Brave New Zealand—with Dr Ursula Edgington

Debi Evans is joined by Dr Ursula Edgington, a qualified and experienced teacher, author, researcher and educational academic. Her books can be found here.

Her breadth of research is broad, with very few topics left untouched. Born in the United Kingdom, now living in New Zealand. Ursula helps us understand that although thousands of miles and a couple of oceans may separate both countries, we may not be as many miles apart when it comes to tyranny, corruption and revolving doors. 

How does the health system work in New Zealand? With no publicly-funded vaccine damage scheme in the country, what support is there for Kiwis who are vaccine-injured through no fault of their own? 

Whom can we trust? Where have we gone wrong and how do we reclaim control? Or is it already too late, and have our administrations been ceded to foreign powers and corporations by stealth? Under the guise of supposedly philanthropic public-private partnerships, have our countries been sold off in their entirety, right in front of our noses? 

Brave New World—or Brave New Zealand? Has New Zealand, like the UK, become a testbed, a giant experiment? Are we simply lab rats, trapped on islands, with no way out? Have our leaders agreed to use us in order to pave the way for the rest of the world?

Grateful thanks to UK Column Producer, Stephanie Sinclaire, who despite the time zone difference facilitated this interview in her own time. Thanks to Dr Edgington for getting up particularly early in the morning. 

Published UK Column articles by Dr Ursula Edgington can be found here. She has a Substack blog, Informed Heart. She can be e-mailed at and maintains a website. Her environmental advocacy work is at

Links to groups mentioned

Health Forum New Zealand — Citizens' database relevant to the vaccine-injured 

Nurses' Professional Association of New Zealand (President: Deborah Cunliffe)

NZ Teachers Speaking out with Science (NZTSOS) — fighting a legal battle for acknowledgement of and compensation for the illegality of ‘vaccine’ mandates — currently crowdfunding for the costs of a Supreme Court case

NZ Doctors Speaking out with Science (NZDSOS) — New Zealand's online independent radio station, giving a voice to the silenced (Dr Edgington has been interviewed twice by host Paul Brennan) — an excellent resource to help with difficult conversations