Hague has the support of the French in his demands, which is unsurprising since we are tied at the hip as a result of our 50 year defence treaty. "I can say ... that we are prepared to do that [exercise Britain's veto], if necessary, but of course we are looking for agreement with other EU states."
Of course, Mr Hague, but in any case you will press ahead.
The Labour Party seem to be gearing themselves up for some faux opposition, with shadow Foreign Secretary Douglas Alexander telling Hague that he believes "that the risks of what could be a decade long sectarian war in Syria, fuelled in part by weapons supplied by the United Kingdom, should give serious pause for thought before embracing that course."
Which begs the question, how long is a serious pause for thought? 5 seconds? 5 minutes? Perhaps no time at all, since Hague's response to any feigned opposition from Labour will be the same as his stated intentions for EU member states: press on regardless.