Down the Banking Rabbit Hole with Trevor Kitchen

In 2022, Trevor Kitchen gave UK Column two interviews: one on the Swiss franc foreign exchange rate fixing scandal that caused him to be severely persecuted when he reported on it, and one on the cross-border continuation of his persecution.

Still in Portugal as of 2023, Kitchen now gives us a follow-up interview on the network of Swiss officialdom that stitches up whistleblowers. At heart, Kitchen perceives sleight of hand in the use of language as being the trick used by polyglot Switzerland to pervert the course of justice.

If the complainant is an insider to the Swiss banking system, tame lawyers will recharacterise his reporting of fraud and corruption as mere "concerns about misconduct", so as to ensure that the case is taken into the realm of civil, not criminal, law.

If, on the other hand, the complainant is perceived as an undesirable whistleblower, the same complaint will deliberately be weaponised upon its originator and rerouted to Swiss criminal law: as "defamation" (a criminal offence on most of the European continent, including against public bodies rather than individuals); as "breach of confidentiality"; or even as "espionage" or "threatening physical harm".

As well as getting the complainant locked up in Switzerland and persecuted internationally, this criminalisation of his complaint ensures that he will lose his pension. In the case of Rudolf Elmer (as mentioned by Trevor Kitchen in his last UK Column interview), the complainant may be held in solitary confinement for protracted periods, and Swiss judges and prosecutors may intentionally direct prisons and police to search his body cavities specifically with their fingers alone. Swiss police brutality, sometimes ending in death, goes largely unreported.

Trevor Kitchen and Brian Gerrish discuss the perceptive opinion piece The era of Swiss exceptionalism is over, published earlier in 2023 by the Daily Telegraph's Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, one of the vanishingly few veteran British finance journalists who not only speak French, German and Italian but also understand the worst machinations of Anglo-American oligarchy.

This interview is broader in scope than Swiss wrongdoing alone; it considers how institutions like Credit Suisse have managed to have the whole Western world follow their script. That Swiss penetration reaches into the world of journalism, too: the above-mentioned piece by Whistleblower Network News on the concert of Swiss officialdom is now billed by WNN without its author's name, but an archived version indicates that it was originally accredited by WNN to Mark Worth, who has not published for WNN since.

Kitchen's conclusion is that Switzerland, and other Western countries besides, have been subjected to state capture: the worst degree of oligarchic corruption, in which every public institution does the bidding of a small coterie.