Melanie Shaw (centre), the Beechwood child abuse survivor and whistleblower, has been released from HMP Peterborough. The circumstances of her release are still not fully known, but it has been suggested that following her trial for 'false imprisonment of a paramedic' she was sentenced to 6 months in prison. Having then spent that time on remand in Peterborough she was released as 'having served her sentence.' We await confirmation of this.
What is particularly remarkable about this case is that Melanie was never allowed to have her chosen lay legal representation. In a closed court and contrary to the law, she was told by the Judge which law firm she must use. It appears that a guilty plea was then entered without Melanie's knowledge, and she remained unaware of the legal process whilst locked in solitary confinement.
Common sense would surely dictate that a vulnerable person, and an abuse whistleblower such as Melanie, should be treated with a special level of care and consideration at the hand of the law. In fact the exact opposite has occured. She has been threatened, bullied, denied her basic human rights, deprived of her liberty and 'tried' in a succession of star chamber courts.
Whilst Lord Janner has been protected by Alison Saunders Head of the Crown Prosecution Service, vulnerable Melanie has been further victimised by the CPS.
There can only be one reason for such abuse by the State and that is to silence, if not destroy her. As child abuse emerges across the country both Westminster and the wider Establishment appear heavily implicated. They are now terrified of witnesses such as Melanie and the resulting public exposure of their crimes.
Happily Melanie Shaw is now free and already receiving support and assistance from good people. She would certainly not be free without the immense public interest and support around her case. 'In the public interest' and matters of 'public controversy' are powerful weapons which must be employed wherever the State abuses those it should serve.
We understand that the call for a 'survivor led' child abuse inquiry is fast gathering pace in Nottingham. Melanie Shaw will be a powerful witness to those proceedings. She is a brave lady.