Gutsy Women: Exploring Fornethy With Natasha McCallum

Derelict buildings hold a fascination for many people and for Natasha McCallum, a dedicated explorer of abandoned and derelict buildings, Fornethy House had been of interest for some time. She knew something of its dark history as an education facility for very young girls, but when she learned that it may be possible to enter the building, she had little idea of the impact her exploration would make on both her and the Fornethy abuse survivors.

In a candid and emotional interview, Natasha talks to Brian Gerrish about her visit to Fornethy and her exploration of the isolated building. She describes her arrival at the site and the atmosphere and emotions she felt as she explored the decaying building with her two friends, Adam and Vicky. Entering a large deserted, dark and derelict building is not something for the fainthearted and Natasha fully deserves recognition for being a gutsy woman.

Natasha has kindly allowed us to use her original exploration video and this compelling video sequence forms part of our interview. 

Please join us in this fascinating, chilling and emotional interview as Natasha describes the building and what she found. Her commentary and findings provide a unique window into this forgotten facility, where so many little girls were isolated and harmed by those who had a duty to protect them. Her findings included one of the original official letters sent to parents with details of the school stay; an experience that for many young girls generated dark memories which have blighted their whole adult lives.

Natasha also describes, however, the wonderful response she has received from many survivors of Fornethy, some of whom describe a calming feeling of release, as the oppressive reality of Fornethy has been laid bare.

Exploring with Natasha can be found on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.