Whether we believe in the COVID-19 crisis as told by the Boris Johnson's Conservative government or not, the SARS-Cov-2 virus events of 2020 have used the NHS as a powerful propaganda tool to manipulate public beliefs, emotions and values. In particular, our inherent national respect for the NHS, and particularly the staff who overwhelmingly work to help others, has been used to focus the public mind on the NHS, and help elevate it to a God-like status.
The danger of such a status, is that we are expected to trust the NHS completely. What it says, what it claims and what it does. In doing so we submit the health of our minds and bodies, as well as those of our families, to the altar of NHS perfection, with no questions asked.
Yet many people are asking questions about the NHS and its treatment of vulnerable people, especially the elderly and very young. Strangely, when reasonable, measured people do try to raise concerns and speak out, they are met with a wall of indifference, silence and cover-up. Nobody wants to hear the real details about unnecessary deaths in the NHS, particularly the BBC and wider corporate media.
Before introducing four very brave people who are standing up to challenge the status of 'God NHS', it seems timely to reflect on the extraordinary virus events of 2020, where the NHS was declared the great bastion of the defence of the nation against COVID. This message was drilled into the public mind by hourly and daily media messages, led by the BBC of course, and using a toxic cocktail of skewed COVID infection and death statistics, and a false claim that "only by supporting the outstanding work of the NHS" could we hope to survive the pandemic as individuals, and possibly even as a nation.
Hospitals were supposedly full; staff were said to be close to being overwhelmed by the pressures of COVID patients and their critical care needs. On top of all this in house NHS hype, NHS staff were used to help set up and man specialist COVID units and wards within hospitals, and additional emergency treatments centres, such as the 4,000 bed London Nightingale COVID facility. Public attention and tension was raised by the inclusion of the military to help plan and construct these specialist units, and help carry out virus monitoring of the public. All fanned the propaganda flames with the idea of a national emergency akin to war.
Adulation for the NHS God reached a peak with the nationwide 'Clap for the NHS' initiative, where socially distanced and 'locked down' citizens were encouraged to appear on their doorsteps, to create public applause for the great works of the NHS. The initiative was backed by a massive 'support the NHS' poster campaign, for which the 'rainbow' miraculously transferred from LGBT rights to form the 'support the NHS' logo.
Post COVID, and in 'Nu Normal' quasi lock-down, a rather different picture of the NHS has started to emerge. Far from operating at maximum capacity under the load of COVID patients, most hospitals were quiet, with some wards virtually empty, or actually closed. Accident and Emergency departments were also operating at very low capacity, as the public adhered to lock-down, stayed home, stayed safe and stayed away from the NHS care system.
More worryingly numerous reports began to highlight that NHS 'care' policy had facilitated the un-necessary deaths of thousands of elderly people in Nursing Care and Residential Homes, as COVID infected elderly were deliberately transferred out of NHS care and into these closed environments, and COVID spread amongst the locked-down inmates. Once infected, the immensely vulnerable elderly were then denied medical care via GPs and the NHS, and written off with 'Do Not Resuscitate' notices - many of which were obtained by cynically encouraging the elderly to sign the DNR forms themselves.
Some some of press and media reports covering these events can be found here, but mostly they skim the surface and fail to fully investigate how many elderly highly vulnerable people have died.
The latest data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) showed that there were 5,890 coronavirus-related care home deaths registered up to April 24 in England and Wales, up from just over 3,000 the week before.
The ONS said the numbers are based on where Covid-19 is mentioned anywhere on the death certificate, including in combination with other health conditions.
Speaking at the daily Downing Street press briefing on Friday, NHS England's medical director, Professor Stephen Powis, said patients were being tested for Covid-19 before being discharged into care homes.
When asked about figures that show new outbreaks of Covid-19 in 600 care homes, bringing the total to over 5,000, and why patients with the virus were being sent to these facilities, he said only around one in 20 discharges from hospital go into care homes.
Thousands of care home residents may have died because their families were not allowed to discharge them during the coronavirus pandemic, lawyers have told the Telegraph ...
Almost 30,000 more care home residents in England and Wales died during the coronavirus outbreak than during the same period in 2019, ONS figures show.
But only two-thirds were directly attributable to Covid-19.
The Office for National Statistics figures are the first to reveal the full toll on care homes, including deaths that happened in hospital.
Care homes in England will carry out routine testing from Monday.
There were just over 66,000 deaths of care home residents in England and Wales between 2 March and 12 June this year, compared to just under 37,000 deaths last year.
Almost 20,000 care home residents in England and Wales have died with coronavirus, according to official figures. Death certificates for 19,394 residents mentioned “novel coronavirus” between 2 March and 12 June, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) said.
Covid-19 accounted for almost one in three (29 per cent) of the deaths of care home residents over this period and a fifth of all deaths of care home residents this year.
Of all of the UK’s mis-steps in tackling coronavirus, the epidemic in care homes is the worst. The statistics tell the tragedy: in the UK, 30 per cent of all deaths that state coronavirus as the cause are in care homes ... To lockdown sceptics, they were deemed likely to die anyway. For politicians, they are unavoidable casualties. In the hierarchy of priorities, nobody gave care workers or their clients much thought.
It is at this point that many pro-NHS readers will start to feel uneasy at the idea that their beloved NHS could be accused of such malevolent actions. It is therefore here that I will state that I am 'married into the NHS' by family relations and friends who have worked within the NHS as career professionals from nursing to very senior professional position. I am also happy to say that I have personally benefited from some excellent and skilful NHS surgery and care, without which I might well not be able to see to write this article. I have elderly and very vulnerable relatives who are well cared for in nursing homes. I therefore have every reason to support the NHS and be grateful for care I have received, and to appreciate care given within the wider UK care system.
This short introductory article and the accompanying audio interview have therefore not been produced out of idle criticism of those caring and dedicated people who work within the NHS. Rather it is written as a stark warning, that under the warm glow of the 'NHS is beyond reproach stage lights', kind, caring and professional work by many good people, is being undermined by some very dark NHS policies and events which need to be fully exposed.
In March 2019, the UK Column posted an audio interview 'Feet of Clay', in which two individuals told their very personal stories about the deaths of relatives within the NHS care system. In the audio interview below, these same individuals are joined by two others effectively telling the same story.
And that story is that vulnerable elderly relatives died within the NHS, and the wider care system, under highly suspicious circumstances. In a court of law the most powerful evidence is not the document, it is the corroborated witness testimony of the individual. When multiple witnesses say they saw and / or experienced the crime in person, the evidence becomes overwhelming. Why is it that people are dying in our NHS care system and yet there is a cover up? If the witness of these individuals is true, and I am sure it is, are we seeing evidence for a killing agenda within parts of the NHS?
If that NHS killing agenda has been operating for years pre COVID, are we now able to say that the evidence suggests a wider killing plan was unleashed on thousands of in care elderly people, under cover of a government claimed pandemic? Before we start to investigate these very emotive and difficult questions over the coming weeks, I encourage you to listen to what ordinary people have to say about the NHS and care system.
The interviews are emotional and raw, and they should be, because they speak of the loss of loved and vulnerable family members. Please think about what we are being told here, and share this article with others. By exposing the truth we can really save lives.