This first volume, subtitled Wanderlust, eloquently traces the sinking feeling Wilson felt in that decade as an Engineer entering early middle age while exiling himself from sclerotic Britain.
Entering the 1990s as an optimistic man who had every reason to expect to be treated with the same high esteem as generations of valued British expatriates before him, we see Wilson depart that decade a heartsore yet wiser man in whom analytical seeds have been sown.
These come to fruition in the present day (2017) as he pieces together the grand designs behind his frustrating personal experiences of seeking suitable work in the United Arab Emirates and Malaysia during 1996. Both of these countries are former, and prominent, members of the erstwhile British Empire, with whose privileged sons this reviewer rubbed shoulders at boarding school in exactly that year, picking up chatter from them that their nations were undergoing radical economic shifts which had been agreed with some level of the Establishment.
The autobiography which provides the framework of this volume is a gripping personal odyssey by a true raconteur. What quickly becomes apparent to the reader is that he may be part of the West’s dying breed: an individual who combines the qualities of “man’s man” and “ladies’ man” in a single, eager, but moral and modest personality.
Unassumingly woven into this narrative are Wilson’s hard-won, long-refined findings as to the monetary conspiracies and mind-control schemes — largely spun by or within the British Establishment — which now have the world in their grasp. These are seen to be the very schemes that suck the lifeblood out of any economy and culture. Peppered generously throughout its c. 200 pages (supplemented by addenda) are references to some of the most excellent materials available on the aforementioned conspiracies: all tried and trusted resources; mostly by resolute researchers, and published in mid-twentieth-century America.
The most detailed of Wilson’s working hypotheses — all of which are eminently credible and seriously worked out — concerns the outbreak of BBC- and CNN-induced blind panic (“simply skedaddle at the very first sign of a threat”) among Western expatriates in the (unthreatened) lower Arabian Gulf during the months leading up to the 1991 Gulf War. So acute was their panic, many Western expats were happy to leave many valuables behind (never to be returned). This embarrassing episode, he argues, induced the Gulf Arabs to surmise correctly that these mind-manipulated expats were not quite the men their fathers were, and no longer to be entrusted with the development of the region.
Subsequently, the Arabian states around the Persian Gulf — with Abu Dhabi, the UAE’s capital, acting as vanguard — quickly struck a massive and near-secret deal to replace the existing hierarchy of expatriates with far cheaper, more biddable, and less qualified Indians. Meanwhile, in petrodollar-determined Saudi Arabia, this coordinated replacement project was fulfilled by Egyptian and Filipino manpower. The scene is thus also set for much of the 2010s West-to-East machinations in global digital personal identity (essentially, microchipping skivvies) covered in UK Column's One World Governance article series.
All of what Wilson traces in this book — as set out in a rich variety of models — is but one element of the (still Western-led) “New World Order” that was formally announced in 1991, and which increasingly gathered steam throughout that decade of the 1990s: the same period characterised by the scandal-ridden Clinton White House. (Events in the former Yugoslavia throughout that decade, not covered by Wilson, should be appreciated in this geostrategic light.)
Evidently an old-fashioned British patriot, Wilson quietly despairs of the deformation of our national character in several sections of the book. He gives regular testimony to the contrasting decency and humanity of those Muslims and Asians he encountered in both the UAE and Malaysia, whose growing prosperity at the West’s expense he never actually begrudges.
This book is a treasure trove of signposts and observations which the UK Column-viewing reader of any persuasion will appreciate for its honesty, coherence and style. This being so, the second volume (slated to describe his eclectic experiences of India) promises to be equally informative. Wilson has announced that Book 2 will also complete the explanation of what he means by Durga in the series subtitle.
What, then, were the Nineties all about? Wilson’s short answer: “It was a decade in the manic and megalomaniac grip of conspiring, mostly transatlantic elitists.” Time is short to undo their work.
For those who have had their interest piqued, the author maintains a dedicated website (and blog) here.