We have received the following account from Mary, a lady from the European Continent who lived in Britain for many years but who now fears for her son and herself if they return. A fundraiser is due to be set up in the coming days to help Mary and her son Miky have their left-behind personal belongings sent to them. Details will be posted to the top of this page once the fundraiser is live, but for now there is an urgent request for people in Kent to help move their possessions from their abandoned flat to safety.
As described in that urgent request, please e-mail alex@ukcolumn.org with any serious offers of help to clear the flat and take the boxes into storage local to Kent.
Please, find it in your hearts to help me and my son Miky to move our belongings, as we have been severely affected by the current medical tyranny. My son, who has been diagnosed with autism and depends on me entirely, has suffered mentally and physically, and so have I. The effects have been devastating.
We are abroad at the moment. We're both underweight. My son needed extensive dental treatment, a consultation with a doctor, a blood test, and two rounds of dental surgery at a hospital. I also remain in need of a doctor's consultation for myself, but decided that my son's health was the priority.
Why we left Britain
I am in my sixties and have been living in England in recent years with my youngest son, a young adult with special needs.
We're abroad now. My son needed dental treatment: he had to be seen twice by a dental surgeon at a hospital.
We went over to the Continent for what we thought would be a brief stay, simply because I could not find a dentist in England "because of Covid". The ones we were referred to were private (not available via the National Health Service), way out of our area, and we couldn't afford the expense.
He had to be seen by a doctor because he was so underweight. He still is, and he's stressed and traumatised.
Now, we can't go back to England because I don't want to submit my son and myself to a "Covid test" that's not meant for diagnostic purposes and not licensed. I don't want my son and me to be separated.
My son and I will not be vaccinated.
We want to go home, but I can't take the risk.
If something should happen to me in England, my son would be in danger: he would be a target and would not be able to leave the country.
He misses his belongings, his toys, all very much alive to him.
I have been informed by British authorities that I have to make an appointment to be injected with my first vaccination — which will never happen.
UK Column people are helping at the moment to secure and store our belongings, preparatory to moving them to the Continent for us.
I understand that if I don't comply with Covid "orders", our belongings could be seized.
And then there is this "vaccine passport", for being able to travel. At the moment, Easter 2021, they're saying you'll have to have had a vaccination, a test, or you'll have to have antibodies. I'm sure they will change that and make travel impossible without a vaccination.
I know about inalienable rights, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and Article 6 of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics, the Nuremberg Code, the Helsinki Declaration, etc. But I can't be brave at the expense of my son at the border. I wouldn't be able to film any interaction with border guards, because I don't own a smartphone.
My son is and entirely dependent on me. I need to focus on his wellbeing. I need to focus on staying as healthy as possible for my son. From Britain, my son and I are both in receipt of state incomes. I've written letters to all the departments covering those payments to tell them that we're abroad and why.
We've had only one acknowledgement back so far. It doesn't read like a reply to my actual letter. I expect all the money will stop soon, which would be good, because depending on state benefits has been a very heavy burden.
What would not be good is if my son would lose his belongings. I don't care about mine.
Seeing a world brought to its knees is heartbreaking.
Before Covid
We were already in a bad way and a worrying situation when the lockdown started. I was recovering from a severe infection. I still had to go back to the hospital but I didn't trust being there any more.
A doctor said I had a clogged artery from high cholesterol, and wanted to put me on lifelong medication. There was no way I was going on drugs for the rest of my life. I opted for a healthier diet instead.
There were many episodes where I couldn't calm myself down, as my heart was racing. Breathing exercises, licking salt, sipping water, and clockwise massage did the trick eventually.
Meanwhile, my son kept asking, "You're not going to die, are you?" Or, "This will stop one day, won't it?"
I had lost a lot of weight. I was below 40 kilos, and at one point 36 kilos (79 lbs / 5 st 9 lb). That scared me. I managed to reach 40 kg again by adding three portions of porridge every day, eating many healthy bites in between meals. I was told at one stage that I shouldn't get below 40 kg. I was losing more and more strength, and I couldn't even carry light objects any more.
I had to conserve my remaining strength to go shopping for my son, cook for him, bathe him, homeschool him, play with him. The special things I was meant to do for my own health, I had to skip so many times, simply because I was in too much pain — always in different places. At times, I wasn't able to walk properly; I had to take very slow steps.
The worst part of it is that my son was there to see it all.
I was afraid to ask for help. I was afraid they would try to take my son away. I was afraid that if something should happen to me, he would be on his own. He would become an instant target. Many UK Column readers will know what I mean.
The help I'd have needed would have been little and temporary. Just someone being there with us would have been salubrious.
Still, all this is nothing compared to the anxiety my son had to endure. My autistic son depends on me night and day. If I get forced into vaccination and suffer adverse effects, he won’t have a mother any more.
When Covid came
When my son needed treatment, I tried to find a dentist for him. The NHS surgery that we used had shut down. I e-mailed, sent online messages to, telephoned and approached dentists. But because of the lockdown and the Covid measures, they couldn't even help many of their regular clients.
My son was getting worried about his teeth. "Will they be okay again? Will we find a dentist?"
He was worried that he wouldn't see his siblings any more, abroad. He missed his siblings and his nieces, my grandchildren. I have four children in all, two girls and two boys.
He didn't want to wear a mask; it was unsettling to him, as it is to many with his diagnosis. Of course, I didn't want him or myself to wear a mask. I ordered two exemption cards, so we could go shopping without masks. Seeing so many people wearing a mask frightened him. Seeing people jumpy and out of their minds with fear frightened him.
My son can't reason things through as I do, but he does sense that something is really terribly wrong. When tests and vaccinations started to be mentioned, I reassured him that he wouldn't be getting either.
He was uncomfortable seeing all the arrows, the STAND HERE dots and signs, the disinfectant dispensers. The outside world had changed completely. It was very upsetting for him. I decided to do the shopping when there were few people in the shop.
We had to go outside for fresh air, exercises and Vitamin D3. Apart from that, my son was only prepared to venture outside in places where there was nobody masked in sight, or he wanted to stay indoors. He was becoming depressed, restless, exhausted from waking up at night. It was devastating.
I knew I had to do something. I decided we should go abroad to our family. I could find a dentist for my son, and we could escape the UK's Covid tyranny for a few weeks.
Because of the treatment he turned out to be needing, we couldn't return as soon as we wanted. My son had to be seen by a dental surgeon twice, at a hospital. We had to consult a doctor about his weight loss, and we had to arrange for a blood test to be done. All this took three months, including the time for the wounds to heal.
Why we can't come back home
Given the developments, I'm too scared to go back. I can't afford anything to happen to me from stress, which would mean me having to leave him somewhere, such as in the "care" of the UK Border Force.
I won't have my son and me separated.
The house was and is in a mess, because I could only do the essential housework: cooking, shopping, washing, washing up, bathing my son, paying bills, calling and e-mailing about our situation.
I was sorting out things, ready for a big clear-out, but of course things only pile up when you're doing that. So I had to leave most things as they were when we went for the dental treatment. I had already started to pack boxes of things, to be moved abroad for safekeeping. We ourselves would then follow at a later time.
We never thought it would turn out to be the other way around.
As time has passed, the developments around this made-up pandemic have become more dangerous. I will not have my son or myself tested or vaccinated. I'm afraid to go back to England. I won't have my son separated from me. I can't face the prospect of our belonging being seized for "failure to comply". I'm afraid that if something should happen to me with all the stress of it, my son would be on his own and become an instant target, vulnerable as he is.
My son now worries so much and has sleepless nights, because his belongings, his toys are still in England. He is sick with worry about them.
I think moving our belongings will take two truckloads. Some companies have smaller vans. I have little experience of this. It looks like it could cost £3,000 to £4,000 in a standard quotation — but I'm sure it could be done for less one way or the other if we put our minds to it.
Please, help my son and me get our belongings over, especially my son's, as we have been so severely affected by this medical tyranny.
I refuse to comply. My first duty as the mother of a young man with special needs is to ensure that neither a “Covid vaccination” nor a “Covid test” is forced upon him.
Aren't I just "being paranoid"?
My fear is not just based on a few sources. I'm not getting all this spoonfed to me by UK Column. I've watched hundreds of videos and listened to hundreds of people in them, I've read hundreds of articles, and I've been on hundreds of websites. I've been following developments for years.
I have understood that if you don't comply, they can do whatever they want; they can seize and destroy all our belongings.
I've written to the relevant departments regarding our state income, including a copy for each separate department, asking for understanding and support for my decision to make my son's wellbeing my priority. They have not done anything, so I have to assume the people receiving the letters are tacitly supportive.
But the letter telling me to get my vaccination also states that I could get visits. I'm not prepared to get harassed about being vaccinated, and most importantly I don't want my son to be harassed and vaccinated. I have concluded that all of us are facing the same dangers if we don't comply.
I understood also that they can cut off people socially, financially. They can stop you from going shopping, and from meeting, even your own family. They can cut you off from work; they can close bank accounts and stop any income if you're not vaccinated, or if you don't have a passport saying you are vaccinated. Digital, of course. I even understood that a judge ordered a young man with learning difficulties to be vaccinated against his father's express will.
I recently read an article about a proposal by an influential man to do exactly those things that I had heard and read about many times previously.
They say they would never do this, but history has shown they will. Many of the things they said they'd never do, they already have.