Walking the Dog—Episode 5 (The Light Festival 2024)

Many apologies to my audience for the break in Walking the Dog uploads. I am delighted that an extended Episode 5 is now uploaded. This episode features audio and images from the Stand in the Light Festival in Cumbria back on 24-27 May 2024. A wonderful camping event organised by The Light newspaper. A great location, beautiful countryside and scenery, and most importantly, lovely people, together with music for everyone. And yes, the UK Column team camped, together with Poppy the dog. Watch and listen in to the event and join some of our fascinating conversations with those standing in the light.

YouTube Censors Walking the Dog Episode 5 for the Crime of Talking Vaccinations

Last week, I uploaded an extended Episode 5 of my Walking the Dog series for streaming as a YouTube premiere at 11:00 a.m. on 8 September 2024. Feeling pleased and relaxed that I had finally managed to edit and upload this episode for you all, I was jolted into the reality of censorship 2024 by a YouTube strike.
On examining the time stamp indicated, I found that YouTube was unhappy with comments about vaccines made by Piers Corbyn. In no time at all, I was in a maze of YouTube 'community safety guidelines,' also known as ‘policy.’

The policy states that:

“Content that poses a serious risk of egregious harm by spreading medical misinformation about currently administered vaccines that are approved and confirmed to be safe and effective by local health authorities and the World Health Organization isn’t allowed on YouTube."

The policy apparently also includes the following categories: Prevention misinformation, Treatment misinformation, and Denial misinformation.

Put on probationary warning until December, YouTube kindly offered me ‘training,’ perhaps better known as reframing, so as to better understand their policy. I had to answer 7 questions about vaccines and health correctly so as to be told:

“Nice work! You’ve completed the training."

YouTube states that:

“We don’t allow content that contradicts information from health authorities and spreads harmful medical misinformation regardless of who uploads it.”

So there you have it: truth and facts are simply what health authorities and the WHO say, regardless of widespread evidence calling their claims into question.

Since there is no credible YouTube procedure to challenge their draconian stance, I was forced to edit my video and cut out the offending passage on vaccines. For the critical sake of free speech, we are posting the redacted clip for you to listen to and judge for yourselves.

We fail to challenge the increasingly oppressive state censorship of free speech at our peril. Each and every one of us must stand up, shout out, and say no—we are not being silenced in this way.

The edited version can be found on my YouTube here:

Brian Gerrish (YouTube): Walking the Dog Episode 5