Desperate Letter To The Public From Political Prisoner Melanie Shaw

This morning, I received one of the most harrowing letters I have read in my life. It came from Melanie Shaw's prison cell.

UK Column News stands by its description of Melanie Shaw as a political prisoner convicted of undisclosed crimes in a secret hearing.

The clarity of both her handwriting and her analysis throughout this letter reconfirms to me that she is of clear mind and is being subjected to a cynical psikhushka regime to break her spirit and discredit or delete her testimony of Establishment child abuse in the Thatcher era.

Many of the prison "staff" who have neglected, mocked and abused her (including by threatening effective rape in her cell) at various East Midlands jails appear to be private corporate employees and/or to lack any suitable warder training, and they certainly seem to have no shred of humanity or intention to abide by the common law.

We reproduce her entire letter below, above which Melanie wrote "SHARE PUBLICALLY". Please share this transcript far and wide and hold your public servants and representatives to account on her outrageous case; particularly, at her own express request, her own supposed Member of Parliament, Chris Leslie, for whom she previously volunteered and who promised to help her.

The New Hall prison governor's e-mail address is

[letter begins]

Melanie Shaw
HMP New Hall

Dial Wood

12 June 2017

Hello Brian,

I hope you're well.

I'm in a mess here. I've been kept in a locked cell for four weeks, 24/7. I'm not allowed toilet paper or able to wash my hair. My Tourette's [nervous symptoms] are back this morning.

Brian, please can you help me? I don't even know if you will get this letter. Please. I've got nothing to do, no smokes or anything.

It hurts me that I'm being treated in such a disgusting way. I don't know who's authorised it or why. I'm not strong, as I've let myself down alone here in this cell. The odd staff utter a few words at you. At least in Foston [Prison] they would speak to me and treat me decently. I've no mental health support here, nothing. I'm just locked permanently in a cell like a Romanian circus bear. They want me to suffer and have cabin fever.

Please contact Chris Leslie on 0115 711 7666* as he has a signed form of authority to info share [on my case].

I hereby authorise Brian Gerrish to act on my behalf in respect of tackling the failings I've mentioned in this letter. Melanie Shaw, date of birth 7/10/70. Signed, 12 June 2017, Melanie Shaw [signature].

Brian, please thank the listeners for their letters. I have stamps and paper but no envelopes. If a stamp is STUCK to a self-addressed envelope, I will be given it and can write back. I don't need or want money, all I want is to talk to people by letter.

Please help me to stop this abuse. I have no knickers either. It's unbelievable and God only knows what they are doing in private to other inmates. I'm scared to sleep and often put my chair behind my door. Do you understand me?

I don't deserve this at all.

This is NOT rehabilitation.

I've not been diagnosed as mentally ill but normal; the [HM Prison Service] area psychologist for Yorkshire has refused to finish her report by not coming back to prison. People who are decent are traumatised by my maltreatment and neglect.

[letter ends]


* If calling from Ireland or Europe, this number is 00 44 115 711 7666. From North America, it is 011 44 115 711 7666.