Debi Evans Blog: 21st July 2024

I have a packed blog this week. In a week when the former President/current presidential nominee of the United States was shot at a presidential rally, tensions are high in the Western Hemisphere. 

Back in the UK, there are plenty more clues as to our future from the Tony Blair Global Institute for Global Change, as they have mapped out the Future of Britain. The events appear to have been largely missed by the public all in the name of football. England’s success in EURO 2024 has dominated the news and our screens, wall to wall, for the last week. As the country has been in a high state of football fever pitch, any other news has fallen by the wayside. Call it a distraction, perhaps, but as the English celebrate and commiserate over football and tennis, there are sinister events at play. What did the Bible say about staying focused, watching for God’s signs, and staying sober?

I have been both interested and saddened to hear about the apparent hatred Europe has for the UK. It’s true that theUK’s entries in the Eurovision Song Contest never do well. Maybe this little map on X says it all. When I ask why the UK is so unpopular, I am told it is because it is considered a very rich and prosperous country with unrivalled wealth and a sense of privilege. Really? 

To those of us who live here, it certainly doesn’t feel like that, and most of us would not want to be described as such.The streets are only paved with gold for those who are born with a silver spoon in their mouths; those who continue to luxuriate in a grandiose lifestyle and continue to prostitute their souls in return for money, power, and control. 

The reality of United Kingdom life in 2024 is that many are sick, out of work, and struggling to pay for bills and food. The rate of homelessness is increasing, and whilst our own citizens sleep on the street or in sleep pods, migrants are provided luxury hotel rooms. It either makes no sense, or it makes perfect sense. For many of our citizens, surviving from one day to another is like climbing Everest without oxygen. If you really get lucky, you could end up in a container pod. (Think about that: CONtainer). But build them and they will come - in droves, no doubt.

The UK is in crisis. The cost of living is no longer the cost of living; it’s the cost of surviving. Our health service is in utter collapse, and all who choose to live here are trapped on a densely populated island with one health system, no choice, and nowhere to go. We have been kidnapped by the NHS. It’s no wonder that no other countries have adopted the model.

Let’s not forget the elephant in the room: immigration. I have previously welcomed those coming to live in the UK from other countries. I have loved meeting them and learning about their cultures. But charity begins at home. And when in Rome, do as the Romans do. In the last few decades, and even more so in the last few years, I have started to feel like a stranger in my country of birth. Does that make me a racist or a bad person?  Am I allowed to say that in 2024? Am I alone, or do many of you feel the same way? A close friend who is of mixed race, born and educated in the UK, says she feels like me.  

We are 100% witnessing a population explosion, not due to our own indigenous birth rates which are declining, but due to immigration, whether legal or illegal. Has anyone else noticed a massive rise in people from Africa, mainly Uganda, Nigeria, and Ghana, arriving in the country? In Cornwall, it has been a rapid and very noticeable change. I have also noticed many people of colour filtering into NHS staffing. I am alarmed at how many of them have very basic or no spoken English skills, with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ being their limit. Do you know who is nursing your loved one? Do you know who is visiting your relatives at home? Do you know who is operating on you or who has your life in their hands? Can they speak English? Can you be sure? I can’t! Check out my section about the NHS further down in this blog for more problematic updates. 

And finally: water. The water infrastructure in the UK is not fit for purpose; in fact, I would go as far as to say it is dangerous on many levels. Do you know what is coming out of your tap? No is the answer, because water is fluid, and it changes all the time. The UK, far from having a gold standard water service, has a shameful water industry. But how many people know that? It’s time to face the music. Decades of neglect are now about to haunt every one of us. And who will pay the literal and metaphorical price? Yes: you. Watch the water.

What will humans look like in the future? How will we live and behave? Will there be millions less of us because the planet has been turned into a utopia of mass rewilding where only poppies, buttercups, butterflies, and bumblebees are welcome? If so, there will be no need for thousands of smart cities to be built or for billions of humans to exist. 

I have been troubled to hear many commenting on the lack of bees seen this year. On a recent visit to the home of a close friend, I was admiring her lavender bush which was in full bloom, and I was astonished at the number of bees collecting pollen. Just for a split second, it was a familiar reminder of the ‘old normal’. According to the World Economic Forum, for those of us who are alive, we won’t be able to own cars, so expect less traffic and vehicular highways, but we will see bee and butterfly superhighways. Highways will, according to Klaus Schwab, be turned into parks by 2030.

As well as shining a light on some of my regular topics, I would like to bring to your attention to some news you may not have come across or even considered possible. Perhaps they will be revelations. Keep reading. Remember, though, you may have heard it here first.

It is pretty apparent that we are witnessing events of Biblical proportion. These are unprecedented times. If you think the last four years have been difficult, buckle up, because there is much more to come.



I cannot write a blog without mentioning the MHRA. Tuesday, 9 July, 2024, was the last Board meeting for the outgoing CEO, Dame June Raine.  As always, a team of regular loyal observers intended to be present for the meeting’s livestream. The MHRA had a different idea. For that Board meeting only, they decided they would not be livestream the meeting for the public.

Could that have anything to do with the fact that UK Column broadcast part of the last MHRA Board meeting unedited? We may never know; however, as of this writing, no one knows who oversees the MHRA. Perhaps an announcement will be imminent, or maybe we will find out at the September Board meeting, which we are told will be livestreamed to the public. I feel change is afoot at Canary Wharf, and we will see significant differences sooner rather than later.

It is a point of interest, perhaps, to note that at the time of this writing, the MHRA’s May 2024 Board meeting is still neither on YouTube nor available to the public. Where has it gone? Vanished, perhaps, along with Dame June Raine? Will it ever be broadcasted? I await with bated breath.

Covid-19 and more ‘viruses’ on the horizon

Is the so-called Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ turning into Covid-24? Could we be FLiRTing with a new combination of influenza and Covid in one shot? Perhaps that is why Moderna are riding to the rescue with their new ‘two in one’ jab ready for winter. Or maybe it is just a FLuQE?  ‘Vaccines’ are being marketed like essential clothing, fit for all seasons. It doesn’t matter where you are going, where you have been, where you intend to go, or what time of the year it is; a jab is readily available for your convenience, your safety, and your security.

Safety and security are going to be the next buzzwords ringing in your head for the foreseeable future. Prepare for more ‘variants’, ‘viruses’, jabs, fear, and more science fact; there is no more science fiction.  Klaus Schwab talked about Dr James Giordano in The Fourth Industrial Revolution. For those of you who haven’t read it, perhaps you may consider it after reading this week’s blog.

Ditch the tin foil hats. They were never required. A conspiracy is only a conspiracy if it is not real, so does that make us- the notorious tin foil hatters - real, and make Professor Schwab fake? Alice has been looking in the looking glass, and what she has seen is most definitely no illusion.


Remember the old saying ‘bits and bobs’? I have decided to change it to ‘bits and bodies’. Bits as in computer bits, and bodies, as in our human bodies. When Dr James Giordano said that science fiction is no longer fiction, but rather science fact, he was not joking. What if I were to tell you that it is not simply humans who are being ‘built back better’?To transform us into a new species - cyborgs, chimeras, or transhumanism - it has become all too plain to me that the era of homo sapiens is clearly coming to an end. Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) create a new species, or perhaps a Ganimal? Can AI create a new God and new religions? If so, how?

If you believe in Darwinism and the evolution of man, each species eventually changes, evolves or goes extinct. My point is that whichever way you read it, evolution and change means that the original species disappears forever.

My personal belief is that God created us in His image. It is the hallmark he gave us, and it is unique and perfect to every one of us. I am referring to deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Those that rule us and perhaps believe in more evil entities, however, want to break that precious unique DNA. They want to change us forever. Many will allow themselves, and indeed will volunteer to be transformed, although I am pretty sure most of you reading this will resist with every fibre of your being. I know I will. But how will they entice so many to accept this forever monumental, devastating, and permanent shift away from not just humanity, but Creation itself?

There are several ways; let’s look at just a few. How are youngsters so seduced by the technologies and the promise of superpowers and gadgets that they eagerly bring into their Brave New 1984 World? How can we warn them of thedangerous future they are creating for themselves?

Imagine telling a youngster they can have as many superpowers as they want or can afford. Invisibility? The ability to fly? Speak in as many languages that exist? Turn rubbish into gold? Increase their IQ simply by logging into an app or taking a pill? The ability to see for miles? Hear sounds miles away? See through walls? Teleportation? Exoskeleton suits? I can only imagine that Generations Y and Z will be excited by the prospect, and they will embrace these promises with open arms. Many youngsters have already been seduced by the supernatural powers of Harry Potter and the superhero powers of the Marvel characters. If someone told you that you would be able to teleport yourself to any area of the Earth, or indeed the Universe, would you be tempted? The reality is closer than we think.

I often think about the evolution of tattoos since most of my children have inked their beautiful skin. I am personally not a tattoo fan, but perhaps it is a generational thing.  In my younger days,  tattoos were only for sailors or convicts. In 2024, tattoos are not only art; they are fashion must-haves and status symbols. But when is a tattoo not a tattoo? I have reported on electronic tattoos in the past; however, I feel I need to revisit it. These are not ink tattoos, but rather wearable devices that can transmit and receive data. They can steal our thoughts, feelings, and memories. Did you know the technology exists to delete, create, and change memories? Yet again, there appears to be a different meaning to a word we traditionally associate with ink and art.

What if I were to tell you that the internet is the key? Without the internet, none of what I am about to reveal would be possible. Do you know how many ‘internets’ we appear to have? Were you aware of the Internet of Animals andInternet of Medical Things? Are we using a dead internet where everything is fake?

Imagine merging the human body permanently with machinery. I know many of you are now thinking, ‘Yes, Debi, we know about that’. But how quickly, and to what end? Whilst I am sure most will have heard about the Internet of Things and the Internet of Bodies, how many of us understand how this fatal combination will change our lives forever? Klaus Schwab warned us when he was recorded in conversation with Sergey Brin in 2017. He predicted that within 10 years, we will all have chips inserted into us; listen to them discuss it. 

Did you know there are three stages or generations of internet technologies that are being used to transform the human race into a new species? Here they are: 

  • 1st Generation/External devices: apps, smart watches, smart rings, smart glasses, and headphones
  • 2nd Generation/Internal devices: smart prosthetics, smart medical devices, and digital pills which transmit data on swallowing
  • 3rd Generation/Embedded devices: merging human body with a real time connection to an external machine and the internet such as Neuralink and microchips

Are you ready for the paradigm shift of the Brave New Human? 

Stories in Brief


Whooping cough. For the last few weeks, both myself and Professor Diane Rasmussen McAdie have been reporting on what is being reported as a rise in whooping cough. This week, as we predicted, the sudden rise in Australia is set to hit us here in the UK. As parents struggle to get antibiotics for their children in Australia, it appears what goes on in theSouthern Hemisphere is repeated here in the Northern Hemisphere. With a reported nine infant whooping cough deaths in the UK, once again the spotlight is on pregnant mums. But what is it pregnant mums are being asked to take? Watch our related report on UK Column News.

Patients being fobbed off when raising safety concerns. What a surprise. It appears the Patient Safety Commissioner, Dr Henrietta Hughes, is aware that patients are being gaslit by NHS staff. What’s even worse is that some women are being labelled as ‘difficult’ and simply dismissed. By her own admission, Dr Hughes is ‘swimming against the tide’ when it comes to making a lasting cultural change, and blaming the fact that people get comfortable in the ways they do things. Speaking to the British Medical Journal, she complained that finance and productivity was the main driver to the detriment of patient safety. Question for Dr Hughes: are any patients vaccine-injured, or do they not figure into your agenda?

Nurse shortage. Despite what any government tells you, there is a serious shortfall of nursing staff. But what is a‘nurse’ in 2024? In my day, a trained nurse was someone who had fought for their place at nursing school, and who had completed three gruelling years of study and clinical practice in hospitals. We were not even allowed to call ourselves ‘nurses’ if we weren’t qualified State Registered Nurses.  Today, do you know who is nursing you? What qualifications do your nurses have, or do they have qualifications at all? How many patients is that nurse caring for at any given time? I would suggest that unless you directly ask a member of staff, you will never know.

Dysfunctional culture at the Royal College of Nursing. The Royal College of Nursing has just published the latest statistics from its Last Shift Survey. Shockingly, it appears that one out of three hospital shifts are lacking a quarter of the registered nurses required. In my day, back in the late 1970s and early 1980s, we had at least five nurses on an early morning shift with an addition of three more at midday. Most general wards would house approximately 28 patients, so even at busy times of the day, any one nurse would have had at most seven patients, and they would be a mixture of high, medium and low dependency. Today, one nurse looks after 15 or more patients each. This is clearly unsafe.

Nursing regulator not fit for purpose. As if things couldn’t get worse, they can. It appears that no regulator is fit for purpose. The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), which is responsible for UK nursing regulation, recently published their latest independent review. The Council have promised to tackle serious cultural problems that have swept through their organisation. These include bullying and racism. They are clearly not able to perform their role properly. Promising a ‘step change’, the NMC have promised to do better. But do you believe them? I don’t. I will ask again. Do the NMC know who they are employing and validating as qualified? Do you know who is nursing you or your loved ones? If you don’t, perhaps try to find out. We all need to be asking questions without being gaslit or deemed a troublemaker. 

The Independent have reported that 30 out of 98 universities are facing reviews by the NMC to investigate how qualifications of student nurses and midwives are managed. Do you know how long it took for me in 1976-1979 to qualify as a State Registered Nurse? It took three years of 40-hour weeks. We had six weeks of holiday per year. By my reckoning, that is a total of over 5,500 hours working on wards, including short breaks, in nursing school. We were never out of a hospital environment. In 2024, students are required to do 2,300 hours of training, which is half of the quotient we had in the 1970s. Even 2,300 hours of training does not appear to be happening now. Since when does a lunch break count as training? It is clear to me that many student nurses are not safe to practice. 

Lord Darzi examines and makes a diagnosis on the NHS. A few weeks back, I highlighted The Fleming Centre, based at St Mary’s Hospital in Paddington. They are in partnership with Imperial College London and enjoy the patronage of The Prince of Wales. The Fleming Initiative is driving the UK’s antimicrobial resistance agenda through influencing behaviours and policy decisions.

At the heart of the organisation is Professor the Lord Darzi of Denham. As Chair of the organisation, he is responsible for overseeing the Centre’s remit: to ‘combine cutting edge research, public engagement, and work with policymakers to drive a global change. It will deliver both research programmes and public exhibitions and engagement activities to educate, inspire and take action. It will convene diverse global voices and build consensus for change’

It appears Lord Darzi is a busy man. He has just been appointed to lead another independent investigation into the state of the NHS. How long will that take, and how much will it cost the public? Do we honestly need another investigation to tell us it is beyond repair and dead? Didn’t Wes Streeting, our new Health Secretary, tell us recently the NHS is broken? Does he really need to commission one of Labour’s ‘old boys’ to confirm it? I believe there are plenty of UK Column members who could do a far better job in record time. And, let’s face it, the NHS didn’t die overnight. It has been happening for over a decade. Yet only now Labour want an investigation?

Don’t forget Lord Darzi of Imperial College London was an advisor to Blair and Brown, and one of the first architects of life sciences. Do I really need to say more? Perhaps one thing in his favour is that he has previously conducted an investigation. It was largely ignored, although what did he care? He was paid handsomely in return.

Extraordinary Headlines

I will merely highlight here a few stories that raised my eyebrows.

E. coli dangers for athletes at the Paris Olympics

With the Paris Olympics just around the corner, it appears the River Seine is not safe for swimming.  E. coli levels at the Alexandre III Bridge are above acceptable levels. According to experts, these levels may pose serious health threats to athletes.


A new study has just been published highlighting the dangers of what lurks on tampons. Researchers have found arsenic and lead in over a dozen popular tampon brands. The report goes on to say that the effects can increase cancer and cause dementia as well as negatively influence maternal health and foetal development. It’s interesting that something as simple as a tampon is deemed dangerous whilst injecting mRNA into pregnant women and the elderly poses no threat at all. I rest my case.

Adult nappies

With a decline in Japan’s birth rate combined with an increase in age expectancy, nappy manufacturers are increasing production for adults and decreasing production for babies. Clearly, the nappy trade is changing, too. Unicharm Corporation, the largest nappy manufacturer in Japan, have reported their adult sales have overtaken baby sales. Fortunately, they are climate-conscious, and they are partnering with other companies to recycle old nappies into new ones. Ewwww! 

And Finally …

This is a longer than usual blog; however, I would now like to remind you of a few of Klaus Schwab’s predictions as written in his book The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Page 22 is particularly interesting. 

One of his predictions was transgenic livestock. Examples include cows that have been engineered to produce milk with a clotting element in it to help haemophiliacs, and pigs that have had their genomes remodelled to provide organs for human transplantation. Known as xenotransplantation, it is organ donation with a twist, and it appears to be highly unsuccessful. I wonder why. (raises eyebrows)

A World Economic Forum report called Deep Shift, published in September 2015, identified 21 tipping points which will shape our future digital and hyper-connected world by 2025. It appears we are on schedule and their plan is working. Most of their targets are being met thus far.  

OXO-001 (no, I am not referring to an Oxo cube for cooking) is a new fertility treatment that will enhance embryo implantation. Why would we need this? Are we suggesting that more women are becoming infertile?

I have been warning that I believe September 2024 will be a tipping point for the world. By 1 January, 2025, we will be launched like a projectile into a brand new paradigm. I will share more with you next time. But keep your eyes on the heavens, because the sun is behaving badly, and the Earth’s core is spinning in reverse! 

And finally finally. How could I not include the promotion of Sir Patrick Vallance, whose new nickname is Dr Doom?He has gone from civil servant to Minister of State for Science. Does that give you a warm fuzzy feeling? Not me, either.

Until next time

God Bless


1 Thessalonians 5: 1-7

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you
For yourselves know perfectly the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night
For when they shall say, Peace and safety: then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape
But ye, brethren, are not in the darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief
Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness
Therefore let us not sleep, as do others: but let us watch and be sober
For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night