Littlejohn commented that:
The relentless march of political interference and the institutionalised insanity of elf’n’safety has turned firefighters into figures of ridicule and derision.
Unfortunately for the public the truth is much more sinister. Common sense, reasoned judgement and risk taking is not ‘disappearing’, it is being attacked and destroyed by sinister government backed applied behavioural change psychology. This is not a myth. This is a factual programme into which the government has already committed £ multi-millions.
To understand just how dangerous this programme is, let’s do a little analysis on how Littlejohn views the Seagull fiasco and the causes. The first reaction is of ridicule.....a common response from the public........he states:
On a superficial level, this is hilarious, a ripe source of satire — yet another absurd example of the risk-averse, elf’n’safety culture that blights British society.
Littlejohn then joins the dots ...
But what if it had been a human in distress rather than a seagull? Tragically, we already know the answer.
Last year, more than a dozen emergency workers were refused permission to pull Simon Burgess, 41, from a 3ft-deep boating lake in Hampshire because of safety rules ...
He goes on to quote the death of Karl Malton, 32, who drowned in 18 inches of water in Lincolnshire after rescue services refused to enter the water, as well as survivors reported emerging from smoking Tube stations, after the 2005 terrorist attacks, only to find firefighters refusing to go down into the tunnels because of health and safety concerns.
As his article progresses, Littlejohn gives examples of training that is undermining the performance and reputation of the Fire Service. Health & Safety is a common thread, but he reports more:
Then there’s the ludicrous ‘diversity’ agenda, which has seen (among other things) firemen in Scotland disciplined, demoted and docked wages for refusing to attend a gay-pride rally in their uniforms.
Out of interest, I checked — at random — the Hertfordshire Fire Brigade website. It reads like something from Haringey Social Services and is written in the usual public sector gobbledygook.
Under ‘Equality and Diversity: Use of Fire Stations’, the chief fire bobby boasts: ‘Following feedback received in recent years from BME (Black, Minority, Ethnic) community leaders . . . we have been able to make some of our fire stations accessible for community use.
Where risk assessment has allowed, we have been able to open up some of our meeting rooms and provide the opportunity for different groups, who might have struggled to find a venue before, to meet up more easily. These include: Polish communities, LGBT young people and a Lithuanian community group in Hoddesdon ... Lincolnshire Fire Brigade even unveiled (if that’s the right word) a special uniform aimed at attracting female Muslim recruits — including a full-length skirt and hijab. I wonder what elf’n’safety made of that. Have you ever tried climbing a ladder in a burka?
Mike Thomas, Chief Fire Officer for Lincolnshire, said the uniforms would help dispel the ‘traditional image of the hunky, British, white, male, firefighter’.
Within his article Littlejohn uses a number of words and phrases to describe what he sees happening:
political interference and institutionalised insanity, hilarious - a ripe source of satire, lunatic elf’n’safety directive, ludicrous ‘diversity’ agenda, politicising and emasculating the fire brigade, this madness - which is not just in the police and fire brigade but throughout the public sector, daft rules and initiatives, and public sector gobbledygook.
The overall tenet of his phrases is ‘laughable’ and ‘madness’. His descriptions are particularly interesting bearing in mind that he has also identified that one result of the ‘training’ the Firemen are receiving, is the real possibility of injury or death for members of the public. Should we laugh or be very worried?
According to Littlejohn, we have a sort of madness enveloping not only the Fire Service, but also the whole Public sector? I suspect that a great many other common sense individuals, would agree with his comments.
But where this whole business gets really sinister is that the ‘laughable madness’ that Littlejohn is now berating, and which appears to be causing some discord in his mind, is not accidental. It is not the result of ridiculous, gobbledygook initiatives and training courses that have miraculously emerged from nowhere.
In fact this ‘madness’ which is now destroying the order and stability of our lives and our society, and is resulting in the deaths of good people, be it in hospitals, care homes, ponds, fires or police cells, is the product of the deliberate and planned manipulation of people’s minds.
How is it done? Through the application of behavioural change psychology through the courses themselves, be they Health & Safety, Diversity, Leadership, Change Management, Reframing or a host of other training course titles.
Who is doing it? We know, because they are telling us! The Cabinet Office via their declared and funded Behavioural Change Agenda, which has now set up Behavioural Change cells in every major department of government, and most significantly, every public sector training agency.
Unknown to Littlejohn, all three major political parties have collaborated to install and spread their behavioural change agenda using Neuro Linguistic programming NLP, and a number of sophisticated derivatives. The Tories have even brought in French experts to assist them - Professor Olivier Oullier is not only Associate Professor of Neuroscience at the University of Provence, and advisor to the French Centre for Strategic Analysis, he is also part of the Tory Cabinet Office ‘Leadership’ team.
Most sinister of all, the government tells us in their own ‘Mindspace’ document that.....the Cabinet Office programme to influence behaviour through Public policy:
depends at least partly on automatic influences on behaviour. That means that citizens may not fully realise that their behaviour is being changed - or, at least, how it is being changed.
Far from laughable madness, Littlejohn is just waking up to a cold, callous and sinister attack on our minds. The aim is to remove our ability to think for ourselves. My challenge to Littlejohn is for him to understand that in May 2009 when the Mail reported that PC Tony Cobban refused to get on a stationary bike for a photo shoot because he had not done a cycle safety course, he did not do this because of ‘laughable madness’. He refused because his views, behaviour and common sense values had actually been changed, and thus he actually believed that it made sense he should not get on the bike. The man is not a fool; he is a victim.
What our government does not care to tell us is that interfering with people’s thoughts and reasoning without their knowledge is highly dangerous and can result in mental illness. Especially if the victim has a propensity to mental instability such as depression. Witness the massive application of NLP in education and the huge increase in suicides amongst young people. Suicides are now starting to increase amongst the police. Who’s next - the fire service?
For more details on the government's behavioural change agenda see UK Column 2011 Issue No1.