On 23rd September the Orwellian sounding UN Regional Information Centre for Western Europe announced that:
For the first time the European Parliament will be represented at the UN General Assembly opening next Tuesday in New York ... Parliament’s inclusion in the official EU delegation “shows the honest commitment of European Heads of State and Government to further democratisation and parliamentarisation of the European Union” ... the official EU delegation will also include European Council President Herman Van Rompuy, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso, and EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Baroness Catherine Ashton.
What a hypocritical statement from the EU evidenced by the fact that democracy has been hijacked by the likes of Van Rompuy, Barroso and Ashton who were never directly elected by the voters of the EU in the first place. We all know from past experience that rather than deliver on their promises politicians from both the UK and EU deliver the exact opposite. Who could possibly forget their demonstrated contempt for the will of the people evidence by their total disregard of previous results of various referenda.
The UN news release also made reference to the fact that ‘Othmar Karas, Vice President of the European Parliament will focus on access to justice, the rule of law and the essential role that parliaments play in it at Wednesday’s meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), on the occasion of the high-level meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on the rule of law’. We, at the UK Column, suggest to our readers that what they really mean is LESS access to justice and a shift away from the rule of law.
The Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU)

The IPU is the international organization of Parliaments. It was created in 1889 on the initiative of two parliamentarians, William Randal Cremer (United Kingdom) and Frédéric Passy (France). In June 1889 the founding act of the Inter-Parliamentary Conference of the Union was signed. This provided the origins for today’s form of institutionalised multilateral co-operation and advocated the establishment of corresponding institutions at the inter-governmental level. In 1919 the League of Nations is established some 30 years after the IPU. By 1943 an IPU meeting in London established a European Sub-Committee. This Sub Committee is now known as the 12+ Group within which the British Group Inter Parliamentary Union (BGIPU) operates at Multilateral Assemblies.
Following the end of the second world war, the League of Nations morphed into the United Nations when the UN Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of 50 countries. In September 1975 Her Majesty the Queen addressed the inaugural ceremony of the IPU Assembly in London: In 1992 the Earth Charter also known as Agenda 21 is signed. In 1995 a cooperation agreement between the UN and the IPU is signed. On its website the IPU states that it ‘supports the efforts of and works in close co-operation with the United Nations, whose objectives it shares. The Union also co-operates with regional inter-parliamentary organizations, as well as with international intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations which are motivated by the same ideals’.
Worldwide there are there are currently 162 Members and 10 Associate Members of the Inter-Parliamentary Union.
Since its establishment the IPU has transformed itself from an association of individual parliamentarians into the international organization of the Parliaments of sovereign States. The IPU is financed primarily by its members out of public funds. The site of the Union’s Headquarters is Geneva (Switzerland).
The British Group of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (BGIPU)
In 2012 the website of the BGIPU revealed that:
The main stakeholders in the work of the BGIPU include the Speakers and senior officials of both Houses of the UK Parliament, all British Parliamentarians, APPGs and Inter-Parliamentary Groups of the British Parliament, particularly the UK Branch of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association.
For the benefit of readers the APPGs referred to are All Party Parliamentary Groups. These include groups such as the APPG United Nations Group and the APPG for World Governance.
If you still hold the mistaken belief that the Westminster Parliament represents the will of the British people please take note that:
The BGIPU works closely in cooperation with the IPU Secretary General and the staff of the IPU in Geneva and New York, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and other governmental and nongovernmental organisations, such as those comprising the United Nations key institutions and agencies. The BGIPU is also very keen to establish links with non-partisan think tanks, charities and membership’ organisations.
The 126th IPU Assembly took place in Kampala on 5 April 2012. One resolution unanimously adopted was entitled ‘REDISTRIBUTION OF POWER, NOT JUST WEALTH: OWNERSHIP OF THE INTERNATIONAL AGENDAS’.
The following extract from that resolution provides a flavour of the thinking and future direction of the IPU.
The 126th Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union
Believes that, notwithstanding the current financial and economic concerns, climate change, by far the greatest challenge facing humanity, should be consistently and effectively addressed through a fair, transparent and equitable process, fully engaging all sections of civil society and respecting the principles of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, in particular equity and common but differentiated responsibilities;
Calls for sustainable development to be given the highest political priority and welcomes the proposal of the Global Sustainability Panel in the context of Rio+20 to create a global sustainable development council;
Strongly encourages compliance with the requirements of equity and renewal of political commitment to sustainable development based on the Rio principles, both of which should be key objectives of Rio+20 and vital components of legitimate global governance;
Members of the UK delegation from the House of Commons included Mr Robert Walter MP Leader of the Delegation Conservative Party, Chairman of The British Group IPU, UK Representative to the 12+ Group; Rt Hon Ann Clwyd MP, Labour Party, Vice-Chair of The British Group IPU Executive Committee; Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP, Democratic Unionist Party; Mr Nigel Evans MP, Conservative Party, Deputy Speaker of The House Of Commons, UK Representative to the 12+ Group; Lord Faulkner of Worcester, Member of The House of Lords, Labour Party.

Members of the delegation from the House of Lords included: Lord Popat, Conservative Party; Lord Rennard MBE, Liberal Democrat Party and Lord Judd, Member of The House of Lords, Labour Party
Judd was a member of the Commission on Global Governance. The Commission was established in 1992 with the full support of United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali. It produced a report containing many controversial proposals ‘Our Global Neighbourhood’ in 1995. Sitting alongside Lord Judd in the Commission was Maurice Strong. Strong’s appointment as Secretary-General of the UN Conference on Environment and Development—best known as the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 had resulted in the UNs Agenda 21 programme being implemented by all states belonging to the UN system of Governance including the UK.
We have repeatedly exposed the covert activities of UN stealth agents Common Purpose within our institutions which include the Civil Service, Local Government, the NHS, The Police, and various Charities & Professional bodies. Through their activities in connection with the IPU our politicians have clearly abandoned their duty to represent the interests of their constituents preferring instead to act in compliance with an almost secret globalist agenda. The silence of our mainstream media signifies their complicity in this deception.