Debi Evans Blog: 11 October 2024

For many months, all of us at UK Column have been warning that September 2024 will be when we see a cascade of new ideas, change, regulation, and legislation. We weren’t joking. But if you think September has been fast-paced and extraordinary, it’s just a prelude of what is to come.

At last, I was able to return to the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) live-streamed Board Meeting. I had been keeping my eye out for tickets daily. My patience was rewarded. On 17th September, I was up, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, for the 9am start. What would we hear? Would it be Dame June Raine’s last meeting as CEO? On the contrary; we learned instead that the Secretary of State has asked Dame June Raine to stay on as CEO for another 6 months. Professor Graham Cooke, the interim co-chair, announced that the job application for her replacement was now online, with a closing date of 7th October. Interestingly, the job profile description doesn’t require applicants to be trained in medicine or pharmacology. You need basic overall knowledge on patient safety, you must be passionate about reform and technology, and you must have experience at Board Level. Wow, even someone like me could apply! Perhaps you are looking at the job description and thinking, ‘Hmm, that could be me! Shall I apply?’ Will you apply? I can think of quite a few people who would do a grand job. 

The MHRA Board Meeting also revealed that 100 people were viewing remotely, including 40 members of the public. Thank you to every one of you. Did you notice Raj Long, the Non-Executive Director, announce very quietly that she has retired from the Gates Foundation? Why do I find this interesting? What if retiring from the Gates Foundation made her eligible for the CEO post? Nothing is impossible in 2024; she certainly meets the criteria! Maybe I am being far too conspiratorial. One thing is for sure: it won’t be Dr Alison Cave. As the highest earner in the MHRA, she rakes in a cool £195k pa already and would be effectively taking a pay cut.

I hope you enjoyed my interview called ‘The Presence’ with one of our wonderful members, Dr Robin Kelly. He is a British-born-and-trained GP who now lives in New Zealand with his wonderful family. I have received some lovely comments since it was first aired. We all want a GP like Robin, so we feel listened to, welcomed, cared about, and above all, believed. Yes, doctors like Robin do still exist. You can be sure of a meet and greet from Alfie the dog, a cup of tea, and time to talk. If you haven’t watched, please do. Your ‘presence’ will be appreciated, and your heart will feel uplifted.

It is a continuing pleasure to interview you, our members, who have both a wealth of expertise and a lifetime of experiences. I am so sorry we cannot interview every one of you, although I am trying to involve as many of you as I can who are willing to come on camera. This week, I was delighted to be able to interview Dr Robert Evered, another of our members. I have been in contact with Robert for a while after reading his posts on our community forums. I was struck by his measured tone, frank speaking, and abundance of good old-fashioned common sense. Our members will know him as ‘Denier’. I would like to dedicate these two interviews to our members. These were for you with love and thanks for all your support. 

Which brings me neatly onto a suggestion for those of you who are reading this but are not members. Thanks to Brian Gerrish and Mike Robinson, UK Column has been going for over a decade. Far from paling into insignificance or being bullied into silence, we have gone from strength to strength. Why? Because of you! From the start, donations, faith, and kindness started what you see today. UK Column survives purely on donations and subscriptions. We take no advertising, no corporate sponsorships, and therefore have no outside interference. It is made for you, with you, and about you. For £5 a month, less than the cost of a pint, members get access to our community forums, UK Column News Extra, and a 24/7 live chat box. Please consider joining the family and help us get bigger and stronger than ever. Perhaps buy someone a subscription for Christmas! We don’t just report the news; we investigate and bring you newnews, often ahead of others. 

As 2024 enters its final phase, many are already talking about the future. What does 2025 have in store for us? Should we be looking forward to it or dreading it? I don’t think it will be either, but I believe we should be preparing for it in earnest. Time is running out as our Fat Controllers prepare to hit the button which will project us into an artificial digital hell. The final phase of The Great Reset will seal the fate of humanity forever. If ever there was a time to act, it is now.  Many of my family accuse me of being a ‘Debi Downer’ or a doom-and-gloomer. I take the view, however, that it is better to know what you are fighting to prepare and defend yourself in the future than to ignore what is going on around you in plain sight. I do accept that my opinion won’t sit well with everyone. 

As I observe people getting on with their lives, planning their futures, and remaining seemingly oblivious to events in the world around them, I continue to be amazed. Why aren’t they seeing what we see? Why aren’t they preparing for what is to come? What is wrong with people? Yes, I ask those questions too. Just this week in brilliant sunshine, I noticed a lady walking on her own, wearing shorts, a t-shirt, sun hat, sunglasses… and a mask! I was so tempted to ask her why. I must remember, however, that these souls are already lost to the agenda and there is no helping them wake up to the reality. I walked on by with sadness in my heart. 

By the time you are reading this, the United Nations will have decided our future for us at their Summit of the Future. The Tony Blair Institute for Global Change is in control of the Future of Britain, where the agenda includes A Digital Future For All. The agenda is quite simply to turbocharge the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been thus far UNsustainable. UK Column have been warning and reporting on the global summits coming up this autumn for many months. Back in February 2024 on UK Column News,  I reported on the Summit of the Future, ahead of many other news organisations. 

The future involves the extinction of humanity as we know and love it. Out of humans will emerge an entire new race of ‘transhumans’ and indistinguishable genders. In fact, gender will probably disappear entirely. 

The future involves control, surveillance, artificial intelligence, humanoids, digitisation, and globalisation where a three-tier society exists, and the word ‘citizen’ takes on an entirely new meaning. Are you a responsible, kind, considerate, and honest citizen? That’s very good, but that won’t be enough to qualify you to enter the Sick Brave New World we are being hurled into at 1000mph. 

You will have to be so much more. You will need to be a compliant, obedient, silent, brainwashed, and virtue-signalling snitch to become what I would call an ‘Elite Citizen’: one of the chosen ones to sit at the head of the table and makerules that the rest of us must obey. If you are simply compliant and virtue-signalling, but not particularly outspoken,you will probably be awarded ‘Compliant Citizen’ and allowed to carry on with your business. The rest of us will be‘Outcasts’ and shunned from society, perhaps even stripped of our ‘Citizenship’ and shipped off to some far island to fend for ourselves. What does that remind you of? To my friends Down Under, history often has a habit of repeating itself.

The process of what I am terming ‘Elite Citizenship’ can be seen in the Sortition Foundation’s use of citizens’assemblies. For more information, do check out last Friday’s news. I am sure it will be a topic that will be covered in far more depth in the future. It affects every single one of us. Who better than an ex-cabbie to drive us into a path of chaos and division? Honestly, you couldn’t make it up. For those of you thinking that this is the Delphi Technique in plain sight, you’d be correct; the UK Government is openly admitting to having this in their toolkit. But that is just the tip of a very large iceberg. More to come soon. 

In my opinion, the Sortition Foundation will lead to a division within society, where certain chosen ones will be re-framed to deliver their master’s message. And who will we have ultimately to blame? Us, of course; politicians will simply be doing our bidding and will be let off the hook. Who will be accountable when things go wrong? Those who have made the decisions, right? This will result in communities in chaos and at war with each other.

I don’t see this ending well at all. Have you had a letter? Are you one of the chosen ones? What will you learn at one of their jolly citizens’ assembly weekends, when you too will be ‘reframed’?

Is Life a Game of Snakes and Ladders?

Whilst I was playing Snakes and Ladders the other day with a friend’s granddaughter, I had a bit of a light bulb moment, which prompted me to do some research into the origins of the game. It prompted many what ifs.

Originally, the game of Snakes and Ladders was known variously as Gyan Chaupar (meaning ‘Game of Knowledge’), Mokshapat, and Moksha Patamu, and was originally a Hindu game. Nobody knows for sure as to who invented this game, or when it was created. It has been speculated that this game was already being played in India as early as the 2nd century AD’.

What if life was in effect a game of Snakes and Ladders? What if Earth was a prison planet with no way off? What ifyou climb your way to the top of the board, only to make a mistake or a bad decision, one move before the end, and slip back down to the beginning, only to have to start it all over again? Potentially, you could carry on playing multiple times without ever getting to the end or ascending to the next level. Hence, video games are often played level by level, and until you beat a level, you cannot move on to the next one. After perusing this in my brain, I was blown away to learn of the origins of the game, and perhaps you will be too. One thing is for sure: I see the game in a whole new light, and it makes me even more determined to get to the end without slipping down an evil snake. I want to see what is after the end.  

News in Brief

Global Oxygen Alliance Strategy 2024–2030: Are we running out of breath?

The phrases Net Zero and Zero Carbon are ringing in our heads. But what about oxygen? Who is talking about that? Surprise - we are running out of oxygen! Do you remember the stories of how hospitals were running out of oxygenduring the plandemic and life suddenly became an oxygen lottery? This was despite a global oxygen task force being set up in 2021. It seems we are in no better shape four years on from the plandemic.

You won’t be surprised to know that all the familiar names are involved: the World Health Organization (WHO) and its Biomedical Consortium, UNICEF, UNOPS, The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (The Global Fund), the World Bank, USAID, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI), PATH, Save the Children, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), the Access to Medicine Foundation, and the Every Breath Counts (EBC)Coalition.

Every breath certainly does count; yours included. But are we running out of breath? You can thank the ocean for that, allegedly [note my raised eyebrow]. According to the BBC, the ocean is running out of oxygen also. How convenient! Clearly, sustaining humans requires oxygen. What’s the answer? Provide more oxygen or ration our breaths? More to come on this in the very near future.

Cancer Roadmap – 2030

I was led to believe we are entering the Age of Aquarius; however, it feels more like the age of Cancer. Every condition and disease appear to have a pre-planned agenda and roadmap. Recently, on UK Column News, Mike Robinson asked me when the ‘1:2 will get cancer’ statistic became normalised in the UK. Never, in the days of my growing up, were we ever led to believe that 50% of us will get cancer, whatever cancer is. We will perhaps leave that debate for another time. Irrespective, Cancer Research UK (funded largely by Big Pharma) are keen to throw out some pretty scary statistics:

  • There are around 167,000 cancer deaths in the UK every year. That's nearly 460 every day (2017-2019).
  • In females in the UK, there are around 78,000 cancer deaths every year (2017-2019).
  • In males in the UK, there are around 89,200 cancer deaths every year (2017-2019).
  • Every four minutes someone in the UK dies from cancer (2017-2019).
  • Lung, bowel, breast and prostate cancers together accounted for almost half (45%) of all cancer deaths in the UK in 2017-2019.
  • Around a fifth of all cancer deaths are from lung cancer.
  • Mortality rates for all cancers combined in the UK are highest in people aged 90+ (2016-2018).
  • Each year more than half (54%) of all cancer deaths in the UK are in people aged 75 and over (2016-2018).

And Cancer Research UK are even keener to plan our cancer journey ahead. Kerching! I can hear cash hitting their bank account as I type. You will, I am sure, be reassured to learn that none other than our Chief Medical Officer, Professor Sir Christopher Whitty, wrote the Foreword to the Early Diagnosis and Detection of Cancer: A Roadmap to the Future document. It is 76 pages long and full of inaccuracies. No mention is made of turbo cancer, which Neil Oliver spoke of, to his credit. Turbo cancer was never a conspiracy theory.  

There is no mention either of the disastrous effects of the Convid-19 vaccine. Ignored also are cancer tests which have shown false positives, which are more common than you may think.  And not a word about the potentially novel carcinogenic pharmaceuticals we are being encouraged to take by our health professionals, who quite frankly have no clue of what they are prescribing. Would you trust a stranger who told you to take an untested substance that won’t make you better, and may just kill you? That is what many are doing every day: trusting the white coat to know what’s best for you. There’s only one person in the world, aside from God, who knows what is best for you: you.

Chemotherapy is normally associated with advanced cancer treatment; however, in 2024, chemoprophylaxis exists and all of us will be offered chemicals to prevent us from getting sick, even though those chemicals will probably make us sick and confused. That’s the aim.

‘Sniff and go’, courtesy of AstraZeneca

Anyone with a needle phobia no longer has an excuse not to ‘grab a jab’. Thanks to AstraZeneca, you can now self-administer FluMist. It is marketed as ‘The only influenza vaccine approved for self or caregiver administration at home, expanding options for influenza protection’. Err… wouldn’t the money spent on this nasal spray be better spent on finding out what was so special about 2020, when flu literally flew away? Seemingly not. Already approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as the first nasal spray for flu vaccination, you can either sniff it up your own nose, or hold a child’s head back and order them to sniff hard! If you are over 49 years old, you are excluded.

NHS increasingly charging patients for treatment

The NHS has never been free, despite many thinking it is. National Insurance contributions and taxation all go towardkeeping the fat cats fat and the unwell sick. In his health check report on the NHS, Lord Darzi reported that many hospitals were doing less work for more money.

The Telegraph have reported that some NHS patients are receiving nice little extras, from offering perks to treatment.How does that work?  It seems that whilst some patients endure long waits on ever-growing waiting lists, hospitals are offering paying patients their own private rooms, fruit baskets, newspapers, and a service that can only be described as more like hotel accommodation than a hospital. 

My own hospital, The Royal Free, along with Great Ormond Street, Barts, Guy’s and Thomas, are amongst just some of the guilty names. The NHS have raked in a staggering £770 million in the past financial year, with estimates that this could increase to £1 billion by 2025. Any debate on privatisation of the NHS is over; it already exists in abundance. How much will you pay to jump the queue and pay for a basket of fruit and a room? The two-tier system is alive and well, especially the top tier.

NHS App – Scrap the App

The agenda is to control and disable as many of us as possible using a plethora of different methods. Those in control are banking on pushing us into a digital hell where we will need to provide our biometric data to participate in society.

What can you do that will make a difference? Aside from coming together, we can start by scrapping the NHS App! It is, in my opinion, the key to digitisation.  It may seem insignificant; however, in the bigger picture, it is a vital move, and it will halt the Government moving forward with their tyrannical digital prison plan. You may think it’s a shot in the dark, but if enough of us delete it or suggest that others delete it, the Government will literally be stuck between a rock and a hard place. 

When you’ve done that, bravely delete your Amazon app, banking app, and social media apps. One by one, we can disconnect from the monster that is seeking to destroy us and gobble us up. Can you help spread the #ScrapNHSAppand #AppTrap hashtags? Take back control; no one else can do it for you. It is your choice but exercise that choice whilst you still have it. Ask yourself what you value more: convenience or freedom?   

Kuwait prepares to halt bank services for customers refusing to give biometric data

Take note of this story; the mainstream media appear to be ignoring it. Kuwait is reportedly mandating (note the use of word mandate) a biometric registration process for citizens (there’s that ‘citizen’ word again) and expatriates. Anyone who doesn’t permit their fingerprints to be registered will face consequences.

It’s no surprise to learn that the consequences include suspended government services and frozen bank accounts. Do you remember the good old days when we were laughed at, ridiculed, and ostracized for even suggesting this was the plan all along? Wasn’t it the World Economic Forum who warned ‘you will own nothing’?  It is an entrapment into a 1984-style digital world. I don’t believe in coincidences.  As I write this blog, the Global Digital Compact will be adopted by 193 countries at the United Nations Summit of the Future. How’s that for timing? Are you ready to give your biometric data to access the NHS, education, local services, the benefits system, and your bank?  

And Finally

Here is a very gentle reminder to everyone: despite all our differing opinions, whether you believe the Earth is flat or round, whether viruses exist or not, vaccine-cautious or vaccine-confident, chemtrails or contrails, climate denier or climate believer, whichever side you are on, it doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, we all know something is very wrong and that our existence as humans is in danger. I don’t say that lightly.

Not everyone shares the same opinions as you or me, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have gifts to bring to the table or that they are not bravely speaking out. I do feel increasing despair when I see people clicking off interviews and articles at the first mention of a ‘virus’ or ‘Covid’. Many of our guest authors and interviewees bring great knowledge and experience; you may just miss a gem of information by clicking off too early. Not everyone will share your view in its entirety. If they did, we wouldn’t be in this mess, would we? And what are we as interviewers meant to do? Adversarial interviews help no one and irritate many. There are lots of rungs to a ladder, we are all on the same ladder but perhaps on different rungs. Please be patient with others who may not share your rung, because when we are all in the same gulag, it won’t matter. 

Let’s try and sing from the same hymn book as we were able to do during Convid. We did it then, and we can do it again. Let’s focus on what we can do, not what we can’t do. Our common enemy is division. Digitisation and artificial intelligence are the beasts we should be fighting. Can we all unite on those? We give grateful and continued thanks to all our guests and authors who speak their truth and share with us their findings.  

The Autumn Budget is looming; I can’t say I have dreaded a Budget more. Painful will be an understatement. We will all be worse off and, of course, drivers will be one of the first to be targeted. Get ready for Pay Per Mile. I would advise you to fill your tanks the night before 30th October, as duty will no doubt be hiked. Similarly, if you are a smoker or enjoy an alcoholic tipple, top up before Budget Day.

Be warned, though: if you are thinking of filling up your vehicle tank at Sainsbury’s, Morrison’s, Asda or Tesco, payment rules are changing and some stations will insist that you make a pre-payment of £100 before refuelling. With more and more fuel stations operating on a drive-through system, the day of the kiosks for paying a cashier in person are numbered.

Until next time, enjoy some of the late sunshine and spend time with friends and family. Unplug from the system for a while and liberate yourself by going out without your mobile phone. The lazy, hazy days of September will soon be gone, and the calm before the storm will be gone.   

As always, my thanks to you for reading, and to the team at UK Column for allowing me to share this with you. To all in front of the camera, and those behind the scenes who work tirelessly in the background: Stephanie our phenomenal producer, Kenny our moderator/host with the mostest, Clare our shop angel, Sam our tech editor extraordinaire, and our other moderators who help keep us all happy and measured. 

God Bless


Colossians 3:2 KJV
Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.