.
(3) there is no authorisation for emergency use for pregnant women.
(4) pregnant women were excluded from clinical trials.
(5) the vaccine does not provide immunity or stop transmission of the virus.
(6) the vaccine lacks durability.
(7) the vaccine does not stay at the injection site, travelling through the bloodstream.
(8) the vaccine has serious unknown and known safety risks to mother and baby.
The risks of serious known and unknown injuries to mother, foetus, and child tip heavily against the vaccine, as it is clear there is virtually no vaccine benefit. Failure of clinicians to inform their patients before consent is malpractice. We must demand accountability.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 18: Vaccine ‘Shedding’: Can This Be Real After All?
The evidence is mounting that not only are components of the vaccines travelling to and collecting in various organs, but they also appear to be having devastating effects on pregnant women and their babies.
The agencies involved in regulating the vaccines were aware of these potential negative impacts. They were negligent in having approved them at all, but particularly recommending them for pregnant women.
Finally, a recent study at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus School of Medicine has found evidence that vaccinated individuals can pass (shed) vaccine induced antibodies to unvaccinated individuals.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 19: Safety and Efficacy of the BNT162b2 mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine
Although the study was designed to follow participants for safety and efficacy for 2 years after the second dose, given the high vaccine efficacy, ethical and practical barriers prevent following placebo recipients for 2 years without offering active immunization, once the vaccine is approved by regulators and recommended by public health authorities.
- Diagnosis of covid-19 required only one symptom and a positive NAAT test. Why no actual clinical diagnosis based upon symptoms, signs, and laboratory data?
- This publication is quite superficial given the gravity of the pandemic and the implications of administering this drug to a significant portion of the human race.
- The medical files of all covid-19 patients should be carefully reviewed as well as random sampling of the study population.
See Omissions:
- Dementia - communication of symptoms.
- Co-morbidities - 3.8 per fatality.
- CAD and arrhythmias not reported for covid-19.
- Overly broad age categories.
- Longer follow-up required.
- Trial data is no longer available.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 20: Concerns about vaccine candidate used as basis for emergency use authorisation.
**This report is only available in the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysis Report Book which can be ordered here.
Report 21: What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It? Neurological Harms Concealed
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) provides answers to what Pfizer knew about vaccine injuries resulting from its COVID-19 vaccine and when they knew it. The purpose of VAERS is to alert Pfizer, the CDC, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to safety signals requiring investigation.
In January, February, and March of 2021, VAERS is showing 3,385 deaths and 27,084 headaches. In the same time frame, 2211 in total of Bell's Palsy, CVA, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, Paralysis and TIAs; also 294 Acute MIs, 584 DVTs and 790 Pulmonary Embolism.
The VAERS data shows conclusively that Pfizer, the CDC, and the FDA knew that severe neurological and blood clotting harms were resulting from the mRNA vaccines on grand scale.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 22: Effects of N-Methyl-Pseudo-uridine in the Pfizer mRNA Vaccine
The use of messenger RNA (mRNA) has been developing since the 1990's but there are three significant problems: delivery, immunogenicity and degradation.
Pfizer and Moderna claim by encasing the mRNA inside of a lipid nanoparticle (LNP) and by modifying the mRNA through the substitution of N1-methylpseudouridine for the nucleotide uridine they solved the delivery problem, and the use of pseudo-uridine solves the immune response problem.
There is practically no scientific data available on how total uridine substitution in an mRNA will affect the delicate balance of the cellular and bodily physiology of the host and what downstream effects may be initiated. Yet Pfizer conducted no studies on this issue.
Problems with the Pfizer vaccine design and failure to adequately investigate their effects on the delicate cellular systems of the human body are already manifesting themselves. These problems are summarised in VAERS. The long list of adverse events reflects these issues.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 23: Harmful Cytokines from Vaccinated Mothers Passed to Breastfed Infants – Report
Harmful cytokines from vaccinated mothers are passed to breastfed infants. Increased levels of certain cytokines are shown to have deleterious effects in infants when passed from the mother’s milk during other (non-Covid 19) inflammatory events.
- Studies show that an imbalance in cytokines in breast milk may have severe consequences for new-borns and children, which in turn affects the child’s development.
- Studies show a link between infection and brain damage involving various mediators of inflammation, including cytokines, chemokines, and immune cells.
- Studies support the relationship between maternal inflammation with preterm birth and adverse neonatal outcomes.
- Studies reveal a correlation with miscarriages and cytokine levels.
- A recent study found that immune responses to mRNA Covid-19 vaccination were present in most vaccinated women’s breast milk.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 24: Dr Fernando Polack – Real Person or Ghost?
- Dr Polack appears to be a ghost who produces prodigious research funded by NIH, the Gates Foundation and Pfizer.
- The topic of Dr Polack warrants further investigation given his alleged role in the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials.
- In this brief foray into Dr Polack’s background, he appears to be more of a well-funded ghost than a real person.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 25: Strokes – What Did Pfizer Know, and When Did They Know It?
- Strokes are a serious, often life-threatening event that can result in death or permanent life altering disability.
- A series of reports are being done to determine what Pfizer knew about any dangers with their vaccine and when did they know it.
- Strokes are a fairly common adverse effect occurring in people of all ages that received the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccines.
- Stroke is just one of the many adverse events reported in the VAERS database for the Pfizer vaccine. These reports were occurring as early as January 2021; and the CDC, FDA, and Pfizer did not pause in pushing for mass vaccination of the unsuspecting and trusting public, resulting in deaths and permanent disabilities.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 26: Proof the TrialMax App Unequivocally Contributed to Pfizer’s Deception of Safety.
- Pfizer contracted with a company called Signant Health to create an app in which trial participants could enter all their side effects.
- This app was the primary collection tool that allowed for quick organisation of data and a significant factor in Pfizer attaining their EUA.
- This was to collect and manage a high volume of data from Pfizer’s “reactogenicity and COVID-19 illness diaries” to gain approval of the emergency use authorisation.
- A considerable failure of the app, however, was that it purposefully limited a trial participant’s input to only specific pre-determined side effects.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 27: Even Big Pharma CEOs Recognized Not Everyone Could be Vaccinated- so why Vaccine Mandates?
**This report is only available in the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Document Analysis Report Book which can be ordered here.
Report 28: Vaccine Trials for Infants and Children Show Little to No Benefit
There are virtually no deaths in children under 5 from COVID and a 99.995% recovery rate for children without an underlying condition.
The vaccine does not prevent infection or reduce transmission.
Trials at 65 trial sites, recruited a total of 4526 children of which, 3000 children dropped out before the end of the trial.
There were 30% more covid cases in the vaccine arm after first dose than the placebo, so they ignored that data. The same occurred with the second and third rounds.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 29: Did Pfizer and the FDA Conceal an Existing Remedy for COVID?
- Research has shown that Pfizer may have known its pneumococcal drug Prevnar (PCV13) may have helped prevent SARS-COV-2 to treat pneumonia.
- Prevnar has general anti-viral effects and can thus be effective in protecting against bacterial respiratory infections.
- Pfizer and the FDA, fail to present Prevnar to Americans as a preventative option against COVID to the public.
- What did Pfizer and the FDA know and when did they know it?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 30: Inconsistencies in Pfizer Clinical Trials Are Surfacing
- There is evidence to support that, at the start of the clinical trials, there were two groups but only four months after the second group was given a placebo, the vaccine was administered to them, thus eliminating the control group.
- Only the placebo group were given 3rd and 4th shots — with actual vaccine, not a placebo.
- Among the 19,645 subjects in the Placebo Group who received a third shot of 30 micrograms of vaccine, 3,626 did not receive a fourth. No explanation is given.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 31: Pfizer-BioNTech “Equivalent” Half Truths or a “Lot” of Lies?
- The public not told that only 4% Pfizer lots were “equivalent/interchangeable.”
- Due to the lack of disclosure, the public falsely believed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine available in the United States was all equal to the approved Comirnaty.
- The courts did not seem to be aware only 4% of the lots met the criteria. If they had, it would’ve been impossible to rule in favour of a vaccine mandate.
- Pfizer, FDA, and CDC need to answer why this information was not released to the public.
- This is fraud of the highest order. The scale of this deception is massive, and the collateral damage is far and wide.
- If there were 190 lots available in the United States and only nine met the “equivalent” criteria, that would be a 4.7% chance of receiving the equivalent formulation.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 32: If Pfizer Controlled the ‘Data’ They Controlled the Outcome
- The most revealing number of cases was 1,223 [2.91%], patients with ‘Fatal’ outcomes.
- The data is not backed by science, but by the appearance of science.
- These insights into various red flags associated with AE and SAE or events, as well as the attempted controls of the data thereof, which answer why Pfizer wanted to keep this information ‘confidential’ for 75 years and blocked from scientists capable of an independent peer review, long after those complicit in the scheme and the scientist most familiar with the matter would be dead.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 33: Pfizer’s New Two-in-One COVID-19 Booster: Are We the Clinical Trial?
- The FDA has directed all COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers to develop bivalent booster vaccines to be ready for fall 2022. Pfizer’s planned bivalent booster vaccines will not be tested for safety or effectiveness before they are rolled out to the public.
- Pfizer’s fall 2022 booster will be formulated to respond to two extinct or nearly extinct strains of SARS-CoV-2, may be formulated to deliver twice the amount of mRNA than previous Pfizer vaccines, and may be formulated by modifying the mRNA of the previous Pfizer vaccines without safety testing.
- Reactogenicity means the side effects that occur soon after vaccination as the body reacts to the vaccine by mounting an inflammatory response.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 34: Understanding C-19 Vaccine Efficacy Clinical Trial in Lay Terms
- The Moderna vaccine decreases the production of antibodies to the nucleocapsid in a dose dependent fashion in those who acquire COVID after vaccination.
- It appears the more doses received, the more severe the reduction in anti-nucleocapsid antibody production.
- Further investigation is warranted with all COVID vaccines in larger populations, to determine if this phenomenon is observed as they all use the spike protein mRNA.
- Moderna vaccine reduces the production of anti-N ab compared to placebo and, thus, may reduce the strength and duration of immunity toward COVID compared to unvaccinated immune responses.
- Statistics do not support long-lasting immunity for the COVID vaccines since many more vaccinated people are getting COVID than unvaccinated.
- The immunity provided by the vaccines is short-lived.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 35: Pfizer Evidence So Far: Cover-ups, Heart Damage, and More
Pfizer was confronted with such a flood of Adverse Event reporting that they had to hire 2,400 employees to handle the volume. there was no move by Pfizer, the U.S. government, or government entities such as the CDC or FDA to stop or slow down the rollout of the mRNA vaccines.
Informed consent is not possible without clear, public warnings about clotting, bleeding, neurological, and autoimmune disorders, as well as organ systems’ damages and Viral Antibody-Dependent Enhancement.
These disorders (AEs/AESIs) were identifiably associated with BNT162b2 as of December 2020 through data capture completion February 28, 2021:
- Covid-19 (was one of the most common)
- Clotting disorders
- Bleeding disorders
- Neurological disorders
- Autoimmune disorders
- Organ system damage
- Viral Antibody-Dependent Enhancement (VADE)
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 36: Pfizer Used Dangerous Assumptions, Rather than Research, to Guess at Outcomes
This is very important. The 100µmg dose was considered too toxic to continue to use in the experiment, so the dosage was cut in half. 100µmg are the amount in the Moderna injections.
No effort was expended to determine what proteins are produced by the modRNA, what their physiological actions are and how long they are produced as well as what toxicities and adverse events might be anticipated with widespread usage of the LNP/mRNA prodrug.
Questions needing answers:
- How long does the BNT162b2 mRNA persist in human tissues? Where does it go in the host cell? How long does it persist inside the cell? What proteins does it produce, and for how long?
- Is there any possibility that the BNT162b2 mRNA can be transcribed into DNA, then incorporate into the host genome? If this happens what are the implications?
- What are the toxicities from the lipid nanoparticle coating?
- Was Pfizer obligated to answer these questions prior to human testing?
- Doesn’t proper informed consent require answers to these questions?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 37: Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients
mRNA vaccine ingredients can be transferred from one person to another via skin-to-skin contact, inhalation and via “sexual intercourse,” through bodily fluids.
Pfizer did not test “male reproductive toxicity”. Pfizer also did not test for adverse effects from vaccinated men’s semen, on the development of their offspring.
mRNA vaccine ingredients travel throughout the body and gather in organs, including in the testes. mRNA vaccines resulting in “anti-sperm antibodies” –is a known adverse event related to this form of vaccination.
By suppressing discussion of this information, public health agencies, medical professionals, and governments globally denied and continue to deny men true informed consent.
Lipid nanoparticles gather in human organs including the testes and are detrimental to normal male reproduction including testosterone levels, sperm counts, motile count and male fertility, and six months post-vaccination, were still in significant states of decline versus pre-vaccination levels.
The mass vaccination campaign continued, without even a brief pause, and again, men were denied informed consent.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 38: Women Have Two and a Half Times Higher Risk of Adverse Events Than Men. Risk to Female Reproductive Functions Is Higher Still.
The Pfizer documents demonstrate a strong signal that women have far more adverse events than males, particularly when considering reproductive organs and function.
Adverse Events: Female/Male Ratio in 39,096 Subjects to 28.2.21 = 77%:23%
TGA (AEs): Female/Male Ratio in 1,282,113 Subjects to 15.4.22 = 78%:22%
Tissue distribution of LNP/mRNA in Rats: Liver, spleen, adrenal glands, ovaries
Why do ovaries concentrate lipid nanoparticles and mRNA contained therein so much more effectively than testes?
Assuming this differential is caused by the disproportionate impact of BNT162b2 on women and their reproductive systems and organs, the implications could be profound.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 39: Despite Incomplete Safety Trials, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Grants Full Approval to Pfizer-BioNTech’s COMIRNATY® for Adolescents 12-15 Years of Age
Although the trial purportedly showed 100% effectiveness and that the drug was tolerated well, the safety of patients in the trial was not fully established prior to the FDA’s approval of this injection for minors (8thJuly 2022).
All participants in the trial needed to be monitored for long-term protection and safety for an additional two years after their second dose. That is why data will continue to be collected until May 2023, and a final report will be submitted to the FDA by October 31, 2023.
No drug should be approved for use in children without fully completed, submitted, and evaluated safety studies over the appropriate length of time. We cannot ensure long-term safety under this truncated process.
The safety of a product should be paramount in infants and children, with proper observation and reporting of serious adverse events, and a longer time should be allocated for this to happen prior to any drug approval, as is usually the case.
Potentially ALL American children aged 12-15 are affected, as this is a full commercial approval.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout website.
Report 40: Data Do Not Support Safety of mRNA COVID Vaccination for Pregnant Women
No genotoxicity studies are planned for BNT162b2 as the components of the vaccine construct are lipids and RNA are not expected to have genotoxic potential.
Safety pharmacology:
No safety pharmacology studies were conducted with BNT162b2 as they are not considered necessary for the development of vaccines (WHO guidelines). This analysis shows that no accurate, reliable scientific data were collected; and, thus, it is not possible to provide useful information about the risks to pregnant women and their babies from Covid mRNA vaccines.
The rates of spontaneous abortion, congenital anomalies, prematurity, and neonatal death were not determined with any degree of certainty.
Therefore, medical, and public health organizations are remiss in their duties to protect the health and well-being of patients when they endorse the use of mRNA vaccines in pregnant women.
97% of the 35,691 pregnant women in the V-safe database and their babies who were injected with the experimental gene therapy drug had no outcomes recorded.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 41: 2021 CDC and FDA Misinformation – Retroactive Editing, Erroneous Spontaneous Abortion Rate Calculation, Obfuscation in the New England Journal of Medicine
This should be read after Report 40.
By December 2021, all 3,958 pregnant women entered the V-safe Pregnancy Registry would have completed their pregnancies yet, other than Zauche, et al., no new data was added to the various reports from April through December 2021
Echelon, the manufacturer of the nanoparticles, specifies that they are ‘for research only and not for human use’. Administering a vaccine – particularly to children – which contains unauthorised (sic) excipients is illegal, dangerous, and unethical.
In the period, December 2020 until sometime in Spring of 2022, Pfizer had received tens of thousands of Adverse Event (AE) reports concerned with reproductive organ and reproductive function in women.
Only 1,073 preconception or first trimester pregnant women were given both doses. Demographics, spontaneous abortion numbers, and outcomes are missing for this critical group.
By this point in time, millions of pregnant women had been given LNP/mRNA products. A very small, non-random sample is likely to provide only incorrect and or unusable data.
However, "only women in the third trimester were recruited for this study.” Unfortunately, it is the first trimester about which it is vital to have data.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 42: Pfizer’s EUA Granted Based on Fewer Than 0.4% of Clinical Trial Participants. FDA Ignored Disqualifying Protocol Deviations to Grant EUA.
A clinical trial is a method used to test a hypothesis and, in context, to determine whether an intervention is safe and effective. As a result, clinical trials are usually heavily monitored, and the protocol for a trial must be followed to the letter so its trial participants can rely on its conclusions.
These eight positive vaccinated and 162 positive placebo subjects are the ‘170 that changed the world’. These fall below the threshold for an interim analysis.
Questions are raised like "Why, in the first trial of a new drug, would a doubling of the dosing interval that was so painstakingly set earlier be accepted? Did they increase the dosing interval to include more inclusions into the study?"
Out of almost 44,000 trial participants, Pfizer used data from only 170 participants to obtain EUA.
These trials were sponsored by the US government and the documents calls into question the validity of the clinical trial results.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 43: Twenty-Two Cases of Rare Myocarditis by February 2021, Yet Pfizer Said No “New Safety Issues.” FDA Waits Until June 25, 2021, to Include Myocarditis Risk in Fact Sheets.
Myocarditis – inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) that can reduce the heart’s ability to pump blood as well as cause chest pain, shortness of breath, and rapid or irregular heart rhythms (arrhythmias). As early as February 2021, Pfizer had 22 cases of myocarditis, less than three months into the mRNA COVID-19 mass vaccination program in the United States.
These cases had onset within seven days, with a median onset of two days, and Pfizer concluded that there were no “new safety issues.” The medical reviewer assessments on spontaneous reports implies a plausible drug-event temporal association.
A new safety issue for myocarditis was apparent at the time of the completed “5.3.6 Cumulative Analysis of Post-authorization Adverse Event Reports,” received by the FDA from Pfizer on April 30, 2021
Pfizer had received (at least through May 2021), 288 additional reports of myocarditis particularly within seven days.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 44: Is mRNA-LNP Vaccine-Induced Immunity Inheritable? A Preprint Study
Some traits acquired via the mRNA-LNP injections are passed genetically from parents to their offspring.
Significant reprogramming changes in the immune system in both the innate and adaptive immune systems is caused by the inflammatory LNPs.
In mice, it is discovered that some acquired immune traits via the mRNA-LNP injections, can be inherited by offspring.
It is becoming clear mRNA vaccines expose the general population to unnecessary and severe risks, and no chances should be taken with unborn babies, whose immune systems might be in danger of being altered in a potentially irreversible way.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 45: Failure of Serialisation By Pfizer Flouted Established Pharma Industry Rules
There are strict protocols in place regarding the storage and distribution of all pharmaceuticals to ensure safety throughout the delivery process. GMP, GCP, GLP and GDP make up the Quality Management Systems, more important with an unstable product like mRNA. GDP is critical to the pharma industry, being essential to ensuring that when medicines are ready to be administered, patients can be confident they are effective, unadulterated, and safe to use.
There are legal requirements in place to ensure tracking and quality assurance of every single dose of vaccine.
Pfizer actively disregarded both legislation and guidance required by various countries for distribution of the COVID vaccine, insisting on exclusion clauses in the contracts. Where is the quality control for a far-reaching intervention like a vaccine for the world population?
mRNA/LNP platform requires ultra-low-temperature freezers to maintain the integrity of these lipid particles, as they are subject to oxidative degradation where the lipids form into clumps and can also be easily destroyed by vigorous shaking, including agitation from road transport.
The distribution networks were inadequate, and an alternative was used, bypassing the normal, regulated networks of distribution.
The use of multi-dose vaccine vials which need re-constituting with saline should cease; and bar-coded, single-use, pre-filled syringes should be standard practice.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 46: How Many Pregnant Women Received LNP/mRNA via COVID-19 Vaccine During the Year 2021? Only Estimates Are Available.
Shockingly the data is not available to show how many women received mRNA Covid-19 vaccinations during pregnancy.
Public health agencies seem unconcerned about the possible effects of lipid nanoparticles (LNP) and mRNA on recipients of the vaccines, including on pregnant women who were previously treated as a special class of patient to not be given most medications and, especially, not experimental ones.
There was no useful surveillance of pregnant women who received the genetic therapy represented by BNT162b2, Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, and/or mRNA1273, Moderna’s mRNA COVID vaccine, that would allow determination of safety of these products during pregnancy.
However, birth rates are plummeting in highly mRNA COVID vaccinated countries.
Already there is some evidence that synthetic mRNA can be translated into host DNA, which in turn can incorporate into the genome where it may produce a myriad of heritable and unwelcome biologic changes.
Unfortunately, the rates of spontaneous abortion, stillbirth, congenital anomaly, perinatal fatality, and small gestational size could not be calculated since a suitable denominator is not available.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 47: Blood System-Related Adverse Events Following Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination.
The haematological system is the human body’s blood system and includes red cells, white cells, platelets, and clotting proteins.
Fifty percent of the blood-related adverse events reported up to 28th February 2021, were noted within 48 hours of Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccination, but there were also cases reported up to 33 days post-injection. In the haematological group of adverse events, there were 34 deaths and 17 cases of permanent damage.
Pfizer's conclusion:
The data do not reveal any novel safety concerns or risks requiring label changes and support a favourable benefit risk profile of to the BNT162b2 vaccine.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 48: VAERS – 76% of Vaccine-Related Miscarriages from the Past 30 Years Occurred Once Pregnant Women Started Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines
If you are pregnant, you are more likely to lose your baby in a miscarriage if you receive a COVID-19 vaccine than if you receive measles, mumps, flu, tetanus, or any other vaccine, (VAERs). 76% of all the vaccinations that resulted in a baby dying in miscarriage in the past 30 years or so occurred when pregnant women started receiving COVID-19 vaccines.
VAERS data can be used only as a signal that something may be wrong.
Clearly, these VAERS data send a strong signal suggesting grave danger to pregnant women and their babies from COVID-19 vaccines.
How many more babies will die in miscarriages before the CDC and FDA acknowledge and act on these alarming safety signals?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 49: Clotting System-Related Adverse Events Following Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination
The thromboembolic system is the human body’s clotting system and includes general activation of the clotting system, diffuse intravascular coagulation, which results in multi-organ damage throughout the body. It does not include clots that cause strokes or most other blood disorders.
Thromboembolic Adverse Events (AEs) reports made up 0.3% of the total Adverse Events, including 18 deaths, with the vast majority reported from Europe and North America, in a 90 day period from 1/12/20.
Pfizer reported 151 cases of thromboembolic events, with 168 identified conditions and 165 determined as serious.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 50: 20% of Post-Jab Strokes Fatal in the 90 Days Following Pfizer COVID mRNA Vaccine Rollout
This review of the Stroke System Organ Class (SOC) Review from data in Pfizer document to 28.2.20.
Within the stroke data set, there are 275 patients with 300 different events reported; and 20% of the stroke events were fatal. There were no nom-serious events and all AEs were classified as serious.
The occurrence of these events ranged from within the first 24 hours to 41 days post-vaccination and 50% were within 2 days.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 51: Liver Adverse Events – Five Deaths Within 20 Days of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID Injection. 50% of Adverse Events Occurred Within Three Days
There were 70 patient cases with 94 adverse events reported in the hepatic SOC category, largely consisting of lab test abnormalities related to liver enzymes rather than clinical disease descriptions.
The report shows that 5 deaths, unexplained by the broad adverse event (AE) descriptions, occurred within 20 days of injection, which suggests severe and rapid liver injury or failure.
Pfizer set a threshold of three separate occurrences of an adverse event before the AE became “reportable.” Therefore, when a liver abnormality occurred only once or twice during Pfizer’s post-marketing analysis time frame, it did not reach the threshold of “reportability.”
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 52: Nine months post-COVID mRNA "vaccine" rollout, substantial birth rate drops in 13 European countries, England/Wales, Australia and Taiwan
Despite the concentration of both LNPs and mRNA in the ovaries of experimental animals, dose-related effects in animals and humans, and no testing in pregnant women during clinical trials or surveillance following the EUA granted by FDA on December 14, 2020. CDC and the ACOG have recommended use of LNP/mRNA products in pregnant women without knowledge of either the short-term or long-term effects of what is contained in the vials of LNP/mRNA and their effects on the human reproductive system.
The evidence is growing that both male and female reproductive functions and organs are adversely affected by LNP/mRNA products with lowered sperm motility and counts, menstrual irregularities, and reproduction organ dysfunction.
Nine months following the rollout of the COVID-19 mRNA “vaccines,” substantial birth rate drops were seen in 13 of 19 European countries (>10%), England and Wales (12%), Australia (21% Oct-Nov 21 & 63% Nov-Dec 21), and Taiwan.
The decline in births in Switzerland was the largest in 150 years – more than during two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the advent of widely available birth control. There was an 8.3% drop in the birth rate in Germany through three quarters of 2022.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 53: 77% of cardiovascular adverse events from Pfizer's mRNA COVID shot occurred in women, as well as in people under age 65. Two minors suffered cardiac events.
50% of the cardiovascular adverse events were reported in the first 24 hours post-injection. Of the total of 1,403 patients, 66% (946) had severe adverse events.
There were 136 deaths, which equates to nearly 10% of affected patients.
Pfizer excluded myocarditis and pericarditis from the Cardiovascular category and instead reported those adverse events under the Immune-Mediated/Autoimmune category.
A much younger population, ages 18-64 years, made up the bulk of adverse event cases in this category (77%).
Cardiovascular adverse events occurred more than three times as often in women: 1,076 (77%) were female, 291 (21%) were male, and 36 (2.5%) were unreported.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 54: Infants and children under 12 given Pfizer mRNA COVID "vaccine" seven months before paediatric approval. 71% of adverse event cases classified as serious.
The Pfizer COVID-19 “vaccine” was not approved for use in the < 12years age group until October 2021.
There are 34 cases (reporting 132 AEs) of use in paediatric individuals (average age 4years). 28 additional cases were excluded because details such as height and weight were “not consistent with paediatric subjects.”
Predominately females were affected - 73.5% were female.
The question is asked:
What dose(s) of Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine” was given to these children since no approved dose existed?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 55: Is Pfizer trustworthy? – The company has a long history of legal fines, penalties, and serious violations.
Pfizer has the largest criminal and civil penalty in U.S. history – over $2.3 billion for illegal off-label or unapproved promotion of medical products.
Violations fall into 6 offenses categories: safety related, drug or medical equipment safety, False Claims Act, illegal off-label or unapproved promotion, kickbacks, bribery, inflating wholesale prices.
Moderna is currently suing Pfizer and BioNTech over patent violations.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 56: Histopathology series part1- Autopsies reveal medical atrocities of genetic therapies being used against the respiratory virus.
Dr. Arne Burkhardt is one of eight international pathologists, physicians and scientists who were asked to perform a second autopsy, requested by friends and family of the deceased who were not satisfied with the results of the first autopsy.
30 autopsies and 3 biopsies were evaluated; 15 cases with routine histopathology (Step 1), 3 with advanced methods (Step 2), and some of the remaining 15 are included as illustrative cases.
- Histopathologic analyses show clear evidence of vaccine-induced autoimmune-like pathology in multiple organs.
- That myriad adverse events deriving from such auto-attack processes must be expected to very frequently occur in all individuals, particularly following booster injections.
- Beyond any doubt, injection of gene-based COVID-19 vaccines place lives under threat of illness and death.
- We note that both mRNA and vector-based vaccines are represented among these cases, as are all four major manufacturers.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 57: 542 neurological adverse events, 95% serious, in first 90days of Pfizer mRNA vaccine rollout. 16 deaths. females suffered AEs more than twice as often as males.
An alarming review of the neurological System Organ Class (SOC) adverse events found in Pfizer document, which includes altered function of the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves.
- 542 neurological events, 95% of which were serious, occurred in 501 patients.
- 16 patients died.
- 50% of events occurred within the first 24 hours after injection, equating to over 270 events in a single day.
- 69% of the neurological events affected females, and 31% occurred in males.
- 376 seizures; 12 were “status epilepticus
- 38 cases of multiple sclerosis.
- 11 cases of transverse myelitis
- 10 cases of optic neuritis
- 24 cases of Guillain-Barré syndrome
- Three cases of meningitis
- Seven cases of encephalopathy
Only adverse events that occurred two or more times are specifically reported in the diagnoses list, and the twenty events that happened once were not included.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 58: Histopathology series part 2 - autopsies reveal medical atrocities of genetic therapies being used against a respiratory virus.
The Burkhardt Group (TBG) now consists of a 10-member international research team of pathologists, coroners, biologists, chemists, and physicists.
TBG now has 100 autopsy and 20 biopsy cases in various stages of analysis, 51 (26 men & 25 women) are the subject of this report; ages ranged from 21 to 94, death 7 days to 6months after injection.
i. General lesions
Inflammation, abnormal amyloid tissue, "turbo cancer", abnormal clot formation, foreign bodies from contamination.
ii. Specific Organ and tissue lesions
Small Vessels:
- Endotheliitis in heart, lung, and brain.
- Haemorrhage
- Unusual blood clot formation with amyloid, spike protein, and fibrin.
- Presence of small blood clots and clot-forming blood cells.
- Obliteration of blood vessels.
Large Vessels:
- Disrupted aorta vessel wall plus lymphocytic vasculitis and perivasculitis.
- Damage to the inner lining of blood vessels
- Disruption of the inner lining and middle layer of blood vessels with dissection and aneurysm formation.
- Full thickness disruption of the aorta with exsanguination
- Thrombotic casts.
iii. Main Pathologic Findings (other organs) were characterised by:
- Myocarditis
- Alveolitis
- Lymphocytic nodules outside lymphatic organs
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 59: The flawed trial of Pfizer's COVID-19 mRNA "vaccine". 90% of original placebo group received at least one mRNA injection by March 2021.
The clinical trial of Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine” did not prove the mRNA injection is safe and effective, despite Pfizer’s claims to the contrary.
Clinical trials typically involve both safety and efficacy endpoints. The safety of an intervention refers to the absence or low incidence rates of harmful side effects (adverse events). Efficacy endpoints refer to measurable outcomes, such as the rate of disease incidence.
Pfizer declared Phase 3 of the trial a success on November 18, 2020, after 170 confirmed cases of COVID-19 diagnosed using the faulty PCR and researchers knew this test was inaccurate with high rates of both false negative and false positive results.
At the same time, Pfizer and the FDA knew that some clinical trial participants had reported serious side effects from the mRNA injection.
Having reached the efficacy endpoint, in December 2020 Pfizer unblinded the placebo group and offered the mRNA injection to original placebo recipients at this point the clinical trial of Pfizer’s mRNA injection did, in fact, fail. The ability to gather conclusive evidence of the long-term effects of Pfizer’s mRNA injection was destroyed, and no valid conclusions can be drawn about safety and effectiveness from Pfizer’s flawed clinical trial.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 60: 449 patients suffer Bell's Palsy following Pfizer mRNA COVID Vaccination in initial three months of roll-out. A one-year-old endured Bell's Palsy after unauthorised injection.
A disturbing review of the Facial Paralysis System Organ Class (SOC) adverse events found in Pfizer document.
Facial paralysis and facial paresis diagnoses made up 1.07% of the total patient post-marketing population, or 449 total persons, reporting adverse events from December 1, 2020, to February 28, 2021.
399 cases (88%) were classified as serious.
Cases included: 295 (66%) female, 133 male (30%), and 21 (5%) not reported.
Bell's Palsy occurred within the first 24 hours to 46 days, with half of the facial events observed within two days.
Pfizer concluded:
This cumulative review does not raise new safety issues. Surveillance will continue.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 61: Histopathology series part3 - Ute Kruger, MD, Breast Cancer Specialist, reveals increase in cancers and occurrences of turbo cancers following genetic therapy vaccines.
Following widespread distribution and injection of Spike-producing therapeutics, Dr Krüger noticed several changes:
- Younger patients, often 30- to 50-year- old.
- Tumours are growing more aggressively and faster.
- Tumours are larger.
- Tumours exhibit heterogeneity.
- More frequent Multifocal tumour growth and bilateral tumour growths.
- Co-temporal onset of more than one type of cancer.
- Benign tumours have accelerated growth possibly signifying malignant transformation.
- The physiologic process of inflammation was noted as a possible source of breast pain.
Relatively soon after the vaccination against COVID-19, the tumour growth explodes, and there is a pronounced spread of the tumour in the body; and some of the patients die within a few months. The hypothesis of Turbo Cancer after vaccination against COVID-19 is raised.
Major problems with autopsies:
- No post-mortem examination is carried out.
- Incorrect information given by the clinician on vaccination status.
- Many pathologist colleagues do not take samples for histological examination – therefore no microscopic examination is performed, meaning you cannot see, eg myocarditis or vasculitis.
- Lack of knowledge in the assessment of microscopic findings.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 62: Acute kidney injury and acute renal failure following Pfizer mRNA COVID vaccination. 33% of patients died. Pfizer concludes, "NO new safety issue".
The renal AESIs were collected by searching only events labelled as Acute Kidney Injury or Acute Renal Failure in an 90day period from December 1, 2020. Pfizer’s renal adverse event reports screen only for the most severe damage but miss important, less severe kidney damage. Thus, Pfizer’s post-marketing kidney adverse events are likely significantly underreported.
- There were 69 patients and 23 deaths.
- All, including one infant, suffered acute kidney injury or acute renal failure. The vaccine was not authorized for infants during this time.
- Half of the severe renal adverse events were reported within four days of vaccination.
- 67% of kidney adverse event patients were women, and 33% were men.
- The very short range of latency shows the severity of the damage.
Pfizer reported that surveillance would continue for this System Organ Class (SOC), yet no information on subsequent surveillance has been publicly released to date (17/3/23).
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 63: In Q3 2022, Pfizer wrote off $450million of expired or expiring COVID-19-related inventory.
Why has Pfizer stock dropped 28.7% when its franchise COVID-19 products, COMIRNATY® and Paxlovid®, helped generate record revenues?
Pfizer projected full year 2022 revenue guidance to exceed $102 billion but from Q2 2022 to Q3 2022, Pfizer’s revenue dropped by $5.1 billion, and it fell short of reaching over $102 billion in revenue.
In Pfizer’s Q3 2022 10-9 report, there is a $450 million “write off of inventory related to COVID-19 products that have exceeded or are expected to exceed their approved shelf-lives prior to being used, which was recorded in the second quarter of 2022.”
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 64: Histopathology series part 4a - re-humanising data using "intramyocardial inflammation after covid-19 vaccination: an endomyocardial biopsy-proven case series.
15 cases of myocarditis following injection of LNP/ mRNA or Adenovirus-vectored DNA coded to produce Spike proteins were worked up with cardiac diagnostic studies and cardiac biopsy from inside the heart (endomyocardial biopsy).
The primary conclusion from this clinical presentation and data is that there is evidence of a process that involved many cellular elements and a variety of cellular elements more supportive of a diagnosis of autoimmunity tied to BNT162b2 and Spike protein. Add in the fact that Spike protein was also identified in this tissue. That builds a strong case for causation attributable to BNT162b2.
These techniques should be applied to many of the “Died Suddenly” cases showing up around the world to understand the mechanism of injury and, in the cases of novel gene therapy products, to develop specific treatments.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 65: In the first three months of Pfizer's mRNA "vaccine " rollout, nine patients died of anaphylaxis. 79% of anaphylaxis adverse events were rated as "serious".
- There were nine reported deaths.
- There were 1,833 potential anaphylaxis patients reported; but, after screening using a tool called "Brighton Collaborative", 831 did not meet anaphylaxis criteria, leaving 1,002 cases reported in 90 days. Where are the 831patients?
- Pfizer reported 2,958 “potentially relevant events” from those 1,002 individuals that included the signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis.
- Pfizer reported only the most frequent anaphylaxis signs and symptoms.
- The ratio of females to males affected was over 8:1.
- Half of patients with this adverse event were younger than 43.5 years old.
Pfizer’s Conclusion: Evaluation of BC (Brighton Collaborative) cases Level 1-4 did not reveal any significant new safety information. Anaphylaxis is appropriately described in the product labelling as are non-anaphylactic hypersensitivity events. Surveillance will continue.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 66: 1,077 immune-mediated/autoimmune adverse events in first 90 days of Pfizer mRNA vaccine rollout, including 12 fatalities. Pfizer undercounted this category of adverse events by 270 occurrences.
This category is comprised of the numerous diseases resulting from disordered immune attacks against tissues of any of the body’s organs, within 90days from December 1, 2020.
There were 1077 events reported with 780 (72%) serious and 297 (28%) non-serious.
Highlights of this report include:
- Twelve immune-mediated/autoimmune adverse events were fatal.
- 77% (526) were female, and 23% (156) were male; a ratio of 3.4:1.
- Ages were 19% elderly, 71% adult, <1% adolescent, 10% not reported.
- Time from vaccination to onset =24 hours (50%) to 30 days.
- Only immune-mediated/autoimmune diseases or conditions with over 10 cases are included in Pfizer’s reporting, leaving out 270 adverse events of this type.
Adverse events in this group include:
- Hypersensitivity (55% of the AEs).
- Peripheral neuropathy
- Pericarditis
- Myocarditis
- Encephalitis
- Diabetes.
- Psoriasis.
- Dermatitis.
- Blistering Skin disorder.
- Autoimmune disorder.
- Raynaud’s phenomenon.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 67: Histopathology series part 4b- rhabdomyolysis - aka "jellied muscle" after mRNA gene therapy injections.
There is strong evidence causally linking COVID-19 vaccines to both inflammation in muscles and a damaging condition known as rhabdomyolysis from published case reports and VAERS. Rhabdomyolysis was rarely reported prior to 2021; 20year average = 4.35 cases per year.
After the widespread COVID-19 inoculation program began in late December 2020, this rate jumped to 163.5 per year.
The consequences of rhabdomyolysis can be profound, ranging from permanent impairment and disability to death in about 8% of cases, there is a close temporal connection with mRNA injections and the onset of rhabdomyolysis days to weeks later and once it initiates, there is little to do to slow or stop the process. There are no predictive screening tests for rhabdomyolysis.
VAERS numbers underestimate by a factor of 10+. The estimated incidence of 3,270 cases in the two full years of mass COVID-19 gene therapy inoculations with an estimated 261 fatalities ( 8%).
Early signs of adverse effects on muscle tissue were present in Pfizer’s Pre-Clinical Study 31,866.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 68: 34 blood vessel inflammation, vasculitis, adverse events occurred in the first 90 days after Pfizer mRNA "vaccine" rollout, including one fatality. Half had onset within three days of the injection. 81% of sufferers were women.
Vasculitis is inflammation of a small or large blood vessel or multiple blood vessels.
The inflammation can be related to a direct immune attack on the cells of the blood vessel or to deposits of complexes of antibody and an antigen (virus or other protein) that is not part of the blood vessel itself.
Pfizer reports showed in a 90-day period from December 1, 2020:
- 34 vasculitis AEs were reported among 32 cases, one was fatal.
- 81% of vasculitis sufferers were women; 19% were men.
- Onset time from injection <24 hours to 19 days; 50% within 3days
- 32% of vasculitis AEs were related to skin rashes.
- 35% of these adverse events were marked as “not resolved”.
- 3 cases of Giant cell arteritis, a serious AI disease leading to blindness.
- Cases of Peripheral ischemia, Behçet’s syndrome and Takayasu’s arteritis
Systemic vasculitis is difficult to treat. It often cannot be cured and can require permanently being on medication to manage it.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 69: BOMBSHELL - Pfizer and FDA knew in early 2021 that Pfizer mRNA COVID "Vaccine" caused dire foetal and infant risks, including death. They began and aggressive campaign to vaccinate pregnant women anyway.
A shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review.” The data in the Cumulative Review span the time of drug product development to 28-FEB-2021.
Adverse events in over 54% of cases of “maternal exposure” to vaccine (248 out of 458). Pfizer defines “exposure” that could result from intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact.
Pfizer’s tally of damages to foetuses and babies includes:
- 53 reports [53/248 =21%] of spontaneous abortion (51), abortion (1), abortion missed (1) following BNT162b2 vaccination.
- Foetal tachycardia
- 6 premature labour and delivery cases resulting in 2 new-born deaths.
- New-born severe respiratory distress.
- 19% (41/215) of babies in Pfizer’s records exposed to the company’s COVID mRNA vaccine via their mothers’ breast milk were recorded as suffering from 48 different categories of adverse events. 10 SAEs.
Despite Pfizer and the FDA knowing by April 20, 2021 the extent of damage to foetuses and babies, including death, on April 23, 2021, inexplicably, Dr Rochelle Walensky held a White House press briefing where she recommended pregnant women get vaccinated.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 70: Histopathology series Part 4c Auto-immunity: a principal pathological mechanism of COVID-19 gene therapy harm (CoVax Diseases) and a central flaw in the LNP/mRNA platform.
The term auto-immunity applies to medical conditions resulting from a destructive immune response to oneself.
This review presents clinical evidence in support of the hypothesis that auto-immunity is one of the principal pathological mechanisms of harm from COVID-19 gene therapy drugs and, as such, represents a central flaw in the LNP/mRNA platform.
VAERS reporting of auto-immunity cases jumped from 35 in COVID-19 year one, 2020, to 840 in year one of the COVID-19 gene therapy products —a 24x increase in reports and a 37x increase in annual fatalities.
The widespread organ involvement and severity of illness warrant consideration of a new class of illness, CoVax Disease, encompassing multiple pathological mechanisms of which auto-immunity occupies a central position.
Clotting and vascular disorders, neurological disease, direct toxicity, and neoplasia should also be considered part of this collection of harms following LNP/mRNA therapy at this early stage in the study of these disorders.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 71: Musculo-skeletal Adverse Events of special interest Afflicted 8.5% of Patients in Pfizer's post-marketing data set, including four children and one infant. Women affected at a ratio of almost 4:1 over men.
This is a review of musculo-skeletal adverse events of special interest (AESIs) found in Pfizer document including diagnoses of arthralgia (joint pain), arthritis (joint inflammation), bacterial arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, polyarthritis (inflammation of multiple joints), post-viral fatigue syndrome, and rheumatoid arthritis (auto-immune/inflammatory disease).
Highlights reported to Pfizer over 90 days after rollout from December 1, 2020:
- 3,600 patients reported 3,640 musculo-skeletal AESIs = 8.5% of data set
- 1,614 (44%) were classified as serious.
- 50% started within 24 hours after injection; range <24hours to 32days.
- 4:1 ratio of female (2,760) to male (711)
- 2 adolescents, 4 children, 1 infant reported musculo-skeletal AESIs when Pfizer’s BNT162b2 was not approved for use <16 years of age.
- Most common AESI was arthralgia/joint pain (3,525 or 97%), arthritis (70 or 2%), rheumatoid arthritis (26 <1%) and polyarthritis (5 <1%).
- Outcomes for 3,662 of the adverse events were: 1,801 (49%) resolved or resolving, 959 (26%) not resolved, 49 (1%) resolved with sequelae, and 853 (23%) were unknown.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 72: “Other AESIs” Included MERS, Multiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome (MODS), Herpes Infections, and 96 DEATHS. 15 Patients Were Under Age 12, Including Six Infants.
The AESIs were reported in the 90days after rollout on December 1, 2020
This category of AESIs contains medical conditions such as herpes virus infections, MERS, MODS; symptoms such as fever and inflammation; and non-medical-related issues like manufacturing issues.
Key points:
- 8,152 patients/cases, which is 19.4% of the total cases reported to Pfizer during its 90-day post-marketing safety surveillance.
- Death was listed as the “relevant [adverse] event outcome” for 96 people.
- Fifteen patients were under 12 years of age, including six infants; at the time Pfizer’s mRNA “vaccine” was not approved under age 16.
- 76% were female, 24% were male; 3+:1 female to male ratio.
- 391 herpes infections
- 18 Multiple Organ Dysfunction (MODS) adverse events.
- Onset of adverse events was within 24 hours (50%) to 61 days.
- Non-elderly : elderly adults, 6 : 1 adverse events
- Fever was the most common adverse event.
Pfizer concluded:
This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues. Surveillance will continue.” To date, no follow-up, updated, and comprehensive safety report has been publicly released.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 73: Pfizer knew by November 2020 that its mRNA Covid vaccine was neither safe nor effective. Here is what Pfizer's employees and contractors knew and when they knew it.
Through the Pharmacovigilance Plan for Biologic License Application and the Cumulative Analysis of Post-Authorisation Adverse Event Reports contributors to this report came to understand Pfizer knows its product does not work and that it poses a danger to the public.
By the completion of the EUA 2020, the investigators knew they had significant shortcomings in their efficacy assessment. They had safety signals that they refused to acknowledge as product related. Pfizer pushed an efficacy statement it could not support and declared a high level of safety that was refuted by its own reported observations.
Pfizer’s negated its own clinical trial by vaccinating the entire placebo cohort in March 2021. By March 2021, Pfizer knew its product had safety issues, and it knew from the EUA that its efficacy was questionable at best, and invalid or null at worst. Efficacy of the mRNA COVID “vaccine” was not demonstrated by Pfizer during 2020 and 2021.
Safety was not demonstrated by Pfizer. The Company understood its product spread throughout the body, witnessed AEs across all organ systems, witnessed immediate latency, and witnessed dose-response relationships which also caused investigators to speculate about long-term AEs.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 74: Lipid Nanoparticles Corrupt Nature
Pfizer told the world its mRNA gene therapy drug stays in the arm even though Pfizer knew from its own biodistribution study that that was a lie.
The use of the lipid nanoparticles to deliver mRNA causes widespread and significant harms to the human body. LNPs are synthetic fat molecules not recognized by the body as a threat and not destroyed by immune response, allowing them to carry, enter and release mRNA inside of cells.
LNPs travel throughout the body and accumulate in organs and the brain. Wherever mRNA encased in LNPs goes, it also delivers spike protein. LNPs cause harms to humans, and there is no known way to remove them from the body.
Pfizer did not disclose that tetrahydrofuran, a suspected carcinogen, is a solvent used in the manufacturing of the ALC-0159. There are other ingredients that were used in manufacturing this drug not disclosed to the public, due to trade secrets. What quality control standards were applied and who was regulating the manufacturing process from start to finish?
Quality control is a major issue given that mRNA is very unstable and technical issues as the mRNA/LNP platform requires ultra-low temperature freezers to maintain the integrity of these lipid particles. Integrity can be easily destroyed by vigorous shaking, including using road transport.
Examining all global pharmacovigilance reports there have been more than 11 million reports of AEs and more than 70,000 deaths co-related to "Covid-19 vaccines". Reports represent 1-10% of all real events. This is therefore a serious international medical crisis, which must be accepted and treated as critical by all states, health institutions and medical personnel worldwide.”
Deepak Kaushal admitted faking data ten separate times with federal grant applications, having a paper retracted, and is the co-author of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine animal study, by which Pfizer’s BNT162b2 was determined “safe and effective.” Why was a known perpetrator of fraud allowed to participate in the study that led to the FDA’s EUA approval for a treatment deployed to billions of people?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 75: mRNA COVID “Vaccines” Have Created a New Class of Multi-Organ/System Disease: “CoVax Disease.” Children from Conception on Suffer Its Devastating Effects. – Histopathology Series – Part 4d
The SARS-CoV-2 virus emerged from a laboratory and spread around the world but other than the elderly and those with certain co-morbidities, the virus posed little threat to healthy, young people. Unfortunately, the experimental gene therapy products known as COVID “vaccines” have devastating effects in young, healthy people of both sexes and all ages from conception upward through the age brackets.
CoVax Disease, a new class of illness, encompasses multiple pathological mechanisms, presents with multi-organ/system involvement, and affects all age groups. Disease categories associated with gene therapy products are diverse, unusual, and can be severe as in MIS-C, sudden death/cardiac arrest, stroke, and turbo cancer.
Young men have more myo/pericardial disease and more fatalities. Females have more disability and more adverse events overall.
Causation is a complicated topic. However, there is ample support in this report for concluding that some or many of the medical conditions that arise following an injection of C19 gene therapy products, were caused by them.
Unlike the virus, the treatment of the virus has impacted all age groups, including children, healthy people, as well as those with no comorbidities.
We do not yet know whether these new drugs and the diseases that they cause will go away or are now part of the human condition.
The object of this paper is to review AE reports following LNP/mRNA gene therapy treatments pertinent to differential age and sex reporting with specific coverage of the 0-18year old demographic.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 76: Pfizer Had Data to Announce Its COVID-19 Vaccine’s Alleged “Efficacy” in October 2020. Why Did Pfizer Delay the Announcement Until November 9, 2020, Six Days After the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election?
Pfizer committed to notify the government of any event, risk, formal or informal FDA communication, or any other issue that would be reasonably expected to materially change the anticipated schedule by ONE WEEK or more.
From the analysis of the 170 patients found in the FDA-released Pfizer clinical trial documents, there is evidence that Pfizer had the data needed for its interim analysis of the “evaluable efficacy” in October 2020, when the various accrual thresholds of evaluable efficacy cases (i.e. the total number of COVID-19-positive patients that Pfizer counted to prove “efficacy”) were reached.
Therefore, an announcement of vaccine efficacy could have been made in October 2020, before the U.S. 2020 presidential election on November 3, 2020.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 77: Women Suffered 94% of Dermatological Adverse Events Reported in First 90 Days of Pfizer COVID “Vaccine” Rollout. 80% of These Adverse Events Were Categorized As “Serious.”
AESIs for Pfizer's COVID-19 experimental mRNA “vaccine” product from the start of the UK rollout starting from 1 December 2020 for only a 90-day period.
Key points of this report include:
- The two dermatological diagnoses in the report are:
1. erythema multiforme (13 events), a distinctive hypersensitivity reaction
2. chilblains (7 events), a localized form of vasculitis - Eighteen of the adverse events occurred in adults and just one in the elderly age group. Age was not provided on the remaining case.
- Seventeen (94%) of the affected individuals were female.
- The median onset was 3days after the injection; range <24 hours to 17 days.
- Sixteen (80%) of these adverse events were categorized as serious.
The two remarkable features of this small group of patients are the overwhelming ratio of female to male and the occurrence in non-elderly adults.
Again, Pfizer concludes:
This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues. Surveillance will continue.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 78: Thirty-Two Percent of Pfizer’s Post-Marketing Respiratory Adverse Event Patients Died, Yet Pfizer Found No New Safety Signals.
This category of AESIs contains conditions of damaged lung structure or impaired oxygen or carbon dioxide exchange. These were recorded during the 90 days following UK rollout of the Covid-19 experimental mRNA “vaccine” product from December 1, 2020
Key data:
- 41 (32%) of the 130 total patients in this SOC, died.
- 137 AEs; 126 (92%) were categorized as “serious,” which includes patient outcomes such as death, life-threatening events, hospitalizations, and disability or permanent damage (FDA).
Diagnoses included:
- “Severe acute respiratory syndrome” (SARS, also known as SARS-CoV-1).
- CDC states, “Since 2004, there have not been any known cases of SARS reported anywhere in the world. The content in this website was developed for the 2003 SARS epidemic."
- 32% of the AEs were “Respiratory failure” including all cases requiring a mechanical ventilator.
- Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a lung injury where fluid leaks from the blood vessels into the lung tissue as well as the air spaces (alveoli) resulting in stiffness of the lung. It causes a marked increase in the work required to breathe, as well as reduced oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.
- Low blood oxygen levels.
- High carbon dioxide blood levels.
- AEs from <24 hours to 18 days from injection to onset; 50% reported Day1
- These AESIs occurred more in females (55.4%) than in males (44.6%).
Despite 32% of patients in this SOC dying, Pfizer concluded:
This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues. Surveillance will continue.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 79: mRNA COVID Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis at One Year Post-Injection: Spike Protein, Inflammation Still Present in Heart Tissue.
Statement 1: Myocarditis after COVID-19 “vaccine” injection is rare.
The CDC ignores the following:
- Myocarditis post-mRNA COVID vaccine is not rare:
- 2.8% of 777 subjects studied prospectively were diagnosed with myocarditis; median age of 37, which is outside of the high-risk years.
- VAERS: 30% of myocarditis reports occur 1week post-mRNA COVID injection.
- There is no basis upon which to make assumptions about when heart disease will appear with a drug that has biologic activity and has never been used before.
- Proper studies were not done nor are they in progress at any scale.
- Return to normal activities after mRNA COVID vaccination and before cardiac diagnostic testing? NO! Just don’t do it.
Statement 2: Myocarditis after Spike-generating drug injection is temporary.
- This statement has no scientific support.
- The Barmada et al. study found myo/pericardial damage in 14 out of 17 young people averaging 16.9 years of age. Young men comprised 87% of the group. At 2months or longer follow-up, some patients had signs of worsening on cMRI.
- Early diagnosis and treatment are imperative. Acute phase diagnostics with inflammatory markers or signs of myocardial tissue damage, such as troponin, are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis.
Statement Three: Myocarditis is mild.
- CoVax myocarditis may behave differently than other types of myocarditis.
- Cutting corners and making assumptions instead of doing proper science.
- Assumption made about proteins expressed by the RNA in BNT162b2.
Heart disease following injection is:
Not rare. Not temporary. Not mild.
It is past time to seriously study this potentially catastrophic health problem, define its dimensions and severity, and then develop treatments to preserve life and function.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 80: Moderna mRNA COVID-19 Injection Damaged Mammals’ Reproduction: 22% Fewer Pregnancies; Skeletal Malformations, Pain, Nursing Problems in Pups. FDA Knew Yet Granted EUA.
Developmental and Reproductive Toxicity Results.
Moderna's conclusions = mRNA-1273 shot:
did not have any adverse effects on the F0 [injected females] or F1 [their offspring] generations.
But the data in their report tell a different story:
- Adverse effects in the rats who got the mRNA-1273 included thinning fur, swollen/partially paralyzed hind legs, weight gain, abnormal eating patterns.
- Mean number of [oestrous] cycle lengths "statistically significantly higher”.
- Pregnancy data suggests harms to the rats’ reproductive systems.
- An alarming 22.7% decrease in pregnancies in mRNA-injected female rats.
- The foetuses were affected by the mRNA shot reported skeletal malformations.
Pfizer report declares:
there were no mRNA-1273-related effects on any natural delivery or litter observation parameters.
Alternate Conclusions on mRNA-123 vaccine:
- Toxic effects on the female rats’ reproductive systems and on their offspring.
- Too few rats in their study, limiting our ability to use statistics.
- The direct embryotoxic effect of the formulation not investigated.
- The Moderna rat study ended on September 14, 2020.
FDA had the study and its alarming results in December 2020 when it approved the Moderna mRNA-1273 shot for emergency use in humans.
Moderna and government agencies have known for years that mRNA-1273 is toxic to pregnant females and their babies, yet they continue to this day to recommend the shot to women “who are pregnant, breastfeeding, trying to get pregnant now, or those who might become pregnant in the future”.
When will the FDA alert the world to the fact that Moderna’s mRNA-1273 shot is dangerous to pregnant women and their babies?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 81: Summary of 2.4 Nonclinical Overview – Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine, BNT162b2
No safety pharmacology (and pharmacodynamic) studies, were conducted with BNT162b2 as they are not considered necessary for the development of vaccines according to the WHO guideline (WHO, 2005).
BNT162b2 was not studied for:
- Secondary pharmacodynamics.
- Safety pharmacology
- Pharmacodynamic Drug Interactions
- Pharmacokinetic studies
- RNA or protein metabolism or excretion studies: "The protein encoded by the RNA in BNT162b2 is expected to be proteolytically degraded like other endogenous proteins."
- Genotoxicity: “No genotoxicity studies are planned for BNT162b2 as the components of the vaccine construct are lipids and RNA are not expected to have genotoxic potential (WHO 2005).”
- Carcinogenicity studies: "The components of the vaccine are lipids and RNA and are not expected to have carcinogenic or tumorigenic potential.” (WHO 2005)
- Mechanistic studies
- Target organ toxicity: “Based on data from the GLP repeat-dose toxicity studies, administration of BNT162b2 was well tolerated without any evidence of systemic toxicity.”
- Microanatomy studies
- Biodistribution of mRNA
- Biodistribution and toxicity studies
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Report 82: Pfizer Clinical Trial Subject Dies Soon After Receiving One Dose of Moderna COVID Vaccine. Forty-Two Days Post-Mortem, Pfizer Staff Seem Unaware He Is Dead.
A protocol keeps a clinical trial accurate and rigorous. The 361-page Case Report Form (CRF) shows Pfizer significantly deviated from protocol (subject 10841470).
- took a different brand of COVID vaccine.
- later received monoclonal antibodies, both trial-prohibited medications.
- previously participated in a study involving lipid nanoparticles.
- ignoring exclusion criterion contaminates the trial and its results.
What this CRF reveals is shocking:
- A clearly unhealthy person was not excluded from the trial.
- Trial participants easily receive non-Pfizer COVID vaccines & not report them.
- Subject chose to get Moderna vaccine not knowing if on Pfizer or placebo.
- Took a third dose of an mRNA/LNP vaccine in < 3months.
- Onset of COVID only five days after receiving one dose of Moderna.
- Hospitalisation with severe COVID requiring MCAs 8 days after 1 dose Moderna.
- Mechanical ventilation two days after entering hospital.
- Death 20 days after Moderna Dose 1.
- Documentation in the CRF does not support multi-organ dysfunction syndrome as primary cause of death or earlier diagnosis of acute renal failure.
- Subject is un-blinded – i.e., documented as a Pfizer placebo patient, not a vaccine patient – three days post-mortem.
- Pfizer personnel change data in the CRF after his death, including his September 30, 2020, answers to the inclusion/exclusion questions.
- Pfizer gave him 2 doses without documenting if he was HIV +ve or -ve.
- Pfizer documents his reason for discontinuation from the trial as being “death,” when it should have been documented as protocol deviations.
- Is it fraud to misrepresent the real reason for discontinuation?
- Forty-two days after subject’s death, Pfizer personnel still seem unaware of his death, despite it being documented in the CRF on January 19, 2021.
- At that time, on February 22, 2021, personnel write that he was un-blinded to be assessed for receiving Dose 3 (the Pfizer vaccine).
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 83: 23% of Vaccinated Mothers’ Foetuses or Neonates Died. Suppressed Lactation and Breast Milk Discolouration Reported.
Analysis of “Use in Pregnancy and Lactation” section found in Pfizer document over a 90-day period starting on December 1, 2020; 274 pregnancy cases; 270 mother cases, 4 foetus/baby cases.
Pfizer’s BNT162b2 mRNA COVID vaccine was not recommended for use in pregnancy or with lactation during the time of this post-marketing data set. CDC recommended COVID vaccination for pregnant and lactating women.
- 270 pregnant women reported “exposure” (146) or “vaccination” (124).
- Only 22 of the 124 cases reported the trimester they received the vaccination.
- 75 cases were rated serious.
- 28 deaths of foetus or neonate in the vaccinated group (23%;124 women)
- No outcome reported for 243 / 274 (88.7%), of the pregnancy cases.
- Only 11.3% of pregnancies had known outcomes.
In 4 babies, 5 serious clinical events:
- 2 foetal growth retardation, two premature babies, and one neonatal death.
- Four breast feeding mothers reported suppressed lactation, one serious.
- Breast milk discolouration was also reported by breast feeding mothers.
- Clinical events were only listed if they occurred in more than five cases.
Why are there twice as many spontaneous abortions in Pfizer’s Cumulative Report? Why does the Cumulative Report have many more baby cases with AEs & SAEs?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 84: War Room/Daily Clout Research Team Breaks Huge Story: More Cardiovascular Deaths in Vaxxed Than Unvaxxed; Pfizer Did Not Report Adverse Event Signal; Death Reporting Delays Favoured Pfizer/Vaccinated.
This is the first study of the original data from the Pfizer/BioNTech BNT162b2 vaccine clinical trial to be carried out by a group unaffiliated with the trial sponsor.
Thirty-eight (38) trial subjects died between:
21.7.2020 (start of Pfizer’s Phase 2/3 of its clinical trial) &
13.3.2021 (the data end-date of Pfizer/BioNTech’s Six-Month Interim Report).
At Week 20 of the trial, Pfizer’s mRNA vaccine received EUA from the FDA, and subjects in the placebo arm were given the option to get vaccinated. Most accepted.
Evidence = 3.7+ x increases in number of deaths due to cardiovascular events in vaccinated subjects compared to placebo subjects.
This significant adverse event signal was not reported by Pfizer/BioNTech. (In other words, Pfizer knew about this safety signal by 3/13/21 and hid it.)
395 subjects were “lost to follow-up.” According to the CA4591001 Protocol, Pfizer/BioNTech was to be notified of a subject death immediately. There appears to be a consistent pattern of delay which always favours Pfizer’s interests.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 85: “The Underlying Pathology of Spike Protein Biodistribution in People That Died Post COVID-19 Vaccination” – Dr. Arne Burkhardt
International group of pathologists (including Profs Burkhardt & Lang) have reviewed pathology specimens from people with new onset of symptoms or who have died following COVID-19 genetic vaccinations.
They completed the review of 75 autopsy studies and 41 biopsies from living persons. The autopsies were on 40 men, 35 women. The age range was from 21 to 94 ages.
They explained how to differentiate damage following natural infection with that following vaccination.
Tissue samples were presented to illustrate the distribution of the spike protein following COVID-19 genetic vaccination and its associated damage, amyloid production, and clot formations.
Conclusion: There remain far more questions than answers.
- Due to the principle “primum non nocere,” any new medical therapy must be banned until harmlessness beyond doubt has been proven.
- Most importantly, it must be realized that the active ingredient of RNA-based vaccines is not simply mRNA promoting the synthesis of a nota bene viral specific protein, but modRNA specifically designed for longevity and encapsulated in LNPs to bypass biological barriers and get access to all cells, possibly also germ cells.
- As mRNA is involved in regulation of gene expression, cells have mechanisms at hand to silence mRNA species not required, however, theses protective mechanisms will not work with modRNA.
June 22, 2023. “It’s Human Responsibility” – In Memory of Prof. Dr Arne Burkhardt
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 86: Pfizer’s Clinical Trial ‘Process 2’ COVID Vaccine Recipients Suffered 2.4X the Adverse Events of Placebo Recipients; ‘Process 2’ Vials Were Contaminated with DNA Plasmids.
Process 2 was hidden all along in Pfizer’s COVID ‘vaccine’ clinical trial. The FDA knew that the Process 2 subjects had very high levels of adverse events, but there is no evidence that the agency acted on those alarming findings.
The documentation notes show that Pfizer knew that it was giving 252 unfortunate trial subjects a completely different injection than that for which they had signed up. This fact alone violates the Nuremberg Code (1947), which states that it is unlawful to run human experiments without full informed consent.
EUA for the ‘vaccine’ was granted based on Process 1. Moreover, Process 2 was not compliant with Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).
Process 2 by Kevin McKernan, confirm other groups’ reporting of the determination that there is marked contamination of the modified mRNA with high levels of DNA plasmid fragments.
There was a significant difference in the number of adverse events in the Process 2 group of test subjects.
Process 2 should have been the subject of a separate clinical trial due to the safety signals from the small number of subjects tested at the end of the clinical trial before the EUA was approved. The DNA plasmid fragment contamination found was multiple times more than the maximum allowed by the EMA.
The process tested and approved was never publicly rolled out; the public only received the DNA plasmid tainted Process 2 product.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 87: In Early 2021, Pfizer Documented Significant Harms and Deaths Following Vaccination with Its mRNA COVID Vaccine. The FDA Did Not Inform the Public.
- Pfizer’s post-marketing report, a required compliance document, is one of the ways the FDA assessed patients’ risks associated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162b2.
The data within Pfizer’s 5.3.6 analysis are not indicative of a safe-for-humans biologic.
- The 90-day, post-vaccine-rollout 5.3.6 post-marketing experience report, required by the FDA from Pfizer, is touted as showing that the BNT162b2 “vaccine” is safe.
Pfizer’s own data do not back up that claim.
- It is important to note that the adverse events in the 5.3.6 document were reported to Pfizer for only a 90-day period starting on December 1, 2020. There were 1,223 deaths.
Pfizer’s concluded, “This cumulative case review does not raise new safety issues.” That conclusion was repeated 15 times within the document.
- Pfizer states, “Reports are submitted voluntarily, and the magnitude of underreporting is unknown.”
Pfizer planned to increase personnel for data entry and case reporting to 2,400 additional full-time employees to handle the large increase of adverse event reports.
- Latency, the time between the drug being given and an AE was often 0 - 4 days.
There were four deaths on the same day of vaccination.
- Of the 42,086 “cases” (i.e., patients), AEs for women (29,914 or 71%) were reported more than three times that of men (9,182 or 21.8%).
Age demographics show 54% of cases were ≤50 years; the highest number of cases were 31 to 50years. The age bracket ranges were variable.
- 175 cases were <17 years of age. Unknown dosages were given to children as there was no authorization for children < 12.
Harms to children: Bell’s palsy (1year), stroke (7years), renal failure (<23 months).
- The Pregnancy category reveals 56 foetuses and infants died. There were 54 pregnancy cases in which the baby was not carried to a live birth.
BNT162b2 was not approved in pregnancy/lactation at this time.
- Before the public rollout, the FDA and other agencies globally knew about AEs related to Pfizer’s vaccine and yet did not provide that information to the public.
Full informed consent was NOT provided.
- Outcomes were separated into the following categories: Unknown, Recovered/Recovering (inconsistent), Not Recovered, Recovered with sequelae (with pathological condition), and Fatal.
Pfizer reported that surveillance would continue, yet no information on subsequent surveillance has been released to U.S. regulatory authorities.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 88: 2.5 Months After COVID Vaccine Rollout, Pfizer Changed Criteria for ‘Vaccination Failure,’ Causing 99% of Reported Cases to Not Meet That Definition. 3.9% of Reported ‘Lack of Efficacy’ Cases Ended in Death in First 90 Days of Public Vaccine Availability.
Analysis of the “Vaccine Effectiveness” Safety Concern section found in Pfizer document, in first 90 days from rollout on December 1, 2020.
During the first three months of vaccine rollout (from 1 December 2020) 1,665 cases were submitted to Pfizer with a definition of “lack of efficacy” (LOE). There were 65 deaths (3.9%) among the lack of efficacy cases.
Lack of efficacy cases fell into two categories:
- Drug ineffective
- Vaccination failure
Without explanation, Pfizer revised the coding conventions (or criteria) for the “vaccination failure” category on February 15, 2021, 2.5months into the vaccine’s public rollout and 2 weeks before data collection for the report ended.
The new definition of “vaccination failure” required all 3 criteria to be met:
- Both doses received per local regime.
- At least seven days since the second dose.
- Infection with confirmed lab test positive for SARS-CoV-2.
Revising the criteria for vaccination failure likely allowed Pfizer to shift cases out of the “vaccination failure” category and into “drug ineffective” category. With the new definition, 1,649 cases, (99%) of the 1,665 lack of efficacy cases met the “drug ineffective” criteria of:
- Infection not confirmed by a lab test.
- Unknowns present:
- Vaccine doses followed proper local regimen.
- Number of days since first dose.
- Whether seven days passed since second dose.
- COVID onset from 14days after 1st dose to 6days after 2nd dose.
However, based on data in 5.3.6, only 788 (47.8%) of the 1,649 drug ineffective cases can be stated categorically not to have been drug failure.
1,625 (98.5%) of the 1,649 “drug ineffective” cases were labelled as “serious.”
Using the revised coding conventions, only 16 lack of efficacy cases, under 1%, were categorized as “vaccination failure.”
Up to another 861 cases may have been “vaccination failure” had missing data been collected.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 89: BOMBSHELL – War Room/DailyClout Researchers Find Pfizer Delayed Recording Vaccinated Deaths at Critical Juncture of EUA Process. Improper Delays in Reporting Deaths in the Vaccinated Led FDA to Misstate Vaccine’s Effectiveness, Influenced EUA Grant Decision.
**There were more cardiovascular deaths in the vaccinated than in the unvaccinated in Pfizer’s clinical trial; Pfizer did not report the 3.7 fold cardiovascular AEs signal and delayed reporting deaths in favour of the vaccinated arm of the trial.**
Pfizer delayed recording deaths in Case Report Forms (CRFs), which allowed the company to not report those deaths as part of its EUA data filing with the FDA.
The data showing two vaccine deaths and four placebo deaths as of December 10, 2020, was incorrect at the time of the EUA request presentation.
As of November 14, 2020, the data cut-off for the EUA dataset, Pfizer possessed data showing that the vaccine arm of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine clinical trial had the same number of deaths as the placebo arm. In other words, there was no evidence of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine having a positive impact on death outcomes.
On December 11, 2020, the FDA granted the EUA for Pfizer’s vaccine based on inaccurate data, and that data-related negligence has negatively impacted the health of countless people worldwide.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 90: Pfizer’s ‘Post-Marketing Surveillance’ Shows mRNA-Vaccinated Suffered 1000s of COVID Cases in 1st 90 Days of Vaccine Rollout. Most Infections in the Vaccinated Categorised as ‘Serious Adverse Events.’
During the first 3months of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine rollout, thousands of COVID cases were reported to Pfizer — among vaccinated people.
- At least 2,391 (71%) of the adverse events in this category were COVID-19 infection.
- 136 patients (4.4%) experiencing COVID-related adverse events died.
- 2,585 AEs categorized as “serious,” 77% of total AEs for this category, were related to COVID-19 infections.
- 50% of COVID-related AEs began within 5days of the injection, with a range of onset between 24hours and 374 days.
- 2,110 (63%) “unknown” AE outcomes, and at least 1,300 of those were serious AEs
- The gender breakdown includes 1,650 females, 844 males, and 573 unknowns.
- 505 AEs that had a positive COVID-19 tests, included 31 asymptomatic patients.
- COVID-19 cases are referenced differently in 3 places: 1,927 cases, 2,211 cases 2,391cases. Which is correct?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 91: FDA Based Moderna’s mRNA COVID Vaccine Approval on Test of a Completely Different Non-COVID Vaccine. Only Males Included in Test.
FDA recommends biodistribution studies for mRNA gene therapies in general, but the agency excludes “vaccines” from this guidance even if they include gene therapy mRNA.
Normally, before the FDA approves a new drug for use in humans, drug manufacturers need to show where the drug goes in the body, how long it stays there, and how it is removed firstly in animals.
Moderna researchers did not test their COVID-19 mRNA drug, called SPIKEVAX, to find out where it would go in our bodies and asked the FDA to accept a biodistribution study for a completely different mRNA drug (for cytomegalovirus - CMV) instead. These two products are not the same as the LNP shells are different and their size is different effecting tissue distribution and clearance, and the contained mRNA genetic sequences are different sizes.
The substituted biodistribution study itself did not show anything like safety. Moderna’s rat study showed the CMV mRNA drug distributed to 12 of 13 organs and blood, within 2 to 8 hours after injection and the study included only male rats, no female rats were injected, and no female organs were analysed.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 92: 100s of Possible Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED) Cases in First 3 Months of Pfizer’s mRNA COVID Vaccine Rollout, Yet Public Health Spokespeople Minimized Their Severity by Calling Them “Breakthrough Cases.”
Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease (VAED), which is a more severe clinical presentation of a disease in a person vaccinated against that disease than would normally be seen in an unvaccinated person which is “disease with predominant involvement of the lower respiratory tract.”
When Pfizer received post-marketing surveillance reports in December 2020 and early 2021, it knew its COVID vaccine was not stopping people from contracting COVID. Pfizer, public health, and media spokespeople only referred to post-COVID-vaccination COVID-19 infections as “breakthrough cases” to diminish the severity, and not VAED.
Pfizer categorized all 138 cases, including 38 deaths, as ‘serious.’ The company stated that, of the subjects with confirmed COVID-19, “75 of the 101 cases were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death.”
The Brighton Collaboration gathered to define VAED. The group concluded that it is “difficult to separate vaccine failure (also called breakthrough disease) from VAED in vaccinated individuals. All cases of vaccine failure should be investigated for VAED.”
The Brighton Collaboration defined multiple levels of diagnostic certainty, including LEVEL 3B which the 75 cases of severe COVID to which Pfizer admits, fit the Level 3B criteria for possible VAED. Report 90 reveals, there are at least several hundred more COVID-19 cases, and as many as 2,391 cases, which are suspicious of VAED. Pfizer and the FDA owe the public, the vast majority of whom are COVID vaccinated, a thorough and fair assessment of possible COVID-vaccine-related VAED cases.
A control group is helpful to compare the frequency of cases and the severity of illness in vaccinees vs. controls, but Pfizer quickly eliminated its clinical trial control group.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 93: Pfizer’s ‘Post-Marketing Surveillance Report’ Reveals That Pfizer Manipulated Data and Wrongly Tabulated Adverse Events, Which Concealed Them
This report looks over patterns emerging across System Organ Classes (SOCs) starting in September 2022. These patterns showed:
- concealment of various cases of adverse events (AE)
- unexplained causes of death
A review of each SOC (42,086 patients; 158,893 AEs), reveals data discrepancies:
- setting different thresholds for counting adverse events
- assigning adverse events to inappropriate SOCs
Thorough analysis exposes data manipulation with significant variations on thresholds and number of occurrences in AEs across the SOCs.
Haematological SOC:
15 AEs or more before diagnosis named - omitting 192 AEs diagnoses (deaths?)
Neurological SOC:
2 AEs occurring before diagnosis named - omitting 20 AEs diagnoses.
Stroke SOC:
Buried case of post-vaccination stroke in a 7yr old.
300 serious AEs but only 292 were listed, diluting the stroke signal.
Who at Pfizer set the arbitrary SOC thresholds and the qualifying SEs?
The practice reduced the apparent number of occurrences below the reporting threshold.
Myocarditis(25 cases) and Pericarditis (32 cases) reported in the Immune-Mediated/ Autoimmune SOC not Cardiac & Cardiovascular SOC, decreasing the CV signal.
Pfizer playing "threshold" and SOC misassignment games.
Diagnoses either combined or split apart:
Neurological diagnoses (1225 cases) but split out into 3 classes~
Neurological (41%) SOC; Facial Paralysis (37%); Stroke (22%)
6000 SAEs in GI category but Pfizer did not have a Gastrointestinal SOC. Only 70 cases were reported in the Hepatic SOC, with one diagnosis "liver injury".
Haematological SOC contains gynaecological bleeding disorders. Pfizer did not create a Gynaecological or Reproductive SOC.
Pfizer used all the tools to present AEs to its own benefit.
Pfizer used the Brighton Collaboration criteria when it served the company's desired outcomes (e.g. excluding anaphylaxis; vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) and ignoring expert criteria for other disease categories).
Where did 497 deaths go? In first 3months of rollout ~
Tables 4, 5, 6, & 7 document 726 fatalities: Table 2 reports 1223 deaths.
There are striking findings about the speed of symptoms onset after injection.
50% of the CV, Immune-mediated and AI SOCs began within 24 hours of injection.
Pfizer repeatedly communicated that no new safety issues were raised by those findings.
90% of the placebo group were vaccinated by March 2021 effectively terminating the clinical trial.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Report 94: Pfizer Secretly Studied a Heart Damage Marker, Troponin I, in 5-15 Year-Olds, Following mRNA COVID Vaccination in 2021
By May 2021, there was proof the vaccine caused heart damage in teens and young adults.
Myocarditis is inflammation of the myocardium, resulting in tissue degeneration or necrosis. While the CDC was urging parents to vaccinate their kids. Pfizer was studying how badly its mRNA Covid vaccine damaged children's hearts, measuring Troponin I.
In April 2022 there was compelling evidence that Pfizer and FDA were aware of the myocarditis causing potential of the (EUA) mRNA Covid vaccine. Dr Arne Burkhardt revealed the presence of spike protein in the myocardium of autopsied patients who had died suddenly.
February 2021: Israel Ministry of Health alerted the CDC to a myocarditis safety signal.
See Report 11. In April 2021: 35 cases of myocarditis in children within one week of second dose. The reported link between the second shot of Pfizer vaccine and heart problems in males under the age of 30 was published in June 2021.
An FOIA by Ed Berkovich, reported on by Amy Kelly, show that the White House and other agencies were aware of this information and sought to cover it up. On May 23, 2021, a series of emails, heavily redacted but showing the, "most senior leaders, up to the White House, knew about heart damage linked to the mRNA vaccines yet colluded behind the scenes to conceal the side effect from the American people".
The Public Health agencies' messaging was that myocarditis might result from Covid-19 infection. This message prompted public health entities and medical professionals to advocate for covid vaccination.
But the CDC knew by then that Covid vaccine-related myocarditis occurred, yet the agency worked hard publicly to minimize the seriousness of that risk, and to conceal that possible cause and effect.
Pfizer reported 5-11yr olds in the paediatric trial showed no cases of myocarditis but was only run over 2 months in EU children (3,109). Comirnaty was used which is not available in the US. The study lacks significance due to brevity of the study, small sample size, and no evidence of myocarditis. During this time the CDC were promoting the "safe and effective" vaccine, but the world saw mRNA vaccinated children collapse and even die during normal exercise.
The twitter files demonstrated how Twitter, with the help of the White House rigged the Covid debate. The CDC and MSM concealed that myocarditis was a vaccine-related concern.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Are the mRNA COVID-19 shots genuinely vaccines?
Pre-September 2021 CDC defined a vaccine as, “A product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease" and after September 2021, "A preparation that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against diseases."
Abundant evidence now shows that mRNA COVID drugs did not produce immunity protecting a person from contracting or transmitting the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes COVID-19. So why do the FDA and CDC still assert that the COVID injections are vaccines, and does it matter? The FDA defines a drug - as a vaccine or a gene therapy, this decides the reviewing advisory committee, the steps of the drug approval process and the approval timelines.
Moderna in its Q2 2020 quarterly report, states “No mRNA drug has been approved in this new potential class of medicines and may never be approved as a result of efforts by others or us. mRNA drug development has substantial clinical development and regulatory risks due to the novel and unprecedented nature of this new class of medicines.” Also, “mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA…......."
Vaccine drug development and the related approval processes are well-established. Did the FDA pull a ‘vaccine bait-and-switch’ on the American people to develop an anti-COVID-19 drug, one that Americans would accept, at “warp speed?”
Was the fact that the "vaccines" were really gene therapy products the reason for the overwhelming number of deaths and Serious Adverse Events (SAEs)? Pfizer knew even during its clinical trial, that there were deaths and harms, which is why the EUA approval path matters.
The FDA's definition of a gene therapy: "Gene therapies for humans seek to modify or manipulate the expression of a gene or to alter the biological properties of living cells for therapeutic use.
Moderna affirms (June 30, 2020), "The number and the design of the clinical trials and pre-clinical studies required for the approval of these types of medicines have not been established, may be different from those required for gene therapy products, or may require safety testing like gene therapy products."
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Why was the wrong committee selected for the mRNA Covid-19 shots?
The health of the American public, as well as billions of dollars, hinges on FDA advisory committee recommendations and, ultimately, the FDA’s related authorization. Given the significance of advisory committee recommendations, it is crucial to select the appropriate committee based on the type of drug under consideration.
To fulfil its mission of protecting public health, the FDA must meticulously choose the committee of experts advising it on novel drugs. Despite the FDA communicating to Moderna that it considered its mRNA COVID drug to be gene therapy, the agency chose the Vaccine and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) to review mRNA COVID drugs’ clinical trial data and vote on whether EUAs should be granted. The FDA has a specific committee for gene therapies - Cellular, Tissue, and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee (CTGTAC).
“Vaccine” was a familiar and generally non-threatening concept to most Americans. In contrast, “gene therapy” products were unfamiliar to most. It appears that the government and its agencies chose the path of least resistance, which unfortunately involved deception about the type of drug being used, to ensure widespread acceptance of the “vaccine.” Selecting an advisory committee with expertise in the drug technology platform being evaluated is a basic first step to protecting public health.
1. Contamination of the "Vaccines" made with Process 2 the formulation released publicly show that all products tested exceeded the guidelines for residual DNA set by the FDA.
2. Worldwide concerns that Covid-19 vaccines are gene therapies e.g. Australia are identifying concerns 3 years after this "gene technology was introduced into billions of bodies.
3. Growing evidence of excess mortality and disability. In NZ, the data indicates a high number of excess deaths and Ed Dowd shows unprecedented increases in excess mortality and disability since the "vaccine" rollout.
4. Deaths and harms alone dictate that mRNA products and platform need to be halted.
5. Did the FDA exhibit wilful misconduct (acting intentionally and knowingly without legal or factual justification) when it approved these products as vaccine instead of gene therapy, acting in disregard of a known and obvious risk that is so great as to make it highly probable that the harm will outweigh the benefit?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Are FDA’s “globally recognized career scientists” at fault? Did FDA employees miss important safety signals? This is but a small piece of the mRNA COVID-19 drug tragedy - a handful of FDA employees, a small subset of Pfizer and FDA documents, but countless lives lost or destroyed.
In spring 2021, FDA granted EUA for the Pfizer mRNA COVID-19 drug to be given to children older than 12 years and renewed its approval for use in adults. FDA officials had reviewed and signed off on data proving that Pfizer’s mRNA drug was dangerous, especially to young men and boys.
Their conclusions, marked by errors and oversights, have led to lives lost and debilitating disorders, as proven by the government scientists’ own review documents.
The FDA employees who prepared and reviewed checklists:
- Deborah L. Thompson, MD, is a preventive medicine physician in Silver Spring, Maryland and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
- Ramachandra Naik, PhD, professional biochemist, is the regulatory information specialist.
- Laura Gottschalk, PhD, in Cellular and Molecular Medicine, where her work focused on the genetics of cystic fibrosis.”
Have there been any new safety issues identified by the reviewer in the Pfizer’s monthly data summary? Each month, Dr Thompson concluded that “the contents of this PSUR/PAER did not indicate a need for further regulatory action,” with sign off by Dr Naik or Dr Gottschalk. In the May 2021, Dr Thompson finally noticed that Pfizer’s data signalled that myocarditis - could be a safety issue for young men receiving the mRNA COVID-19 drug.
Pfizer’s monthly data summaries provide one such metric, the observed-to-expected (O/E) ratio. This ratio compares the number of people who are observed with an adverse event (myocarditis) after receiving an intervention to the number of people who are expected to have the disease without receiving the drug. An O/E greater than 1 is a safety signal.
Pfizer's O/E values calculated for January - April 2021 used a much higher expected value for myocarditis, that of the population of Sweden published in 2007. No myocarditis safety signal was detected with an O/E <1. Pfizer researchers made no attempt to identify myocarditis risks by age or sex, and was able to obscure any safety signal for myocarditis specific to young men. Was this a deliberate manipulation of the O/E metric by Pfizer researchers?
What prompted Dr Thompson to finally notice Pfizer’s potential data manipulation? Israeli researchers’ announced in April 2021 that myocarditis was increased in young men who received Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 shot. Dr Thompson acknowledged the myocarditis risk but despite her findings, she did not recommend halting administration of the mRNA COVID-19 drug. "At this time, the available safety data do not suggest a safety concern that would require a REMS.” REMS is a process focused on “preventing, monitoring, and/or managing a specific serious risk by informing, educating, and/or reinforcing actions to reduce the frequency and/or severity of the event."
How many more deaths and severe disabilities from myocarditis are necessary to warrant a serious risk assessment?
Having missed the myocarditis safety signal repeatedly, Dr Thompson attempted to avoid culpability for her errors by co-authoring a paper in JAMA in January 2022. “Myocarditis Cases Reported After mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccination in the US Dec 2020 to Aug 2021,” finding that “the risk of myocarditis after receiving mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccines was increased across multiple age and sex strata and was highest after the second vaccination dose in adolescent males and young men” (p. 1). This conclusion could have been reached long before the article was published if Dr Thompson had carefully reviewed Pfizer’s monthly data summaries and pharmacovigilance plan.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ drugs are modified mRNA gene therapy products. So, why did the FDA assign the review and recommendation responsibilities to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Committee (VRBPAC) instead of the Cellular Tissue and Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (CTGTAC)? CTGTAC was the logical FDA advisory committee for such a product. Yet the FDA insisted on calling the COVID-19 gene therapy injections ‘vaccines’ and assigned them to VRBPAC.
In September 2021, the CDC changed the definitions of ‘vaccine’ and ‘vaccination’ to match the output measurement (i.e., antibody titres) of the mRNA products. To date, the CDC has not logically justified its changes to those definitions. What are the roles and purposes of the various committees? Are they in place to support Big Pharma or to protect the American people?
Gene therapy is a technique that modifies a person’s genes to treat or cure disease.
The FDA website shows following exposure to human Gene Therapy (GT) products, there is a greater potential risk of delayed adverse events:
- malignancies (cancer),
- impairment of gene function
- prolonged exposure to the protein and autoimmune-like reactions.
Timings: Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 drug products were labelled as “vaccines” well before the “vaccine” definition changed, and the FDA assigned VRBPAC as the advisory committee reviewing the COVID “vaccines”-related data about May of 2020.
In 2021, executives at pharmaceutical giant Bayer admitted that two years prior in 2019 the public would have been hesitant to voluntarily get injected with a gene therapy product.
The FDA provides guidance in the code of federal regulations (CFR) for cellular and gene therapy (CGT) products which require gene therapy products to undergo a much more thorough level of scrutiny:
- more rigorous testing
- proof of potency
- safety
- stability
What Have We Learned:
The Cell Tissue and Gene Therapy Advisory Committee (CTGTAC) should have been the advisory committee selected to review data related to the modified mRNA drug products. Modified mRNA is, by definition, a genetically modified product.
The CDC changed definition of “vaccine” mid-stream. It was different before September 2021.
The FDA placed the COVID-19 drug products into the vaccine advisory committee for evaluation and approval voting. This was not the correct committee to review the data on gene therapy products.
The evidence began to mount as early as Spring 2021 for COVID “vaccine”-related adverse events in the VAERS database and the excess deaths reported in otherwise healthy individuals became too big to ignore, the FDA did not recall the clearly harmful modified mRNA drug products and failed to do its job of “…protecting public health.”
What we still need to learn:
Who decided that a modified mRNA drug product should be treated as a “vaccine”?
What evidence was provided to the committee to support authorization of the COVID-19 “vaccines”?
What questions did the advisory committee members ask during these meetings?
How diligently did they perform their duties?
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Albert Benavides has diligently documented techniques used by public health agencies to hide data in their databases. He has exposed the techniques of throttling, time displacement, and removal of all or parts of reports. Mr. Benavides posts frequently on Substack.
The two cases featured that exemplify two phenomena, possibly intentional tactics, that in effect hide important information from the public.
1. Time Displacement
U.S. government data, 97 events reported for COVID19 vaccine administered 2001.
Example: VAERS #1512205. 39-year old-male with cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT) following injection with Janssen’s (Johnson and Johnson) COVID19 vaccine injected 7,405 days before. The dates of onset and reporting: July 15, 2021 and July 29, 2021. Close in time to the FDA announcement that six cases of CVT, had been identified in women 18-48 years of age, 6-13 days after injection with the Janssen vaccine, leading to the drug being taken off of the market on April 12, 2021.
This was a 39-year-old male and the outcome of his CVT is unknown.
How many cases of time displacement are there in VAERS? Here is one attempt to answer that question. There are thousands of them; 1,239 with wrong dates and 73,671 with unknown dates going back to 1900.
2. Reformatting Obfuscation
A more complex cloaking technique involves scrambling data that to a reasonable degree of probability had been received in an orderly format by VAERS making it unintelligible for many readers.
Is this process done by people, or did the algorithm take over?
Initial presentation:
2hours after vaccine nausea and vomiting
Diffuse myalgia
Pustular rash
Emergency department:
Heart rate and respiratory rate normal
Periorbital oedema, leucoplakia, tender abdomen
Laboratory results:
Acid base imbalance
Elevated white count (22,000) with left shift
Renal failure with red blood cells and white cells in his urine
Neutrophilic leucocytosis indicates significant inflammation ( 2.3x normal)
Multiple organ system involvement is characteristic of some illnesses that follow administration of the never-before-used experimental gene therapy product, BNT162b2. In this case, the central nervous system, urinary system, musculoskeletal system, immune system, integumentary system, and possibly the cardiovascular and hematopoietic system were involved, most with significant disease.
The report for VAERS submitted by the medical professional, filed and processed very rapidly but with no outcome except that he was permanently disabled. Permanent disability is unknown.
Complicated multisystem illness cases were siloed in the leading category of “Other”? The 40,000-plus subjects in the above data set on average reported more than three adverse events each so it is possible that some of the 8,152 in the “Other” category included rapid onset multiple organ system disease.
Read the full report on the Daily Clout.
Main Image: Marco Verch Professional Photographer (CC BY 2.0 Deed)